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Yoongi's POV

It was already midnight but the celebration was nowhere to the climax. His eyes wandered off in search of a familiar face he wanted to see. He already sent his family home and came back to wrap up the event but couldn't get his mind off JiAh.

"Where is she gone?" He mumbled continuing his search for the familiar brown doe eyes.

"Looking for JiAh?"

"Yeah....!" He blurted, eyes still on the crowd, before he realised what he did, "Uhm.... Hyung.... N-no! I wasn't looking for anyone." He looked at Jin, clearly avoiding his eyes to mask the embarrassment creeping down his nerves.

Jin cocked an eyebrow, giving a smirk at the latter's mortified state. "Oh! I thought you were. Anyways, enjoy!" He backed away dismissing the younger, heading back to his drinks.

"Wait hyung!" Yoongi called, making Jin drown in amusement. He forced back a sly smile before turning back giving a questionable look to him. "D-Do you.... By chance know, where JiAh is." A wave of heat travelled his cheeks making him flustered head to toe. This simple sentence seemed to have drained out all the courage he had in him, just to put it in this elementary question. But still he managed to look at Jin confused by his unreadable expression.

"Yeah, I know. Why do you ask." Jin asked keeping as much of a straight face as his aching cheekbones could allow.

"Just because. Nothing special."

"I see! Well, she went back to her room moments ago. Must have been tired." Yoongi nodded casually as Jin walked back to his spot.

Jin sat on a couch with other nobilities, while retaining the possession of the corner of his eyes on Yoongi who was slipping past the crowd towards the palace. He smiled as to how much predictable the other was. "Aish...! This kid." He chuckled.


Yoongi successfully managed to disappear from the shining lights and chattering noises to a slightly dusky and calm area of the castle. A few guards and maidens were still in service of the insides of the castle but most of the gathering was still outside.

His steps ceased infront of a big golden brown oak door as he kept staring at the closed entrance. Hesitantly he tapped a knock on the door but was replied by silence. No response. He could feel his heart thumping against his chest and without any delay he opened the only barrier between them.

His nerves calmed watching her sleeping peacefully in her bed. Her hair fanned on the pillow on which her head was resting. The silver moonlight from the window glistened against her pale skin. Her lips were slightly parted as he heard her soft snores. The rhythmic fall and rise of her chest was the only feature that seemed humane to him. Everything about the lady lying infront of him was so angelic and magnificent. He had to constantly remind himself to blink finding it impossible to take his eyes off her.

He took involuntary steps towards her bed. Every muscle in his body itching him to stay close to the warmth she was radiating. Gently he picked the thin strand of hair covering her eye and tuck it safely behind her ear. Her glossy skin glitters like crystals, so serene and so pure. The environment was so peaceful. She was so peaceful. He gently squeezed her hand before turning back to leave. He stopped at the door frame before taking a last glance towards the woman.

Kang Ji Ah! Just stop whatever you're doing to me.

He walked back into the dark corridors, heading out of the castle.


JiAh woke up filled with blinding bright sunlight as she forgot to draw the curtains last night. She rubbed her eyes, her thoughts still occupied by last night's drama. "Its better if you stay away from him. You know, I don't like sharing my things."

She felt bitter taste of bile rising up her throat as she thought about Suk Myong. "She is such a two faced bitch, her deception worthy of a trophy." She scoffed.

"What's worthy of a trophy?" Hye Sun entered the room having a box filled with incense sticks.

"Last night's decorations, it was amazing." Before she could think, the words formed in her mouth as she gave a sigh of relief.

"You're right, I too liked it." Hye Sun smiled, lighting the sticks in every corner of the room.

JiAh smiled back taking in the scent of sandalwood to calm her nerves. She went to the bathroom to let the cold water run down her head giving an ease to her burning thoughts.

The breakfast was the only thing lifting up her mood. The spicy taste of Jjambbong and sour pickled radish was the best thing that could happen to her.
Now the only thing she could think of right now was visiting Mrs Min. She was the only mother figure she had in this alien world. If not for her, she would have ended up being a loner here.

By this time she has memorised the town like the back of her hand. She had no trouble in recalling all the shops and houses. It just took ten minutes for her to reach the front gate of the house as she heard familiar voice of Yoon Wu arguing with his mother. She smiled before making her way into the house.

"Eomma! Stop it. I don't want to go for the classes. Its boring." The younger squealed, wriggling his way out of his mother's grip.

"Yaah! Yoon Wu-ah. Don't you want to become great like your brother. You can't miss classes." Mrs Min complained, still forcing him to drag his feet out if the house.

"I can learn from Hyung." He demanded still wrestling his way out.

"Joh-eun achim imnida (Good morning)." JiAh greeted making both of them still in their tracks. They smiled nervously, embarrassed about their little commotion. Mrs Min left Yoon Wu's arm allowing the younger to fell butt on the cold ground. He scoffed at his mother massaging his sore bum.

"JiAh dear! Joh-eun achim." She smiled at JiAh, bringing her into the house. "How are you this morning? Did you slept well?"

"I'm good Ajumma. Well better after seeing you again." She beamed giving a childish grin.

"Did you eat? I've made kimchi fried rice." Mrs Min asked, already on her way towards the kitchen to serve food for JiAh.

"Actually I've already eaten, but I can never say no to your delicious food." JiAh said making the elder flattered by the honest praising.

"Noona, please ask Eomma not to send me for my classes today. I want to learn from Hyung." Yoon Wu complained, presenting his cutest puppy eyes, all too shiny to resist.

"Yoongi is busy. So better get going for your classes." Mrs Min spoke nonchalantly, bringing a bowl of rice for JiAh.

"Busy? With what?" JiAh asked as confusion portrayed on her face.

Mrs Min gave a long sigh before answering. "Well, apparently the Princess demanded him to accompany her for the hunting. They went in the forest." She said after a long pause.

All life had seemed to be taken away from JiAh's body. The very thought of Yoongi alone with Suk Myong was distressing. Her throat felt dry as a deep pit travelled down her chest before settling in her lower stomach. She clenched her fist against the edge of the table, letting the gripping pain muffle the blood boiling in her veins. She felt like losing a battle before it's even started. All too confused and blown up by the anger building up, for which the reason was still unknown. She was feeling emotions she didn't knew she was capable of, but all she could do was take a deep breath, eyes still not leaving the empty space on the floor.

"Why her." Was the only thing she could manage to say.

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