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"Namjoon! Namjoon! Get up, you're okay?" As he fluttered his eyes open. He could hear distant voice of Hoseok ringing in his ears. For a split second he thought he passed his life to another world but the reality of his spared life came crashing down upon him with series of unstoppable cough escaping his throat. A rather hysterical cough. He tried his best to gasp for air, with his chest hurting with every inhalation.

Yoongi was held by several guards, his fuming figure struggling to break free in order to lunge at the enervated man trying to be in the land of the living.

"Let go of me. You're a dead man Namjoon!" He glowered at him, mustering all his strength to get out of the guards' clutches. He struggled and agitated to set himself free from their grip. His eyes showed pure anger and distaste for the man lying on the floor. No one had ever seen this furious side of him. His calm and uninterested personality was what everyone was aware of. Even Hoseok was surprised to watch Yoongi going all crazy and out of control. It felt like something in him snapped.

The guards were endeavouring to hold back the man with all his guns blazing but found it difficult as being the general of the army, Yoongi was far more skilled to tackle a bunch of sentries. And to no surprise he was successful, as he darted towards Namjoon with daggers in his eyes.

Before he could lay a finger on Namjoon, he felt a cold metal placed on his throat threatening to slit it open if he dared to make another movement. He watched Hoseok holding his sword against him.

"Enought Yoongi-ah! You've already done enough to bring disgrace on my name. I do not wish to see further."

Yoongi suddenly felt his stomach drop. The anger in Hoseok's eyes was enough for him to understand that he had crossed the line.

Moreover, there was hurt and disappointment that sting his heart even more. Yoongi stopped in tracks. He realised the severity of his actions and the grave consequences that would come along.

He turned towards Hoseok instead. "How could you defend him? This man is a parasite." He pointed towards Namjoon, who was now on his feet with the guards supporting his exhausted figure. "He's playing with you Hoseok." He looked at the emperor with desperate eyes, "Don't believe a word he says, he's using you for his own benefit. Trust me, he has an atrocious motive behind turning you against us."

"Trust you?" Hoseok snickered, "what makes you think that you've done anything to gain my trust."

"What do you mean?" Yoongi spoke, taken aback by Hoseok's reply.

"Yoongi-ah!" Hoseok said with distaste, "I was being attacked, my life was in danger and do you have any idea who was behind this?" He walked a step closer, "the woman you're trying to defend."

"Hoseok-ah, you-"

"ITS YOUR HIGHNESS FOR YOU!" Hoseok yelled, making Yoongi flinch by the sudden raise of voice. "And I dare you to cut my words ones again Min Yoongi, I fucking dare you."

Yoongi stood silent. He was surprised by this sudden change of tone that Hoseok had in him. It was an indication that the person speaking wasn't his friend but the king of Jung dynasty. He didn't dare cross his words.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Hoseok continued, "I saw her with my own eyes. The night the man tried to kill me and fled away, he ran straight to her. She was with him. And you still have the audacity to defend her and go against your king? "

He was now face to face with Yoongi, looking towards him with bloodshot eyes. "SPEAK UP!" He called out.

Yoongi didn't had any expression on his face. His eyes were empty and distant, not looking directly in Hoseok's eyes. He swallowed a stubborn lump formed in his throat before he finally spoke again, "With all due respect, My Lord! I still believe JiAh isn't behind this conspiracy. The person who is trying to mislead you is not her, but the man who so conveniently plot all this to prove her guilty and clear his path to fulfill his twisted ambitions." He glared towards Namjoon as he spoke these words.

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