what the actual fawk is happening-

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I can't choose titles for my chapters for the life of me so sorry if some of these are super random 🤠🫠

After a couple of minutes, Silvia and Egon heard Ray's voice over the radio.

"I found Venkman! He came into physical contact with the ghost!" Ray says excitedly.

"It slimed me," Peter added.

"That's great, save me some," Egon said. By the time Ray had found Peter, they were in the ballroom, still looking around.

"So far I don't see anything," Silvia said. She spoke too soon, the green, slimy ghost appeared from under one of the many tables. But before they could get rid of the ghost flew away and disappeared. Ray used his Ecto-goggles to see the ghost.

"It's circling the chandelier," Ray says. The four of them take out their particle throwers, switching them on.

"Wait. There's something very important I forgot to tell you." Egon says to the three of them.

"What?" Ray asked.

"Don't cross the streams," Egon states.

"Why?" Silvia asked.

"It could be bad," Egon says.

"I'm fuzzy on the whole good-bad thing. What do you mean bad?" Peter says.

"Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light," Egon explains.

"Total protonic reversal.." Ray says.

"That's bad? Okay, all right, important safety tip, thanks Egon." Peter says, patting his shoulder. Silvia held the bridge of her nose with her index and middle finger. He couldn't have told us this sooner??!! Silvia had no time to rethink her life choices before she exploded though because she saw the green ghost flying around the gigantic glass chandelier. Ray uses his Ecto-goggles to see the ghost. The four of them pulled out their particle throwers and aimed them at the chandelier, the ghost reappearing when they fired them. After several hits from the particle throwers, the chandelier fell from the ceiling, glass shattering onto the floor.

"If anyone asks, again, it was the ghost's fault," Silvia said. Egon and Peter were still shooting at the ghost, who had gone behind the bar to hide. Peter was quick to turn his stream off, but Egon was still trying to work the particle thrower, so it ruined the wooden bar and some of the glass cups on the shelves behind the bar.

"Woah, woah, woah! Nice shootin', Tex." Peter exclaimed. Egon turned and looked at Silvia, who had her hand over her mouth so he couldn't see her snickering. Egon saw her laughing but laughed under his breath to himself. Silvia shot her stream at the ghost, successfully catching it in the stream. Ray grabbed the trap and placed it under the ghost.

"Someone help me, god damn it!!" Silvia shouted. Egon and Peter were quick to help her with trying to capture the ghost into the trap.

"Shorten your stream Peter, I don't want my face burned off!" Egon shouted at Peter, who immediately turned wide-eyed.

"I'm opening the trap now, don't look directly into it!" Ray warns us, but Egon glances down at the trap, not as instructed.

"I looked at the trap, Ray!" Egon said. You had one job... Silvia thought to herself.

"Turn your streams off as soon as I close the trap!" Ray says as the three of them brought the ghost closer to the trap. As the ghost aligned with the trap, Ray opened it with a foot pedal, sucking the ghost into the trap as the streams shut off. The four of them look at each other. Peter kicks at the trap, the ghost inside making it move a little. Egon stoops down to the trap to pick it up.

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