Photo Shoot

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(Y/n's POV)

The house is silent, except for the continuous ticking of the clock, counting every second that passes. My finished homework assignments are spread out all over my desk. The white desk is the newest addition to my room. I realized that I had no place to do my homework, so one day after school, I went to a furniture store and fixed my problem.

This week has been one of the busiest since I came into this universe. That's saying something, considering I've already helped fight a giant rock monster, a boy who used bubbles as weapons, and a freaky pigeon dude. Out of all the difficult things I've had to do in this universe, completing Miss Bustier's homework assignments have definitely been the hardest.

After six hours of hard work and destroying my back by sitting in a wooden chair, I'm finally done with everything due Friday. I can finally relax. What should I do, though?

I take a moment to glance around my room. Everything is tidy and put away in their proper places. I don't have any cool movies to watch or any comic books to read. I really need to buy some interesting books the next time I'm at the store.

My pocket suddenly starts vibrating. A loud ringing noise echoes throughout the empty house, and I almost jump out of my chair in shock. I calm down quickly, though, once I realize it's just my phone. One of my hands goes to my chest, as if it'll calm my racing heart, and the other one answers the call.

"Hello?" I breathe into the phone.

"Hey, girl. It's Alya," the voice on the other side of the phone says.

"Oh, hey, Alya. How are you doing on this lovely day?" I ask her, knowing that she's probably doing something fun, unlike me.

"I'm doing great. I'm calling with wonderful news!" she exclaims, clearly very happy about whatever she has to tell me. "I just found out that Adrien is currently doing a photo shoot in the park."

"And this is my business because?" I question. Why would I of all people care that Adrien is doing a photo shoot? He's a model. I'm sure he does photo shoots all the time.

"Because you and I are going to meet up at Marinette's place, and then all three of us are going to go to the park to see Adrien," Alya says as if the answer is obvious.

"What?!" I screech.

"Oh, come on, girl. You may not have realized your feelings yet, but I see the way you look at Adrien during class. You like him," Alya confidently declares, causing me to splutter and choke on my saliva. It's a good thing I'm not drinking water because my desk would be soaked.

"Yeah, as a friend," I try to discard her words.

Unfortunately, she's smart and definitely not one to let things go. "You can deny it as much as you like. You can lie to everybody else, including yourself, but not me. I see the truth. So are you going to come to Marinette's place, or am I going to have to make a pit stop at your place first and drag you there?"

My hand clutches the fabric of my shirt as I try to breathe evenly. I can't deny that I've been staring at Adrien during class more and more. During missions with Ladybug and Chat Noir, I find myself feeling happy hanging out them, especially Chat Noir. Do I really like him, though? I mean, he's most likely in love with Ladybug anyway.

I guess hanging out with him for one afternoon won't hurt anyone, though. I was just thinking about how I have nothing to do. "I'll be there," I say into the phone. "Give me fifteen minutes."

"Alright, see you then." The phone disconnects with a click, leaving me once again in silence.

Well, at least I know what I'm doing now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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