The Bubbler

567 27 3

(Y/n's POV)

I immediately turn on my heel and race back to the mansion. As soon as I turn the corner, I come face to face with Adrien. "Oh, uh, hi, Adrien. What's going on?" I ask, pretending to be clueless, as I glance around the party.

"Oh, hi, Gina. I'm glad you stayed for the party. Isn't it amazing?!" Adrien asks, motioning toward where his classmates are dancing. I look at where he's pointing, but instead of seeing happy, excited, and smiling students, I see sad, bored, and scared children. At the center of all the chaos, is Bubbler. I'm about to point out the sad environment to Adrien, but when I glance back at him, he has so much hope and joy showing in his eyes. I would be a horrible person to ruin his birthday.

"Yeah, Adrien, it's awesome," I say instead, putting on a fake smile.

"So, uh, do you wanna dance?" Adrien awkwardly asks, rubbing his neck.

My breath hitches, and my eyes widen as the words leave Adrien's mouth. He wants to dance with me? Why me? Well, who am I to not give Adrien what he wants, especially on his birthday? "Sure," I tell him. Somehow, his smile widens even more, which I didn't even know was possible. As I wrap my arms around his neck, his hands come to rest on my hips. From our close proximity, I can see how green his eyes truly are.

This moment is perfect, albeit a little weird, considering the circumstances. The moment is ruined, however, by Chloe pushing me out of the way and gripping onto Adrien. I don't know what compels me to take off running toward the place I know Ladybug will be, but seeing Chloe so close to Adrien, stirs up a feeling in me that I don't know how to describe. In no time whatsoever, I spot Ladybug, and before I know what I'm doing, I'm ripping the disk out of her hands and tossing it at the building. I watch in silence as the disk bounces off of the building, knocks into Bubbler's equipment, and lands directly onto the DJ booth, causing the music to start playing. A triumphant grin spreads across my face as I watch Adrien push Chloe off of him and begin dancing to the more upbeat music. My joy immediately fades away, however, when I catch sight of the glare Ladybug's giving me.

"What in the world are you doing?!" she shouts.

"Um, Chloe was about to kiss Adrien, and I thought..."

"You hijacked my Lucky Charm because you didn't want Chloe to kiss Adrien?!" Ladybug shouts in disbelief while quickly advancing on me.

I gulp in fear at the anger radiating off of her. "If it helps at all, I don't think Adrien wanted her to kiss him either," I offer with a sheepish smile.

When Ladybug only continues to glare at me, I know I said something wrong. Right when I think she's going to blow up at me again, she sighs and mutters, "Spots off." Another few minutes pass before she speaks again. "I'm going to find Tikki some food," she says as she starts heading toward the party.

"I really am sorry, Marinette. I'm sorry, Tikki. I don't know what came over me."

Marinette stops walking and looks back at me. A few seconds later, a small smile flits across her face. "It's okay. Just don't do it again."

I watch Marinette's retreating form as she leaves to fix my mistake. I was trying so hard this morning to stop Nino from turning into The Bubbler, and now I might have ruined Marinette's chance at stopping him. What's gotten into me?


I sigh as I sit down on the park bench and place my head in my hands. I still can't get over what happened earlier. Out of all the people who do stupid things out of jealousy, I never thought I would be one of them. What was I jealous about, though? Chloe getting close to Adrien, Chloe ruining my time with Adrien, or Chloe almost kissing Adrien? Why would I be jealous anyway? It's not as if I have feelings for Adrien. Right?

I'm jolted out of my thoughts when I see Ladybug and Chat Noir plummeting out of the sky. A few seconds later, I spot them, along with The Bubbler, heading toward the Eiffel Tower. This is my chance to make things right! I jump to my feet and start sprinting toward the superheroes, a new determination fueling me. Since I don't have any superheroes to help me to the top this time, I have to climb up a ton of stairs. By the time I actually make it to the top of the Eiffel Tower, I'm panting and completely out of breath. "Lucky Charm!" I hear Ladybug shout in the distance, letting me know that I'm just in time for the action. I watch as a giant wrench appears from thin air.

"Your... plumbing skills gonna help us out?" Chat Noir partially jokes.

"I don't think she's much of a plumber," I say, walking into the open. Three pairs of eyes focus on me.

"What are you doing here?" Ladybug asks. I notice that there's more confusion in her voice than there is malice.

"I'm here to help make up for my mistake," I tell her, a look of determination raging in my eyes. A light suddenly comes hurling toward me, and I dodge to the right just in time to avoid being caught in a bubble.

Once The Bubbler realizes that I'm not going to be an easy target, he switches his strategy and attacks Chat Noir instead, who has to climb up the tower in order to avoid being set on fire. "Could use a little work. Is that all you've got?" Chat Noir taunts after dodging every blast.

I can tell that The Bubbler is becoming enraged, so I walk up to Ladybug and place a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You can do this. Just concentrate," I encourage her.

The smile sent my way is the only proof I need that shows that she's forgiven me for my past actions. I hold my breath as I watch her fervently glance around the Eiffel Tower. "Got it!" she cries a few seconds later, and I know that The Bubbler is as good as defeated.

Ladybug races across the floor of the tower, landing right next to a pipe, which has steam seeping out of it. Within a few seconds, Ladybug has used the wrench to disconnect the pipe. "Gina, cover me!" she yells in an authoritative voice.

Clenching my fists, I sprint over to where Ladybug is waiting for me. I take ahold of the pipe, and the next time The Bubbler fires at me, I block his powers with the steam, sending his bubbles back at him. Just as Ladybug has most likely planned, The Bubbler raises his arm to create more bubbles. Before he has a chance to summon them, though, Ladybug grabs his bubble wand with her yo-yo and smashes it over her knee, effectively bringing his plans to an end. "Get out of here, you nasty bug. No more evil doing for you, little Akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha. Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!"

I watch in awe as the ladybugs sweep across all of Paris, fixing all of the damage and returning all of the adults to their proper places on the ground. "Who? Dude..." Nino, who is back to himself and sitting on the ground, mutters.

"Pound it!" I shout, along with Ladybug and Chat Noir, as we bump our fists together.


Hello, my dear readers!

So, Y/n hijacked Ladybug's attempt at stopping The Bubbler because of jealousy. Do you think she's beginning to realize that she likes Adrien, or do you think she's going to be oblivious like all of the other characters?

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