Chapter 10

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Hürrem's tricks were on target. Mustafa went to the capital to talk to his father in person. Rümeysa also kept her sons behind. The sultan stood by her husband in everything, but she could no longer go to the ruler with him. Mustafa respected his father, but he did not want to leave his wife. Suleiman was perched in front of the fireplace as the prince entered the door. He bowed before him and stood respectfully towards his father. However, the sultan treated his son strangely.

"How could you do that, Mustafa? Your marriage makes me deeply frustrated. Rümeysa is my guardian daughter. Almost your sister."

"I admit it was a mistake I didn't ask for your permission, Your Majesty! She is my legal wife and mother of my two sons.  As for Manisa .."

"I have assigned you a new task. You will be the governor of Amasya. The Eastern Borderland is in danger and since you already have experience you will go there."


Hürrem's triumph marched drunkly down the hall. Rümeysa remained calm, but the woman's presence shook her spirits. The two sultanas stood side by side in silent silence. They were both waiting for the prince to come out. Minutes later, Mustafa stepped out in frustration and walked away. Taslicali read the sultana's thoughts and hurried after the prince.

"Do not feel strong Hürrem! You have won a battle, but you will lose the War. One day you will be ashamed. The Sultan will know everything about you and your deceptions. You'll see. The old days go back to this palace, and devilish souls of your own kind are doomed."

"Shut up! you half-hearted!" Hurrem shouted.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. I am not a servant but the legal wife of Prince Mustafa and the mother of his two children. The first Haseki for him. Watch what you do because the day will come when he will be the sultan."

Rümeysa hurried to her husband, who was standing under a tree at the end of the garden. Mustafa was disappointed and desperate.

"I want to be alone Rümeysa!"

"I will not leave you alone. Prince, you must not despair. Everything will be fine."

"My father sent it from Manisa, my dear! We have to go to Amasya."

"Hurrem will pay for everything along with Rüstem pasha. The power will be yours. You're important, Mustafa. Our sons' future is paramount. You can't break it. We do what the ruler commanded."

"Allah has given me the bravest woman."

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