Mr. Pigeon

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"I'm glad you managed to get your feather," I tell Marinette as we sit down on the bus.

"Me too," Marinette sighs in relief, finally able to stop rushing around.

"Your hat looks amazing. I love the feathers," I tell Marinette and then giggle to myself. Part of me feels bad that poor Adrien is going to be sneezing so much later on.

"Thanks, Gina, that means a lot to me," Marinette smiles, her eyes shining with pride. Her smiles quickly turns into a frown, however, when the bus suddenly stops. I fully expect it to start up again, and when it doesn't, I know we have a problem. "Come on, can't we go any faster?" Marinette cries out after the bus shows no signs of moving any time soon.

I struggle to keep up with Marinette as she hastily stands and makes her way to the front of the bus. "Sorry, folks," the driver of the bus apologizes, "we have a situation. You'll need to get off the bus now."

Marinette follows the bus driver's instructions but shouts in distress as soon as she exits the bus. Pigeons are completely surrounding the bus. In fact, pigeons are surrounding the entire city. They're perched on the tall buildings, on the street signs, and every visible wire. It almost looks as if the pigeons own the city, and the humans are the imposters.

"Ah, this is weird," Marinette comments as she makes her way through the flock of pigeons, being very careful not to trample any.

"If I had to guess, I'd say this is the work of an akuma," I suggest to Marinette, hoping to point her in the right direction. If Mr. Pigeon is on the loose, he needs to be stopped.

Suddenly the news comes on and confirms my fear. "Pigeons have taken over Paris," the news reporter announces. "This is just one of the alarming situations giving authority cause for major concern."

I watch with worry as Marinette's eyes widen with shock and a hint of fear. "Yes, I've just been told that someone named Mr. Pigeon is making an announcement," the reporter relays the information.

"Oh dreary day for Parisians," Mr. Pigeon announces from the top of the Eiffel Tower. "Sorry to ruffle your feathers, but Paris now belongs to the pigeons. Flap-flap!"

I nearly stumble forward from shock when Marinette takes off running. I chase after her until we're safely hidden in a tunnel, nearly tripping over a couple of the stairs in my hurry to catch up with her. "I think I know who that is, Marinette," I tell her
once I'm standing a few feet away.

"What?" she asks, confused. "How do you know that?"

"There's just something about him that seems familiar," I reply, being careful to only tell her half of the truth.

There's a long pause before she asks, "Who is it?"

"Mr. Ramier."

A quick nod shows that she believes me, and that makes me beyond happy. "I'll be careful," she assures me. Tikki flys out of her bag the moment she opens it. "Paris needs us. Tikki, spots on! Yeah!" The red light sparkles around us as Marinette transforms into her superhero self.

Before I have a chance to even blink, she's running through the subway, in search of Hawkmoth's latest victim. Oh, no! She does not get to abandon me like that! I may not have superhero abilities, but I'm part of the team regardless. There's no way I'm staying put. When have I ever in the past?

I don't fully run, but my pace is rushed as I hurry in the direction of the park. According to what I remember about this episode, Ladybug and Chat Noir should be there. Hopefully I can catch up with them.

The grass is very green, which makes sense since it just rained a day ago. The sky is clear, allowing the lovely shade of blue to be fully seen. If we have to battle an akumatized victim, at least it's a beautiful day to do so.

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