A Promise for the Future

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(Y/n's POV)

"Mylene?" Stoneheart calls as he stomps into the classroom.

Stoneheart grabs Mylene, causing everyone to scream in terror. "Let go of me, Ivan!" she demands.

"I'm not Ivan anymore. I'm Stoneheart," he replies in his now very deep voice.

"Why are you doing this?" Mylene asks, trying to hide her fear.

"So you and I can be together, forever!" he responds. It's a kind sentiment, although Mylene is shaking in fear.

Chloe then stupidly makes a phone call instead of remaining silent. "Daddy, the monster is back," she practically screams.

"You!" Stoneheart yells, spotting her. Picking her up and holding her tightly, he starts to walk away.

Since Chloe is always such a drama queen, she shouts, "Please, my hair." Stoneheart completely ignores her begging and kicks the wall, causing it to crumble into hundreds of pieces.

"Put us down, Ivan," I hear Mylene call before her voice is drowned out in the wind.

"Come on, let's follow him," Alya suggests, causing Marinette to freak out.

"Uh, oh no, you guys go," Marinette tells us. "I'm finding myself a safe place to hide."

"Girl, you're gonna miss Ladybug in action," Alya protests.

"I rather not get close to Stoneheart. I'll stay here with Marinette," I quickly say, coming up with an excuse.

"Okay, suit yourselves," Alya calls as she races away.

As soon as she's out of sight, I turn toward Marinette, who nervously chuckles as she rubs the back of her neck. "They need Ladybug, Marinette," I tell her in the nicest voice I can muster up.

"I'll only make things worse. They'll be better off without me," she declares, backing away.

"Marinette, you made a mistake. You can't let that mistake define you. You'll make an amazing superhero. You just have to have a little faith in yourself. I have faith in you," I give her a pep talk.

"Do you really believe I can do it?" she hesitantly asks.

I smile knowingly and respond in a firm voice, "I know you can."

"Okay, let's go," Marinette announces, taking off. I race after her, following her into the streets.

We make it outside just in time to see Chat Noir stop Alya from getting hit with a car. Since he's distracted by Alya, a Stonebeing manages to grab him, rendering him unable to fight.

"Let go, you rock-head!" Chat Noir shouts as he helplessly tries to free himself.

"Marinette, you have to help them!" I fervently tell her, grabbing onto her shoulders.

At the same time, Alya manages to climb out from underneath the fallen car and shouts, "Help!"

Becoming more determined than ever, Marinette grabs the Miraculous box and puts the earrings back in her ears, causing Tikki to reappear. "I think I need Ladybug!" Marinette exclaims once she sees her small friend.

"I knew you'd come around," Tikki joyfully cries.

"Well, I'm still not sure I'm up for this, but Alya's in danger," Marinette tells Tikki her reason for trying. "I can't sit back and do nothing. Tikki, spots on!" I watch in awe as a bright red light once again surrounds Marinette before she's fully dressed in her superhero outfit.

"You can do this, Ladybug!" I encourage her. Nodding in silent agreement, Ladybug uses her yo-yo to yank the car up, allowing Alya to crawl out from underneath it.

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