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"Long time no see..... Kang JiAh!"

There was a long, loud silence aching JiAh's senses. She needed some time to decipher the whole situation. The silence was hurting her but she didn't wanted the silence to break, in a fear that once its broken it can hurt her even more.

"No-no no no! This can't be possible!" JiAh snivelled, a bewildered look on her face watching the person standing infront of her. "You- you're here to save me right?" She forced herself up trying to reach the person.

"Oh of course I'm here to save you JiAh!" The person smirked, admiring the silver dagger in their hand. "I'm here to save you from the wretched life of yours."

The next second, that silver dagger was darted in her direction, straight for her heart. A shock wave engulfed her body, strike being so fast for her to even process her mind. Before it could hit her in the chest, she rolled herself to dodge the attack. The cold blade pierced her shoulder forming a deep cut and was taken out with the same amount of force with which it was inserted in her flesh. She yelped in pain, clutching her shoulder, as the blood came gushing out of the deep laceration.

A hysterical laugh snapped her from her painful daze when she looked at the person wiping the dagger with a silk scarf. "Its good to see the shiny metal soaking your blood JiAh! The more you bleed, the faster Jung Hoseok will be dragged down from his throne."

Hot tears rolled down her eyes. She wriggled her body backwards keeping her eyes fixed ahead. A streak of crimson blood formed on the stony ground, as she tried to retreat herself to a safe distance. Her body was already too tired from staying in the prison and running away from the guards, she just couldn't gather the strength to struggle her way out of the place.

"Why?" She cried. Her breathing was uneven with her heart beating a thousand folds. She could feel it thumping against her chest. Heavy and loud. She was surprised how her eyes could still manage to accumulate the tears that were shredding like a waterfall, even when her eyes were stinging and her throat burning.

Her wailing reverberated through the stony walls of the prison as she tried to carry her exhausted body and stood up onto her feet. "Why?" She yelled again, ignoring the biting pain in her throat. "Why, why, why, why, why?"

"Why do you have to do this?" She cried and shrieked and bawled. Anything that could ease her aching heart. The tears still shamelessly flowing, mixed with agony, torture and blood. "The emperor trusted you. How can you betray him, you fucking traitor!!!"

She tried to speak further, curse in any way possible or even use brutal force for the rising anger to find an outlet. But before the words could reach her lips, her voice was cut off by a pair of hands wrapped tightly around her throat.

"Thats the least of your concern right now, you should be thinking about your own sorry life you fool." The voice echoed in her ear, feeling a shiver down her spine as she gasped for air. She struggled to loosen the grip around her neck but it won't budge. "I thought I wouldn't give you a painful death, but you have the nerves to curse me in this miserable situation of yours. I think you don't deserve an easy death, huh? Now die before I change my mind and rip your limbs apart." The grip around her neck tighten further.

JiAh kicked her feet, struggling to throw the hands off her neck but with every passing second her efforts became weak. The pressure around her throat was hurting. Her body was slowly becoming numb and her mind was clouded by hazy thoughts. Her family, her friends, Yoongi, Mrs Min, Yoon Wu, they all seemed to be far away for her to reach them. She gave one last look to the person before her legs gave way and she dropped her body on the ground. "I trusted you, Kim Hye Sun."

Everything became blank.


"Everything that you wished to achive is soon going to be fulfilled, yet those worry lines on your face never disappeared." Hye Sun poured the alcohol in a brass goblet. "What's bothering you?" She asked.

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