the EPA and all its glories

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The next morning, Silvia was woken up by police sirens outside their headquarters. She quickly put herself together to see what the problem was. Some red-headed man, a cop, and a guy in a hard hat were walking through headquarters as if they owned the place. So this must be that EPA dipshit Peter was talking about...

"Excuse me, excuse me! Just where do you think you're going?" Silvia said as she stood in front of the redhead.

"Step aside, or you'll be arrested for interfering with the police." The man said.

"Oh no, I know you can come in here without a warrant or a writ or something!" Silvia protested.

"Cease and Desist All Commerce order. Seizure of Premises. Ban on the use of Public Utilities for Non-Licensed Waste Handlers and a federal Entry and Inspection order." The man went on, holding up an orange packet full of papers, then walking right past Silvia, who chased after them to warn the others.

"Egon! I tried to stop them, they said they have a warrant!" Silvia shouted to Egon, who was trying to perform another test on Vinz/Louis.

"Excuse me, this is private property," Egon said.

"Shut this off. Shut these all off." The man demanded.

"I'm warning you, turning off these machines would be extremely hazardous," Egon warned them.

"I'll tell you what's hazardous. You're facing federal prosecution for at least a half-dozen environmental violations. Now either you shut these beams off or we shut them off for you." The redhead said.

"Try to understand this is a high-voltage laser containment system, simply turning it off would be like dropping a bomb on the city!" Egon protested, his arms out from his sides to keep them from getting to the storage unit, Silvia and Vinz.

"Don't patronize me! I'm not stupid, unlike the people you bilk!" The man yelled at Egon. Now, Silvia wasn't always a hothead, but with this redhead man, she could make an exception.

"At ease, officer. I'm Peter Venkman. There's been a misunderstanding and I want to cooperate in any way that I can." Peter said.

"Forget it, Venkman. You had your chance to cooperate but you thought it'd be more fun to insult me. Well, now it is my turn, wise-ass." The man said.

"He wants to shut down the protection grid," Egon said to Peter.

"You shut that thing down and we are not gonna be held responsible," Peter said.

"You'll be responsible. Shut it off." The man demanded once more.

"No, we won't be held responsible!" Peter shouted. "Don't shut it off! I'm warning you."

"I've never seen anything like this before, I don't know-" the man in the hard hat began to say, but was quickly interrupted.

"Yeah, I'm not interested in your opinion. Just shut it off." The man told him.

"My friend, don't be a jerk," Peter said to the hard hat guy.

"Step aside." The cop said to Peter, pushing him back.

"If he does that again, you can shoot him," Redhead says, Silvia scoffed to herself. What a dick!

"You do your job pencil-neck, don't tell me how to do mine." The cop said to the redhead man.

"More like pencil-dick.." Silvia said under her breath, making Egon chuckle.

"Shut it off!" The redheaded man shouted. The hard hat guy went to go shut it off as Egon, Vinz, and Silvia walked away. Egon made a 'ka-boom' gesture with his hands at Peter. As soon as the hard hat idiot shut it off, the lights went dark and a deep alarm could be heard, the light instead of being green, was red. Silvia immediately sprinted up the stairs to grab her snake. Egon followed close behind, grabbing Silvia's hand and sprinting out the doors of headquarters with her and the snake (and everyone else following behind them).

"Clear the building!!" Egon yelled to everyone, Silvia squeezing his hand tighter. The roof of Ghostbusters headquarters blew off, leaving it roofless. Ray and Winston pulled up in the Ecto-1, they were quick to step out of the car and start asking questions.

"What happened??" Ray asked.

"Storage faculty blew, he shut off the protection grid," Egon answered, still holding onto Silvia's hand.

"Oh great," Ray muttered.

"That's bad, isn't it?" Winston asked.

"Well no shit, Sherlock!!" Silvia shouted over the police sirens angrily.

"Where's the Keymaster?" Peter asked.

"Shit!" Egon said as the five of them began searching.

"Who's the Keymaster?" Ray asked. As they ran, Egon bumped into pencil-neck (or pencil-dick as Silvia likes to call him) again.

"Hold it! I want this man arrested!" Pencil-dick shouted.

"For what, you Royal Dick-face?!!" Silvia shouted as she tried to protect her friends, snake, and sanity at the same time. Scratch sanity, we lost that years ago.

"After these men are in criminal violation of the Environmental Protection Act, and this explosion is a direct result of it!" Pencil-dick shouted at them. Silvia could practically see the smoke coming out of Egons ears. Guess I'm not the only hothead here. That's nice to know.

"YOUR MOTHER!!" Egon yells, launching himself at Pencil-dick so he could fight him. Silvia, Winston, Peter, and Ray had to practically drag Egon away from the man so he didn't end up with bloody knuckles.

"Egon, I know you're mad, and trust me, I want to kill him right now too! But for the sake of everyone's sanity, GET IT TOGETHER!" Silvia snapped at him, placing Twinkie, who was wrapped around her arm the entire time, around Egons neck. It usually freaked people out, and luckily it worked. Egon immediately stiffened up, he liked seeing snakes behind cages, not on him. Silvia sat him down on a park bench near the now roofless headquarters. Then they saw a bunch of cops walking towards them with handcuffs out and ready.

"Ray, are you okay with holding my snake real quick so we can all be arrested?" Silvia asked nonchalantly.

"Sure, Silvia," Ray said, giving her a sarcastic smile. The five of them were separated into two different police cars, Peter, Ray, and Winston in one, Silvia, and Egon in the other.

"Sorry about that back there, he got on my metaphorical nerves," Egon said.

"It's okay, if I was you, I would've probably done the same thing," Silvia said, resting her head on Egons shoulder. Egon didn't know what to do, so he rested his head on hers throughout the whole car ride to the police station. Well, at least I can say I've been to jail now... Silvia thought to herself. I'm probably gonna lose this bet, too.

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