arrested..again. what a shocker.

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Ray opened the entrance from the sewers onto the streets, all four of them covered in slime head to toe.

"Nice going Ray. What're you trying to do, drown me?" Winston said.

"Oh yeah, Zeddermore! Like it was my fault! But you were too stupid not to drop that plumb line!!" Ray shouted at Winston.

"Stupid? You better watch your mouth or I'll punch your lights out!!" Winston shouted back.

Silvia audibly gasped for air as she and Egon climbed out of the sewers together. "All those kinetic tests? For what?! For us to end up slimed in a river!!" Silvia said.

"Hey, those tests weren't stupid! They helped us out a lot!" Egon shouted.

"Oh really? While I stand on the sidelines watching you do your little eighth-grade science experiments?! I have no idea what the hell you're doing half the time, and all I want to do is help, but nooo! Because little brainiac must have his own space to work, Mr. Independent!!" Silvia shouted.

"Well excuse me for caring about you!! I do those experiments by myself first so that way you don't end up hurt!" Egon shouted back. "Wait, wait, stop-!" Before poor Egon could even finish his sentence, Silvia punched him in the nose. Silvia thought for a moment, then realized. It's the slime-

"Everybody take off your clothes, quick! It's the slime that's making us go berserk!" Silvia shouted. Everyone had pajamas on underneath their outfits because of how cold it was, so they got lucky. "Oh shit!! Egon, my love I'm so sorry!"

"It's not your fault, I'm okay," Egon said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Silvia was quick to find a Hot Dog stand; she stole some napkins, quickly wiping the blood off his face.

"Oh dear, Ray. What're we doin'? I was ready to kill you." Winston said.

"It's the stuff. It's like pure, concentrated evil!" Ray said.

"And it's all flowing right to this spot," Silvia said.

"Holy shit, what did you do Silvia? Why is there blood on your hands??" Ray asked.

"Because the slime made us argue and I sort of...kind of.. punched him in the face.." Silvia looked down at the ground in shame.

"Well, you were right. I always leave you in the dark when it comes to my experiments, and I'm sorry." Egon said as he hugged Silvia close to his chest.

"So you're admitting I'm right?" Silvia smiled smugly.

"Yes, I am," Egon said.

"This is very cute and all, but we need to go and tell Peter this news," Winston said.

"Right," Silvia said as they all ran to the restaurant where Dana and Peter were eating peacefully. Not for very long, anyway.


"Are you sure this is it?" Winston asked.

"Yeah, he said Arnold's restaurant," Ray answered.

"Excuse me-" A man said to them as he gave all four of them weird looks.

"Sorry, we're with a friend of ours," Egon said. Silvia looked around the restaurant for Peter and Dana.

"Venkman!" Ray shouted as he pointed to him. "It's absolutely incredible! The greatest tangible evidence of psychic energy.." Ray's voice trailed off as everyone was shouting and yelling at Peter at the same time.

"Boys and girls, you're scaring the straights, okay?! Is there any way we can do this tomorrow?!" Peter asked.

"No, no! This won't wait until tomorrow, Venkman. It's hot, and it's ready to pop!" Egon shouted.

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