visiting with the gang...and Peter.

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Dana quickly got up as she heard a knock on the door. She opened it to see Ray's face first.

"Hi, Dana." Ray smiled.

"Hi Ray, how good to see you. Thanks for coming." Dana said.

"Hey, no problems. Always glad to help. And hug!" Ray said.

"Hello, Dana," Egon said.

"Hi, Egon," Dana said as they shook hands.

"Hello, Dannaaa!" Silvia said enthusiastically, giving her a big hug.

"Hey, Silv, how're things going?" Dana asked, her eyes darting back and forth between her and Egon.

"Things are going wonderful," Silvia said. "Uh, I-"

"Well I know I'm just asking for the big hurt but I thought I'd give us one more chance," Peter said as he burst through the door. Silvia mouthed 'sorry' to Dana, she just shook her head and smiled. We're not dead yet.

"He tortured me, he pulled my ears!" Ray complained.

"Hello, Peter," Dana said.

"Hello, Dana," Peter said, a grin on his face.

"So, what would you like to do first?" Dana asked.

"We'd like to examine the baby first," Egon said.

"Yeah, and anything associated with the baby, especially stuffed toys, things with fabric," Silvia added, Ray nodding in agreement.

"And we'd like to see the buggy," Egon said (I had to look up what the word buggy meant, it's just another word for stroller/carriage).

"All right, can I put him here?" Dana said as the sitter handed her the baby and pointed to the table.

"This'll be fine," Egon said.

"We'll have to lay him down flat," Ray said, the three of them taking off their coats.

"We'll do a cursory medical examination," Egon said.

"What do you say? Gamel and Pross Infant Acuity Test?" Ray asked.

"Sounds good. We'll finish with an Apgar score." Egon replied.

"It's nothing that's gonna hurt him, right?" Dana asked.

"Oh, no I don't think so. He'll be fine."
Silvia said. Meanwhile, Peter played with Dana's cello like it was a guitar. Egon rolled his eyes a bit, not saying anything.

"You ever done this before?" Ray asked.

"On a chimp," Egon said.

"And where was I? I thought you said we did experiments together." Silvia scolded. Egon averted her gaze, but that only got him a minor slap upside the head.


"Okay, the subject is a male Caucasian, approximately.." Ray said as he looked at the baby, whose name was Oscar.

"Twenty-four inches," Egon said as he measured him with a tape measure.

"Twenty-four inches in length. The subject weighs approximately eighteen pounds and is about eight months old. Okay, ocular?" Ray said.

Egon held a mini flashlight in front of Oscar's eyes. "Pupillary response normal."

"Auditory," Ray said, Silvia and Egon snapping their fingers Oscar looked around, not a thought behind his eyes.

"Appears normal," Egon said.

"Apillary reflex," Ray said, to which they started tickling Oscar next, Oscar giggling a bit.

"Appears to be ticklish," Egon said.

"Yep, baby ticklish." Ray smiled at Oscar.

"You appear to be a very normal baby, little one," Silvia said in a baby voice as she picked up Oscar, who started laughing and giggling as she held him; Egon smiled at this.

"Well, I may have a lot of personal problems, but I'm a total professional when it comes to my job," Peter said as he finished up a conversation with Dana.

"Ha! That's funny, Peter." Silvia said as she set Oscar back down.

"Hey, Egon," Peter said.

"What?" Egon asked as he looked up at him with what looked like a mini magnifying glass attached to his head. Peter looked into it, Egon flinching and taking it off.

"What are we doing?" Peter asked.

"He seems to be fine, Dana," Egon said, not responding to Peter's questions.

"Mm-hm. He's very healthy." Dana replied.

"When he does sleep, where do you put him?" Ray asked.

"Right around here, I'll show you," Dana said as Egon, Ray, and Silvia packed up their equipment to follow Dana to Oscar's room.

"Venkman, would you get a stool specimen please?" Egon said, handing him a little container.

"Business or personal?" Peter said. Egon looked back at him. He's so done with everyone-

"It's a little messy.." Dana said as she picked some toys up.

"Well, we don't wanna play with anything, we just wanna sweep for valences," Ray said, scanning a stuffed yellow triceratops toy with the PKE meter.

"Mm. Very cheerful. My parents didn't believe in toys." Egon said.

"You're lucky. My parents made my room the color pink, they wanted me to be as, quote-unquote, 'girly' as possible." Silvia said. "Nice try, mom and dad."

"Help! He's gone completely berserk. Help!" Peter shouted from the other room. Dana quickly rushed out of Oscar's room to go check on them.

"Uh-oh." Ray, Egon, and Silvia said in unison. Egon shook one of Oscar's baby rattles up to his ear, listening to the rattling sound.

"You mean you never even had a slinky?" Ray asked.

"We had part of a Slinky. But I straightened it." Egon said.

"I tried to eat mine," Silvia said, which made Ray and Egon look at her weirdly. "What? Two-year-old me thought it was multicolored spaghetti!"


Ray slid out from underneath Oscar's crib with the PKE meter. "Nothing," Ray said.

"So, what, brainiac?" Peter asked Egon.

"I'd like to run some gynecological tests on the mother," Egon said.

"Who wouldn't?" Peter said.

"For scientific purposes only, señor." Silvia looked at Egon.

"Let's check the street," Ray said, the others nodding. They all grabbed their coats and followed Dana as she explained where the carriage had stopped. The five of them walked out to the crosswalk where Dana said it stopped, the PKE meter and gigameter in hand.

"I think we hit the honeypot," Ray said. "There's something brewing underneath the street. I've got 1118 on the PKE."

"Two-point-five GEVs on the gigameter," Egon said.

"Well, what does that mean?" Dana asked. Egon and Ray looked at each other, Egon raising his eyebrows at Ray.

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