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"JiAh are you okay?" Mrs. Min held JiAh's arm concerned that she might be hurt, "Yoongi-ah, you better apologize. Is this the way to treat a guest? " She glared at the younger.

"But Eomma, she never told me she was a guest", he complained.

"Cause you never let me speak in the first place. " JiAh shot back.

"Did I covered you mouth? "

"I was startled by that stupid sword of yours."

"Yeah, you were startled enough to throw a vase at me, hit my head with utensils, boast about that Yellow Flash story, but couldn't bother to tell me that you were a guest in my house."

"The same applies for you. Instead of threatening me with that sword, you could have told me that its your house, just like civilians do."

"I DID."


Yoon Wu and his mother stood in horror, unable to understand how to stop this war of words. "Enough both of you. " The lady shouted as both of them flinched before looking at her.

"I'm sorry Ajumma. I didn't meant to be rude." JiAh became embarrassed about her reckless behaviour and bowed to apologize. But to her surprise, the lady started laughing making everyone in the room confuse.

"I don't remember when was the last time our house became this lively. And I'll tell you JiAh, these are the largest amount of words Yoongi ever spoked. His tongue is always tied, as if it'll cost him his life to talk to other people." She let out another wave of laughter, while the youngers gaped at her.

Yoongi was taken aback by these poking comments of his mother.

"Anyways, Yoongi you should apologize to her. I understand your job, but that doesn't mean you'll wander around my house, spinning your sword and scaring my guests." She snapped at her son.

Yoongi narrowed his eyebrows, but reluctantly apologized to JiAh.
"I'm sorry!"

"Pardon? I didn't heard what you said." JiAh smirked while she bent a little towards Yoongi, just to get on his nerves.

Yoongi glared at her, while the other two forced to suppress their laughter. Yoongi gave them a side eye, making both of them to straightened their face.

"I-SAID-I-AM-SORRY." He glowered at her.

"Its okay Yoongi-ah!", she made a mocking face as she kept a hand on his shoulder, only for him to shove her hand away.

" Yaah! Only my mother can call me that.", he growled.

JiAh smirked knowing she had hit the right spot, provoking this little kitty was such a cake walk.

"Okay, now we're all good. So lets prepare something delicious to eat." Mrs. Min declared, asking everyone to sit at the dining table.

"Ajumma! I'll help you with the food. Please tell me what I can do.", JiAh smiled at the elder.

" Ohh! You're such a sweet kid". Yoongi chuckled rolling his eyes, but straightened his face immediately after getting a death stare by his mother.

She looked back at JiAh, "Dear! Can you peel these shrimps, while I'll go and prepare the soup."

JiAh nodded settling herself beside the small dining table that was placed in the living room outside the kitchen. She was taken by surprise as she saw Yoongi who came and sat on the opposite side of the table while taking some of the shrimps in his plate to peel them along with her.

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