Chapter 5

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Dear Rumeysa!

It's been half a year since I can't hear your voice. With the help of Allah we have won several battles. I feel closer every day. The little pebble you entrusted to me is my amulet. Our luck did not distract us. My father is confident of success. As soon as the campaign is over, we will return to the capital and take the case of the two of us to my father. Hold on, my dear pigeon! I can hold you in my arms again soon.

Sehzade Mustafa

Rumeysa read the prince's letter several times. A smile appeared on her face. Six months have passed since the departure of the sultan and the prince. There seemed to be order in the harem, but in the background everyone was weaving their own plans. Hürrem figured out how to set Rümeysa aside. Her plans have failed so far. Rümeysa enjoyed the support of Valide, but was also able to protect herself. Mahidevran found a strong alliance with the young sultan, who was very brave and bold in her age. Rumeysa visited the prince's mother in her apartment. Fatma let her in. The two women gave each other a killer look.

"Sultanim! The prince wrote a letter."

"My dear son! Allah protects him from everything. Rumeysa, I'm grateful to you for everything. Mustafa has no idea how lucky he is to have a supporter like you." 

Two weeks later, Suleiman and Mustafa returned to the capital with another victory. Everyone in the Valide apartment was already waiting for them. However, Rümeysa was nowhere to be found. The prince looked for the sultan with his gaze. Safiye said what happened. Suleiman issued the order to search. Mustafa personally headed the search team. The prince and the Janissaries began the search in the woods. Several went elsewhere to look for Rümeysa.

"My Sehzade. I found something." the solider said.

" This is her ring. We're going in that direction." Mustafa ordered.

Meanwhile, Rümeysa was sitting at the base of a tree moored. Her dress was torn and her hair was tousled. There were some wounds on her face that were bleeding.  Their attackers hid their faces, but Rümeysa knew Hürrem had planned it all out. The Janissaries discovered the camp and rushed. A sword lay beside the tree and he took it in her hand. She defended herself against her attackers. Prince Mustafa rushed down the hill and killed several others. However, one of them attacked the sultan and made a sharp cut on Rümeysa's shoulder. Mustafa ran to his sweetheart and got her in his arms.

"My Sehzade! My hero."Rumeysa said.

"Hold on to my love! We'll be in the palace soon. Stay with me."

They soon returned to the palace. Mustafa took Rümeysa to his own apartment, whose clothes were already very bloody. The doctor also came soon. The Sultan and Valide immediately rushed to the prince. Mustafa was sitting on the bed holding the beloved woman's hand. Mahidevran tried to reassure her son. Rümeysa slowly recovered.

"Thank you Allah! You have heard our prayers again." Valide said.

"The cut on the sultana's arm is deep. She should rest and not move for a while."

"Don't worry, child! You're safe here in the palace." Suleyman replied.

"Your Majesty! Someone from here in the palace ordered the kidnapping." Rümeysa said as she looked at Hürrem. Mahidevran followed the sultana's gaze.

"Father! f you give me permission for a while, Rümeysa would be with me in Manisa. Until it turns out he did this. No one can hurt her under my protection."

"As you see fit, son! You go with your granddaughter and Mahidevran too. Rümeysa! Get better as soon as possible."

"Thank you Majesty!"

A week later, everything was ready to travel. Safyie said goodbye to the ruler and Valide. And Rümeysa visited Ibrahim in person.

"I wish you a good journey."

"Thank you pasha! I'd like a favor from you."

"As you wish. How can I help?"

"I am convinced that behind my abduction is Hürrem. This red witch can do anything. Please find out what happened and inform."

"You can rest easy, Sultanim! I will find out in person what happened. I'll come to you in Manisa if I have to."

Hürrem felt strong. Rümeysa glanced at her once more. Instead of the carriage, she sat on the back of her own horse. Mustafa and Rümeysa walked side by side and the scouts in front of them. In the light of the spring sun, everything seemed different. Safiye has accepted the ruler's decision and will remain with her granddaughter.

"Are you well my dear? Shall we stop to rest?" Mustafa asked.

"Do not worry about me! If you're with me, I'm not interested in anything."

"As soon as the time is right I will speak to the sultan, I promise."

"I talked to Ibrahim Pasha.  He also thinks Hürrem planned it all out. I don't understand what your father likes about her."

"Don't care about that. I will be ruthless with anyone who wants to harm you."

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