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Its been three days now.

Three days in this putrid hell.

How do I know? Well actually I'm not sure either. Just a faint light creeping from the vent at the ceiling makes me believe that its daytime. I'm not sure where the light is coming from but as it goes off I presume that the day has end and its the night time.

Or maybe its my desperation of escaping this place which brutally forces me to number the days I spend inside these wrecked walls. Honestly, it hurts. It hurts to count my time in here. It makes me suffocate.

My mind was determined not to back down. Consuming the food and water they provided was like a defeat for me so I refused to eat anything. But soon my body gave up. I felt hungry, my stomach growled like a monster and my limbs became weak. So I ate this morning. I can't quite infer what they gave me. Cold rice with salted water which they called soup. Anyway I consumed it. I ate the whole serving. I ate it and then I puked. I puked like four times today and now I know there's no food or energy left in my body whatsoever.

I know I'm tired. My body must be sore. But I don't want to get up to confirm that. So that's why I'm lying on the floor. Its not like the cold ground is doing any good to me but the bunk bed is too hard for my limp body. Besides the light from the vent isn't visible from there, so terra firma is fine for now.

Its so quiet in here. No one comes to this part of the prison the whole day except for the two times in which a man slide down a plate of same obnoxious food. He never says a word. He didn't bothered asking about my health when I was puking my guts out. Maybe he's just waiting for me to die so that he can sweep my remains to offer the luxurious cell to another lucky person like me.

But will he even take my body away. Or will he let it rot here in this grotty lock up. For the insects and worms to eat my flesh and the microbes to decompose my body into a reeking lump stinking to high heaven.

I really must have lost my mind. Thinking about dying when I'm still alive. Of course I don't wanna die here. In this irksome jail where no one cares about me. If I have to die, I'd prefer dying in the arms of my family. My mom and dad, Chi Sun-ah. At least they'll give me a proper funeral. And even cry at my demise. That's how I'd prefer dying.


Do I really want to die?


Not right now. Its not fair for me to die just yet. I'm too young to lose my life. I still have many things to do. I have to go home. To my home. To my family.

Mom! Dad! I love you! I miss you!

I don't want to die!

A lone tear escaped JiAh's eyes.



The sound of the metal goblet echoed the room by the sheer force it had been thrown onto the opposite wall.

"Enough already Yoongi-ah!"

Hoseok looked at the man standing infront of him in disbelief. He was infuriated by the mere thought of his best friend standing against him. "I-I never in my wildest dreams had imagined that the person I trusted since my childhood would defy me this way. I believed that no matter what the circumstances are, you'll always be by my side. But look where we are, you disappointed me Yoongi-ah. And that too just because of a women you met just days ago. How can you trust her more than your own king."

"Its not the matter of trust My Lord!" Yoongi spoke, eyes still boring the maple wood laid in horizontal patterns to form the flooring. Silence engulfed both of them before he lifted his gaze to look up at Hoseok and decided to speak again. "I trust you more than anyone, but that doesn't imply that I should simply ignore the other facts that exist beyond the faith for the emperor."

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