Giant Problems

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(Y/n's POV)

"The Stonebeings are scattered all over Paris. And for the time being, they're showing no signs of movement. Police have cordoned off the areas." I sigh as I continue to watch the depressing news. Every second I sit here and listen to the news talk about the poor people who are stuck as rock statues, I feel even worse about my mistake.

"I shouldn't have forgotten to warn her," I murmur, holding my head in my hands.

"We won't stop until we get these people back to their normal selves," the mayor swears to all of Paris, "but for now we're not making much headway."

"Paris is relying on our new guardian angels, Ladybug and Chat Noir to save us all. Our lives depend on them," Nadia remarks, still on the news.

"I'm sorry, Ladybug," I whisper, dramatically flopping onto my bed.


"Ladyblog: bringing you all the latest news about the coolest superhero, Ladybug," Alya mentions as she walks into school, Marinette and I trailing close behind. "How awesome is that? Check out the number of views since I posted the video!" she exclaims in excitement.

"That's amazing, Alya," I congratulate my friend.

"But why do you trust Ladybug so much?" Marinette suddenly asks, stopping me in my tracks. "All these Stonebeings..."

"She's gonna handle them," Alya declares without hesitation.

"But what if she's not really cut out to be a superhero even though everyone thinks she is?" Marinette questions, looking sad and dejected.

"What're you talkin' about, girl?" Alya wonders, confused as to why Marinette would ask something like that. "Oh, I get it," Alya gasps and Marinette looks as if she's about to faint. "I know what this is about."

I feel as if I have to interject, so I quickly add, "Yeah, she's obviously scared about the possibility of hundreds of the Stonebeings coming to life, right Alya?"

"Of course!" Alya agrees, flashing a smile. "Don't be, though. I've seen her with my own two eyes, girl. Ladybug is a true superheroine. She's gonna protect us all! I believe in her."

"I do, too," I add, feeling as if Marinette needs the support.

"So you really didn't remember anything?" I suddenly hear Alix ask. I turn around and spot a group of my classmates questioning Ivan.

"You were totally going ballistic. It was so cool," Juleka adds, and I can already see this turning into a bad situation.

"You were seriously out to crush me, dude," Kim reminds the already embarrassed Ivan. I spot Mylene standing off to the side, and I suddenly get angry at every one of the people talking to Ivan. All he wants is to tell Mylene he loves her! Why can't his classmates just leave him alone?!

"I'm sorry. I wasn't myself," Ivan apologizes, looking overwhelmed by the questions and comments being thrown at him.

"Once a monster, always a monster," Chloe remarks, casually leaning against a pole. This causes Ivan to get angry and storm out of the gymnasium. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out," Chloe calls after him.

I've had enough! I stomp over to Chloe and stare at her with the most menacing glare I can muster. "Nobody could ever be a bigger monster than you, Chloe," I state.

Her expression filling with rage and her indignant yelp causes me to smile in joy, knowing I got under her skin. "Hey!"

"Yeah, how could you say that to Ivan? You're the real Stoneheart," Alya backs me up.

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