Celebrating a Birthday

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(Y/n's POV)

The school bell rings right as I walk up the school steps. "Hey, Marinette, Alya," I greet my two besties, who are whispering amongst themselves. "What's going on?"

"It's Adrien's birthday today, and Marinette was just telling me how she made a scarf for him," Alya tells me, causing me to freeze in horror. It's Adrien's birthday?! How could I have forgotten?! I sigh, forcing myself to calm down.

"That's a wonderful idea, Marinette," I praise her. I'm glad Marinette is finally warming up to Adrien. She really didn't like him after the chewing gum incident, but I explained everything to her. While she doesn't have a huge crush on him like she's supposed to, which I'm guessing has something to do with the fact that I talked to Adrien out in the rain instead of her, she's slowly starting to become his friend.

"What did you get him?" Marinette suddenly asks me.

"Oh, uh, I can't tell you because then it wouldn't be a surprise," I quickly come up with an excuse.

"I'm pretty sure that only works with the person who's receiving the gift," Alya notes.

"Does it?" I ask, pretending to be confused. "Oh, well. Anyway, you should go give him your present now, Marinette."

"Oh, right!" Marinette remembers. Alya and I closely follow her as she walks up to Adrien.

"Hey, Marinette," Adrien greets once he sees her.

"Oh, um, hi, Adrien," Marinette hesitantly responds. "I, um, just wanted to give you a gift I made for you," she says, handing him her beautifully wrapped present.

"Wow, thank you so much, Marinette," Adrien exclaims once he sees her scarf. I watch as he smiles and places it around his neck.

"Looking stylish," I comment, approaching Adrien.

"Thanks. You're looking very pretty yourself, Gina," Adrien mentions, and I swear I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"Well, um, I'll see you in class," I quickly tell him before racing off.

School starts a few minutes after I sit down. I end up spending the entire day thinking about what I could possibly give Adrien. I'm about to give up because when the bell rings to indicate that school is over for the day, I still haven't come up with anything. It's then that I remember the episode where Marinette gives Adrien her charm bracelet. An idea flashes through my mind, and I hastily stand up. After grabbing my binder, I race out of the school building and run all the way home.

As soon as I reach my house, I pull out my multiple containers of beads and string, which I keep underneath my bed for times such as this. I set right to work and only stop for a small snack break. It takes two hours, but by the time I'm finished, I'm holding a beautiful blue and green beaded bracelet. Since I don't believe in bad luck, I'm giving this to him as a friendship bracelet instead of a good luck charm.

I quickly place the bracelet in a birthday bag and cover it with bright red tissue paper before leaving my house, intent on hunting down Adrien and giving him his present. Obviously, the first place that comes to mind is his house, being that he lives there and all. I quietly hum as I happily make my way over to Adrien's house. I'm a bit worried about Adrien's father, but I know how to deal with him. When I arrive at his house, which is more like a mansion, I'm surprised to see a sulking Nino standing outside the gate. I wonder what he's doing here until I remember what's supposed to happen soon. This is the first time that I'm remembering Bubbler since I've come to this universe. I can't let what happened to Ivan happen to Nino. This time, I've got to prevent him from being akumatized.

"Hey, Nino," I greet. "What's wrong?"

"I tried to convince Adrien's old man that Adrien deserves a birthday party, but he turned me down and said that I'm a bad influence on Adrien," Nino tell me, a sad expression lingering on his face.

I pretend to gasp in shock, and I place my hand on Nino's shoulder. "Adrien's father might be famous, but that doesn't mean he's right about everything. He's wrong about not having a birthday party, and he's definitely wrong about you," I tell Nino, thinking about how Gabriel is Hawk Moth. Speaking of Hawk Moth, I know everybody from my original universe would be confused as to why I haven't outed Gabriel Agreste yet. The truth is that I thought about it a lot before realizing that it would cause a ton of problems if I did that. It would reveal my secret, it's likely that nobody would believe me, Gabriel Agreste is famous and people would probably think that I'm trying to falsely accuse him, and it would break Adrien's heart. I know that Ladybug and Chat Noir are going to have to stop him eventually, but I'm going to wait to say anything until later on.

"Thanks, Gina," Nino replies before walking off. I can tell that he's still sad, but I hope I said enough to make him realize that he doesn't need to get revenge. I'd go after him if it weren't for the fact that I'm holding Adrien's present.

I inhale deeply, trying to shake off my nerves, before pressing the doorbell. A few seconds later, a camera comes out of the wall and Natalie's voice asks, "Yes?"

"Hi, there. I'm from Adrien's class, and I heard that it's his birthday. I made him a gift, and I just came by to give it to him," I explain. It feels weird talking to a camera.

"Put it in the box," Natalie instructs.

"Actually, I was hoping to give it to him myself," I say, smiling in nervous anticipation.


I can't help but admire the inside of the beautiful mansion as Natalie guides me through the door. "Hello, Gina. What are you doing here?" Adrien asks from his place on the stairs.

"I heard that it's your birthday, so I came to give you this," I tell him, holding up my gift.

"You really didn't have to do this," he says, causing me to bow my head in disappointment. "I appreciate it, though," he adds once he sees my downcast expression.

"Of course," I declare. "Everybody deserves gifts on their birthday."

"Well, thank you," he says as I hand him my gift. I hold my breath as he moves the tissue paper aside and pulls out the bracelet. "You made this?" he asks me. I nod to confirm his suspicions. "It's beautiful," he breathes in awe.

"It's a friendship bracelet," I tell him, to which he responds by placing the bracelet on his wrist.

"I love it, truly. Thank you," Adrien tells me, genuineness clear in his voice.

I flash him a smile before turning around and heading out of the mansion. I'm super happy, and I don't think that anything can ruin this day. That is, until I look up and spot all of the parents in Paris floating around in bubbles.


Hey, guys!

Sorry for not updating yesterday. I had this chapter written, but my internet was down, so I couldn't post it. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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