Chat Noir

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(Y/n's POV)

I scream out of pure terror as I tumble through the air, eventually stopping when the yo-yo gets caught on Chat Noir's baton. "Well, hey there," a certain pussy cat greets us. "Nice of you guys to drop in."

"I'm sorry," Marinette immediately apologizes. "We didn't do it on purpose."

"I bet you're the partner my kwami told me about," he guesses. "I'm... Chat Noir. Yeah, Chat Noir. And you guys?"

"I'm..." Marinette begins, getting interrupted when her yo-yo hits Chat Noir in the head, "madly clumsy. I am so clumsy."

"No sweat, Clumsy-girl. I'm learning the ropes, too," he kindly assures her. "And who might you be?" he asks, turning toward me.

"Oh, um, I'm Gina. I'm not really supposed to be here, but I'm a friend," I quickly tell him, trying not to stumble over my words. It seems extremely unfair that I'm meeting Chat Noir before I meet Adrien.

Just then, the ground starts to shake, causing a building in the distance to completely crumble. Chat Noir immediately leaps into action, catapulting himself onto the top of a building. "Hey, wait! Where are you going?" Marinette nervously asks.

"To save Paris, right?" Chat Noir vaguely answers before jumping out of sight.

"You stay here. I've got to go save Paris," Marinette tells me, pretending that she's not frightened of the idea. Before I can even think to protest, she's already swinging away.

What am I supposed to do now?! I can't just go home! I suddenly spot Alya riding her bike, driving in the direction that Marinette just went. "Hey, Alya!" I call out to her.

"Oh, hey, Gina. I'd love to talk, but I can't right now. I have to get to Stoneheart!" she hastily mentions, about to drive away.

"Can I go with you?" I quickly ask.

A smile spreads across her face. "Of course, girl."


Alya and I crouch behind the bleachers and watch as Chat Noir stands up against Stoneheart. I'm super surprised that Alya and I arrived before Marinette, but it's probably because she's scared to fight. "Hey, it's not very nice to pick on people who are smaller than you," Chat Noir announces, antagonizing Stoneheart.

"I guess you're talking about yourself," Stoneheart notices, trying to grab Chat Noir. He manages to dodge but ends up hitting Stoneheart with his baton, causing him to grow even larger. "Where are you, partner?"

I suddenly spot Marinette standing on top of the stadium. She looks as if she's debating on whether or not to help. Stoneheart suddenly picks up a soccer net and tosses it at Alya and I. Alya gasps in shock, and it's like my body takes over as I quickly leap to my feet and push Alya out of the way before she can be impaled.

Chat Noir is distracted by the near death situation, so he manages to get caught by Stoneheart. "Come on! Help your partner!" I shout at Marinette.

"Yeah, the world is watching you," Alya adds, although I think that might have had a more negative effect on Marinette than she hoped. Apparently, she gets her bearings, though, beacause she suddenly leaps into the air, sliding underneath Stoneheart as she lands.

"Animal cruelty? How shameful," she mentions, pulling on her yo-yo, which somehow managed to get twisted around Stoneheart. He topples to the ground with a thud.

"Yes!" Alya yells in excitement next to me.

"They're pretty good, aren't they?" I ask, smiling coyly.

"Yeah, they sure are," Alya responds, gazing at the soon-to-be extraordinary superheroes.

I watch as the superheroes converse amongst themselves before Chat Noir goes to use his power. "No!" I shout, scrambling out of my hiding spot. "You can only use your power..." I'm too late, though, because Chat Noir uses his Cataclysm on the soccer ball net before running at Stoneheart. "Look out, Chat Noir!" I scream, attempting to warn him.

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