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Mustafa: 6 years old

Rümeysa: 3 years old

Rümeysa ran to her father with sparkling eyes. Pasha Murad hugged his child and put a kiss on her face. Pasha Murad is the new sultan, Suleiman's best friend. The pasha's beloved wife, Ayse, died shortly after giving birth. The child's paternal grandmother, Safyie Sultan, took custody of her granddaughter. However, Rümeysa preferred to be close to her father or listen to her grandfather's stories. Murad couldn't get enough of his daughter's smile and beauty. Rümeysa looked like her mother. Ayse was a strong and fearless woman. In the castle, the servants prepared without stopping. Sultan Suleiman and his entourage were on their way to the palace. Safyie herself prepared her granddaughter to receive the ruler and Prince Mustafa.

"Grandmother! Will Mustafa come too?"

"He is now Prince Mustafa, Rümeysa! You must call him a prince and bow before him and before the sultan. Did you understand?"

"Yes I understand."

"Oh, and one thing you'll never forget! You, Rümeysa! You are the daughter of Pasha Murad and  Ayse Sultana. One day you will be the strongest woman in the Ottoman Empire. As long as you live, you will be a sultana. Everyone will lie at your feet, and all your commandments will be obeyed. I raise you to be a true sultana, my angel!

Rümeysa was standing between his grandmother and father when the sultan arrived with his entourage. The carriage followed them. Mahidevran and his son Mustafa got out. Murad greeted the sultan. Two friends who used to see each other. Mahidevran looked at the little girl with a smile, who looked more at the prince. Mustafa was shy. Mahidevran took her son's hand and greeted Safyie and her granddaughter together. Rümeysa ran to her father, who immediately put his arms around her.

"What a beautiful girl. Rümeysa inherited her mother's beauty. Allah reassures your wife, Murad!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!  My daughter is my only happiness. When Rümeysa grows up, I want her to be happy. She is my sultana." Murad replied.

Hours later, the adults talked in the garden, while Mustafa and Rümeysa chased each other in front of Safyie and Mahidevran. The childish laughter made many smile. Rümeysa was playing around the little fountain when she suddenly stumbled and fell into the water. Mustafa immediately rushed over to pull the little girl out of the water. Murad and Safyie finally took the child out. Rümeysa was a lot of water. Her grandmother immediately took her from her father and wrapped the little girl in a warm fur coat.

"How is the little girl?" Mahidevran asked.

"Daddy! I would like to continue playing with Prince Mustafa!"

"You can't play wet, my angel! Your grandmother will change clothes and you can come back after that."

"I'm glad you didn't get in trouble, Rümeysa." Mustafa said.

"Let me change Rümeysa! I will gladly help." Mahidevran said.

"Where is my mommy? I want my mom to dress me up!" Rümeysa asked.

Murad looked at his mother at his daughter.

"My sweet Rümeysa. Your mother has become an angel and will protect you from heaven. One day you will understand everything. But one thing is for sure. Your mother loved you more than anything."

10 years later

As time went on, so much has changed. Mustafa matured into an adult youth and was ready to be governor of Manisa. Meanwhile, Murad also died and soon after, Pasha Mehmet. Safyie and her granddaughter, Rümeysa, were left alone. Rümeysa and Safyie traveled to the capital to say goodbye to the Sultan and Prince Mustafa. They were preparing for another campaign. There were tears in the thirteen-year-old girl's eyes, but she kept herself all the way and only gave way to crying when she accompanied the prince to his horse. A smile sat on Mustafa's face as he wiped away her tears.

"Please do not cry! Your eyes are beautiful when you smile."

"I can't! I will pray for you every day, my prince! Allah give strength to your sword and courage to your heart."

"Goodbye, Rümeysa! I will always think of you."

Before the prince sat on a horse, he hugged the sobbing girl.

"I love you, Mustafa."

"I love you too, Rümeysa!"

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