waiting on a miracle (a miracleeee)

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Ps: the title-if you know, you know. (it's from an Encanto song lol)


Silvia sat between the window in the backseat of their Ghost-mobile and Egon awkwardly. Is it always this silent when they're going on a mission or is it just because I'm here?

"How did you guys come across this car anyway?" Silvia asked.

"Ray found it in an old abandoned junkyard around here and decided to fix it up and turn it into our transportation," Egon replied.

"Does it have a name or can I call it the Ghost-mobile? 'Cause I feel like I'm in the Scooby Doo Mystery Machine." Silvia added on.

"Ghost-mobile sounds more exciting than 'Ecto-1', so sure," Ray said. Silvia nodded, then returned to looking out the window as cars passed by. The car slowed as it pulled into the garage of an old firehouse. It was old and creepy, but it suited their business. They all got out of the car and went inside, Silvia waited by the receptionist's desk.

"Is there a receptionist here?" Silvia asked curiously.

"There was until she quit because she didn't like the pay." Peter groaned.

"What a shame," Egon said in a flat, monotone voice.

"The old receptionist had a small thing for him, but who wouldn't blame her right?" Peter said, elbowing you knowingly, but Silvia just rolled her eyes. Ray and Peter shared a look, then looked at Silvia.

"What?" Silvia said.

"Why don't you be our new receptionist? Even though you have your case, but still." Ray said. Silvia thought about it for a moment, considering everything, including the bet. I'm broke and I do need a job...

"I would, but I think the excessive amount of calls would stress me out, and I can't work under pressure. I mean, I can, but I still get all nervous." Silvia answered. Then Peter and Ray shared looks again, nodding before Peter spoke.

"Why don't you become one of us then?" Peter suggested.

"I'm sorry. A female Ghostbuster? With how society is right now, I don't think so. People are judgemental and cruel." Silvia answered quickly.

"Society is unfavorable and inadequate," Egon says from his desk, Silvia looking over to see him working on one of the mini-refrigerator backpacks.

"Okay then... Don't say I didn't warn you when your business gets backlash." Silvia warned the three of them, putting her hands up in the air. "I didn't think I'd believe in ghosts and get a job in one day, but here we are."

"I'm ordering food to celebrate our first official client," Ray said as he went to the phone, Silvia giving him a thumbs up. She then walks over to the couch and flops down onto it, sighing heavily. This is one evening I'll never forget, that's for sure.


After the Chinese food was delivered, they all sat around a table and began to eat their food as they celebrated their 'first client', as they put it. As Silvia ate, her leg was bouncing up and down from anxiety and nervousness. For what? She didn't know, but before they started eating, she got introduced to Janine, the receptionist that just got hired (I forgot to put this in earlier lol, but there was one before Janine but she quit bc she hated it lol. That isn't a part of the actual script of the movie, just something I made up). Janine was super nice to her, and Silvia always knew that there was would be a female she could talk to about... girl talk.

Meanwhile, Egon was eating and fixing one of the ghost traps at the same time. Does this guy ever take a break for himself? Silvia's thoughts were interrupted when an alarm rang throughout headquarters. The four exchanged looks, then they all quickly stood up and slid down the fire pole. Well, except for Peter and Egon. Egon was fixing his tie and Peter was taking his food with him. Silvia quickly found an extra of their outfit and put it over her normal clothes, then slipped on her sneakers afterward. After they were done, they rushed to the scene, which was a fancy hotel. All four of them walked in through the doors, looking like the Brady Bunch, ghost-busting version.

"Has anyone seen any ghosts here?!" Peter shouted out. Silvia facepalmed, Egon and Ray shaking their heads.

"Yes thank you for showing up." A man dressed in a full tux says to them. "I'd rather we keep this quiet."

"Yes, we'll try and be as discreet about this as possible," Silvia responded. The man thanked them, and the group then walked to the elevator.

"What are you guys supposed to be?" A man waiting for the elevator asks.

"Uh, exterminators. Cockroach incident." Peter answered.

"Must've been some cockroach." The man replies, looking at them up and down. Well, to be more specific, looking at Silvia up and down. Egon was the only one besides her that took notice of this.

"Piss off creep, before you're bug-sprayed next," Silvia says. Before she could enter the elevator with the others, she flat-tired his shoe, quickly slipping into the elevator so she wasn't caught.

"Hey, you son of a-!" The man said. As the elevator doors were closing, Silvia flipped him off, which made the others laugh. Ray suddenly stops laughing, realizing something.

"You know, it's just occurred to me we haven't had a fully successful test of this equipment," Ray says. Yikes.

"I blame myself," Egon says.

"Yeah so do I," Peter says, agreeing with Egon. Silvia shook her head at the three of them. Even though they're smart men, they're still men...

After they get onto the twelfth floor where the ghost was sighted, the four of them scoped out the area.

"Ray and I will look through these hallways. You two look over there." Peter says, giving her a 'haha I'm gonna win this bet' look. Silvia sighed and shook her head as she continued to walk beside Egon through the silent hallways. Do I have small talk with him? No, that would make things even more awkward. Wait, why am I contemplating talking to Egon when I should be looking for... anything, clues maybe? Fuck, I'm getting distracted-

"This food cart was trashed and there's green slime on some of the cutlery." Egon points out to Silvia, who had just stopped zoning out.

"Oh, uh, really?" Silvia said, trying to snap back into reality. She stepped closer to the food cart, which had food and broken pieces of the plate all over, covered in some green goo.

"Guys... he's right in front of me," Peter said over the radio.

"Ugly little spud isn't he?" Ray comments.

"I think he can hear you," Peter adds. The next thing they heard was Peter's scream, then the radio shutting off.

"Venkman? Venkman!!" Ray says on the radio. Egon and Silvia look at each other as if to say, oh fuck.

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