swimming in the slime

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"Pete it's great that you're here! We've got incredible news." Ray says as he steps out of the Ecto-1 along with the others.

"Can I have one try? All-you-can-eat barbecue rib night at the Sizzler." Peter said. Always thinking about food.

"No, we analyzed the photos you took of Vigo. The spectrogram shows a river of slime flowing behind him." Egon explained.

"Just like I saw underground. Now we're going into the subway and sewer system to see if we can trace the source of the flow." Ray explained.

"Yeah, come on, change your clothes. We'll wait for you." Egon said.

"Yeah, Smartie over here thinks there might even be a tremendous breeding surge in the cockroach population," Silvia said.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" Dana said as she stepped out of the hotel, linking arms with Peter.

"Dana, the boys, and the female are going down into the sewer to check for slime stuff, and Egon thinks there may even be a huge surge in cockroach breeding. Wanna blow off this dinner thing and go with them?" Peter asked Dana, who was visibly confused and sort of disgusted at the same time. Dana walked away from Peter with a smile and hailed a taxi.

"Women, huh?" Peter says before walking away towards Dana.


"Will you watch your step?!" Winston says as they walk the train tracks, their hard hats with mini flashlights being their only source of light. "I hate this."

"According to this old transit map, there should be an entrance anywhere along here somewhere," Ray says as he looks at the map.

"I'm not getting anything yet," Egon says, looking at the gigameter. "What about you?"

"Nothing." Silvia shows him the PKE meter. "Well, at least it's too dark to see the cockroaches."

"Forget about cockroaches. It's the subway rats you gotta worry about. Big as beavers." Ray said, eyeing Egon, knowing that they were about to tease the crap out of her. She could handle ghosts, big bugs, and rats were a no.

"Yeah, some of 'em go to four or five kilos." Egon smiled evilly.

"Hey, that's enough out of you!" Silvia said to them.

"Listen, you hear them behind the walls scratching? There must be thousands of them." Ray teased.

"Just shut up about the rats, will you??" Silvia said, slapping Peter and Egon upside the head. Winston was safe though, he kept quiet because he knew he would suffer the same wrath.

"Hello!!!" Peter said, his voice echoing down through the tunnel.

"Hey!" Egon shouted, his voice echoing as well.

"Helloo!!" Winston shouted, but after his yell, there was no echo.

"Winston..." An unknown voice said, everyone's smiles faded away in horror.

"Now see what you did!" Silvia said, elbowing him.

"Okay, I'm out of here!" Winston said. As he turned back around, a head without eyes that had yellow teeth appeared. Winston screamed as more heads appeared around them, all were stuck to sticks of some kind or just floating around. As they all screamed in terror, they all suddenly disappeared. Silvia still horrified as ever, clung tightly onto Egons arm and kept her eyes closed.

"What the.." Winston said as he looked around.

"Before we go any further I think we should get our proton packs," Egon said. "It's okay now, they're all gone."

"Are you positive??" Silvia asked.

"Yes, I'm positive," Egon said. Silvia opened her eyes and sighed in relief when she saw nothing. She still clung onto his arm though, just for precaution. They held hands as best they could, seeing that the orange rubber gloves they were wearing made things weird. "I feel like we're about to get eaten by Pennywise in these yellow raincoats." As they continued to walk, everyone stopped all of a sudden as they listened to the faint sound of a train going down the tracks.

"What's that?" Winston asked. "It sounded like a train."

"No, really? I thought it was a car." Silvia said sarcastically.

"Uh-uh. These lines have been abandoned for fifty years." Ray said. Winston nodded, and then they continued to walk. They all stopped again as they heard the halting of a train on the tracks.

"Probably in one of the tunnels above us," Egon said.

"I don't know. Sounds awfully close to me." Winston said as he and Egon looked up at the ceiling of the tunnel. As their glances lowered, a train came closer to them as the whistle blew. A ghost train? Interesting. The four of them screamed as they scrambled to get off the tracks.

"Winston! Move your ass off the tracks!!" Silvia yelled, but Winston froze in place out of sheer panic. The train passed right through him as Winston continued to scream. Egon, Silvia, and Ray had managed to jump off the tracks and onto a platform, landing in a dog pile.

"I think that was the old New York Central city of Albany! Derailed in 1920, killed hundreds of people. Did you catch the number on the locomotive?" Egon asked Winston as he stood up to help his friend.

"Sorry. I missed it." Winston said.

"Something's trying to stop us, we must be close," Silvia said.

"Where's Ray?" Winston asked as Egon and Silvia looked around to see where Ray might've gone.

"Ray??" Egon called out.

"Ray, where are you?!" Silvia shouted, her voice echoing.

"Guys!!" Ray shouted from behind them, which scared the shit out of Silvia. She thought it was one of those body-less heads again. "Oh, sorry guys. I found it!"

"What?" Egon asked.

"Right here, there's a hole!" Ray pointed towards it. They all climbed through it to see the big river of pink oozing slime Ray had described earlier.

"Unbelievable. Do you know how much negative energy it must've taken to generate a flow this size?" Egon said.

"Hey, New York! What a town." Winston said.

"Alright, let's see how deep it is," Silvia said. Winston pulled out some cable and threw it into the slime.

"Six feet...twelve feet.. something's pulling it," Winston said.

"Hold on!" Egon said.

"I'm trying!" Winston said. The four of them fumbled as they tried to help Winston stay on land and not go swimming in the slime, but it was too late. The slime pulled him into the river. Luckily he was okay, but the other three gave each other looks of "oh crap."

"You ready to go swimming??" Silvia shouted to Egon as she grabbed his hand.

"Not really!" He shouted back.

"Too bad!" Silvia said. They held each other's hands tightly as they used their free hands to plug their noses; they jumped into the slime and were sent down the river.

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