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(Y/n's POV)

It's a bright day, and the sun is blinding me as I hurriedly race to the cafe. I knew I shouldn't have begun my day watching Miraculous. It's already ten till eleven, and I'm running late. I dash through the park while jumping over bushes, benches, and even a cute fluffy white dog. It's my first week of work since I turned fourteen, and I can't let them down!

I decide to take a short cut through the alleys. As I hop from bin to bin and climb up pipes, I silently thank my mother for making me take those parkour lessons when I was younger.

My destination comes into view, and I breathe a sigh of relief as I look down at my watch and see that I have five minutes to spare. I slowly start to cross the main road that passes by the cafe. I'm only a few feet away from the other side when I hear someone scream in terror. I turn around and spot a tiny boy with brown hair and brown eyes, who can't be more then eight years old, standing in the middle of the street.

He's reaching for a soccer ball, which is also rolling down the street. The fact that he lost his ball isn't the problem. The problem is that the soccer ball, along with the boy, are heading straight toward a truck. When the boy spots the truck, he immediately drops the ball and starts crying. Without thinking I rush over to the boy and gently, but with hast, push the boy out of the street.

A few seconds later, the sickening sound of bones breaking travels throughout the air. An excruciating pain explodes throughout my entire body as the truck slams into me. The impact causes me to be flung across the road. Through the pain, I can tell that I'm lying on something soft and yet somewhat prickly. The force from the truck must have sent me flying into the grass.

I can see the faint outline of people as they gather around me and hear the continuously loud sound of sirens in the distance growing ever closer as I fight to keep my eyes open. Based on the amount of pain that's radiating throughout my body, I'm guessing that almost every bone in my body is crushed. I'm only fourteen, and I shouldn't be dying this young! I think about my family and friends that will miss me when I'm gone. Despite the immense amount of pain and the fact that I'm dying, a small smile finds its way onto my face. I might be dying, but thanks to me, that little boy will get to live a long, happy life. These are my last thoughts before the sounds around me grow quiet, my eyes close, and the pain leaves my body.


Hey, everyone!!

I've been wanting to write a story like this for a while, and I finally decided to do it. I know this chapter is short and depressing, but the next one will be longer and happier.

I'll try to update this regularly. If you liked this chapter, please vote or comment so I know you enjoyed it. Any feedback is helpful!! Have a great day/night!!

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