Reincarnated Into Miraculous?!

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(Y/n's POV)

I open my eyes and come face to face with a bright white light. I quickly glance around and realize that there is nothing around me. It looks as if I'm in a white void. There are no walls, no ceiling, and no floor.

'Is this heaven?' I think to myself.

Suddenly, a loud male voice rings out amongst the nothingness. "Hello, Y/n."

'Oh, no. I'm in hell!' my mind screams at me.

"Actually, you're in neither. You're stuck between the two afterlives known as heaven and hell. Before you ask, yes, I can read minds," the voice says.

"You're going to have to explain a little bit better if you want me to understand," I reply, allowing a hint of annoyance to seep into my tone.

"Usually the only places people can go after death are heaven or hell, but since you have a pure heart and died before you were supposed to, you're getting the rare third option," the voice explains.

"Which is what?" I ask in confusion. "Who are you?" I add.

"I'm afraid I can't reveal who I am, but I can tell you a little bit more about where you'll be going." The voice stops talking, and I nod toward the light to let him know to continue. "You will be reincarnated into a separate world. You'll still have your memories of your past life, along with your new one. You'll be able to change anything you see fit because nothing is set in stone."

"I'm still a little bit confused," I admit.

"Of course. It's to be expected," the voice answers in a sophisticated tone. "You're actually remaining a lot calmer than a person in your position should. I can already tell that I made the right choice. Don't worry, Y/n. You will understand more when the time is right. Just remember that everyone has a destiny, but it's up to you what that destiny will be."

With that, the light grows brighter and brighter until the world around me gets plunged into darkness once more.


Beep, beep, beep.

I groan as I slowly open my eyes. I lift my hand and slam it onto the alarm clock, immediately stopping its incessant beeping. 'Phew, what a dream. I can't believe I got hit by a truck, died, and then went into the afterlife all in the same dream. 'How weird,' I think as I roll over and yawn.

I sleepily sit up and rub my eyes before I freeze in horror. This isn't my bedroom. My bedroom is light pink and grey while this bedroom has dark purple walls. I'm sitting on a loft bed with a circular window next to it. There's a furry white chair off to the side. A dresser with a mirror and a closet are located to the far right of the bedroom, and there's a trap door above the bed that leads to a small patio.

'Where in the world am I?! Was I kidnapped?' I think to myself, trying not to freak out. I quickly make my way down the ladder and rush up to the mirror. What I see is not what I was expecting. The reflection in the mirror is not me. I used to have h/c hair and e/c eyes. I suppose I still have those features, but they definitely don't look normal anymore. Not to mention the fact that I look like a cartoon character!!

I rush out of the bedroom and find myself in a kitchen. My eyes land on a woman, who is sitting at a table drinking coffee. 'Oh, no! What if she thinks I broke into her house? What if she kidnapped me?!' my mind screams at me.

I cautiously creep closer and closer to the woman, trying to go unnoticed. When I'm standing about five feet away from her, I realize that she looks familiar. She almost looks like my... "Mom?!" I shout in utter shock.

"Hello, sweetie. You're up surprisingly early. You don't have to be at school for another hour," she tells me once she spots me standing behind her.

"School?" I ask barely above a whisper.

"Yeah, Francoise Dupont High School. You didn't forget, did you? I know it's been hard with your father and I separating and us moving to Paris, but you've hardly left your room all week. I know it's difficult, but I'm sure you'll make a lot of new friends at school. Just remember that you are Gina Sakai, and you can do anything," she says in a reassuring voice.

I continue to stare at her in complete bafflement. 'Why did she call me Gina? That's not my name. Did she say Francoise Dupont High School? That's the name of the school in my favorite TV show, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir. There's no way! I must have heard her wrong. Maybe I'm still asleep," I think, listing the possibilities in my head. This wouldn't be the first time I've dreamt about being in the show.

I pinch myself, and to my astonishment I fill pain. My eyes go wide, and I immediately run back upstairs. I climb over to the window and look outside to see Paris. I can even see the Eiffel Tower from what I assume is supposed to be my bedroom. 

Rushing over to the closet, I throw on a purple blouse, a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and white sneakers. I run back into the kitchen, almost tripping in the process. I grab an apple and my book bag, which is randomly laying on the couch, say goodbye to my mom, and bolt toward where I can see the school in the distance.

On the way, I realize that my house is incredibly close to a bakery that looks similar to the Dupain-Cheng's bakery. I shrug off the coincidence and continue to school. I hear the school bell ringing in the distance, which causes me to begin to run. While I'm running, I bump into someone and get knocked to the ground. I hold my head while slowly glancing up to see the one and only... Marinette Dupain-Cheng!!

"I'm so sorry. I can be such a klutz. Are you alright?" she asks, holding out her hand for me to take.

I quickly nod and allow her to take my hand and pull me up. 'How is this possible?!' I then remember the strange dream I had. 'What if it wasn't a dream at all? What if I died in my world and was given a second chance in this one? I'm definitely not going to mess up this time!' I think to myself with determination.

"I'm Gina. Gina Sakai. I'm new to Paris," I tell her, putting my hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng," she greets, taking my hand. "If you're new to Paris, you'll need someone to show you around. How about I give you a tour after school?" Marinette suggests.

"That sounds wonderful. I could use a tour and a few friends," I admit.

"Well then, consider me your first friend in Paris," Marinette says with a smile.

"Really?" I ask in surprise. "Thank you."

"No problem, although I think we should head to class, considering we're both late," Marinette suddenly states with a chuckle.

I let out a shriek of fear as I remember that I'm running late. I laugh at the amused look on Marinette's face before hooking arms with her and walking into the school with my new friend.


Hey, everyone!

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, and I hope you guys liked reading it. I just want to clarify that this is a x reader story, but you're known as Gina in this world.

Thank you to everyone who's reading and supporting this book. Have a good day/night!!

Miraculously Heroic (Chat Noir X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now