A Surprise Guest

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(Y/n's POV)

I sigh loudly as I toss yet another crumpled up piece of paper into my trash bin. Miss Bustier assigned us an essay about a week ago, but I've been so busy helping Ladybug that I haven't gotten to it until now. For the past two hours, I've been attempting to finish the assignment but have officially gotten nowhere.

I'm about to completely give up and just take a zero when a tapping sound catches my attention. I look around my room, trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. My eyes land on a dark figure, who is kneeling next to my window. As I slowly approach the figure, I realize that it's Chat Noir. I gasp in surprise because he is definitely not supposed to be here. I'm brought back to reality by him tapping on my window again, which is followed by him tilting his head and smiling while waving at me.

I quickly regain my bearings and rush over to open up my window, allowing him to climb through. He immediately swings through my open window and gracefully lands on my bed. I'm suddenly extremely grateful that I don't have anything embarrassing in my room that he could potentially see. "Hey, Chat Noir. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I ask as he just continues to stare at me with his bright green eyes.

"I just wanted to drop by and see how you were doing. I happen to have noticed that you've been helping out Ladybug and I a lot recently," Chat Noir states, making me realize that he's probably suspicious of my intentions.

"Oh, yeah," I respond with a chuckle. "I've had nothing better to do, so I thought you could use my help. Not that I think you guys need my help. I mean, you guys are amazing and can totally handle yourselves," I add, trying not to falter under Chat Noir's scrutinizing gaze.

"So you've been helping us because you were bored?" he eventually asks, and I feel as if his eyes are boring into my soul.

"What?! No, of course not!" I shriek once his words register inside my brain. "I really like helping people, you see. I thought helping out Paris' most amazing superheroes was the best way to do that," I quickly explain, a fake grin making its way onto my face. "Is that a problem?" I ask when he doesn't respond.

He continues to glare at me, and I start to sweat underneath his unwavering stare. "No, of course not!" he finally chirps, jumping down from my bed. I sigh in relief. "So, what were you working on before I came?" he questions as he looks around my room.

"What?" I ask, confused as to what he's referring to.

"I saw you writing something before I knocked on your window," he explains, glancing at me questioningly.

"Oh, that," I say out loud as I realize what he's talking about. "It's just an essay for school. We're supposed to write a paper about someone who gives people hope. I've tried many times, but I can't seem to come up with anything."

"Well, maybe try thinking about someone who means a lot to you. Then think about why they mean a lot to you, and go from there," Chat Noir gives me his advice as he glances at my desk, which still has many failed attempts at my essay sitting on top of it.

"That's a great idea," I tell him. "Hey, um..." I hesitate before asking my question. "Do you have anywhere else you have to be right now?"

"Not at the moment," Chat Noir replies with a shrug after thinking for a few seconds. "Why?"

"I was thinking about making cookies. If you want to, you can stay and help," I suggest. I'm not sure what possessed me to ask him that, but I'm bored, and it sounds like fun.

"Oh, well, I'm not really the best at baking," he sheepishly admits, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll be here to help you. Besides, if you help make the cookies, I'll let you keep half of what we make," I bribe him, grinning slyly when he pauses to think my offer over.

"Alright, fine," he sighs before perking up. "I'm never one to say no to cookies."

"Great," I comment, leading him to my kitchen. I start pouring flour into the bowl while I instruct Chat Noir on how to mix the rest of the dry ingredients. I even let him crack the eggs, which I discover to be a mistake after he drops the eggs into the bowl along with the shells.

By the time the cookies are finished, Chat Noir and I are both covered in cookie batter. Cat Noir also accidentally spilled flour all over the kitchen floor and the counters. On the bright side, the cookies actually taste like cookies, which far exceeds my expectations.

"I appreciate the fact that you let me bake with you, although I definitely think my baking skills need a bit of work," Chat Noir mentions as he's about to climb out of my window, tightly clutching the bag of cookies.

"I think they need a lot more than a little bit of help," I chuckle, and Chat Noir gasps in mock offense. "It was no problem, though. I had a lot of fun. See you around," I tell him before closing and locking my window. As soon as he's out of sight, I head back over to my desk and start writing.


(Miss Bustier's POV)

I collect the last essay from Gina before adding it to my pile of papers. I'm going to have to do a lot of grading over the weekend. I'm about to put the papers inside my folder when the title of Gina's essay catches my eye.

I laugh to myself as I read her title, which is written in big black letters. 'Chat Noir: Hero and Defender of Paris.'


Hey, everyone! I hope you guys are having a great year so far!

I know this chapter isn't based off of an episode, but it's essential for upcoming chapters. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it! See you next week!

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