Chapter 9

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"Validem! Welcome home!" Rümeysa bowed to her grandmother and kissed her hand

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"Validem! Welcome home!" Rümeysa bowed to her grandmother and kissed her hand.

"Rumeysa, my pretty sultana! You shine from motherhood, child! Where is your son?"

The nurse handed over the little prince to her mother. The little boy looked at the people around him with huge eyes. The prince inherited the color of his father's eyes. Rumeysa sat down next to her grandmother, holding her beloved firstborn on her lap. The toddler looked at his mother with a big smile.

"My son's name is Murad. Saluting the memory of my father. And one day he will be the padisah. Sultan Murad."

"Where is the prince? You should be by his side."

"Don't worry, Validem! Mustafa became the governor while the sultan was on a campaign. I've already issued the order for the trip. Soon we will join him and Sultan Mahidevran."

"And the Sultan  Hürrem will feel tense. The Russian witch will not be the leader of the harem for long. You are the  Haseki Sultan of Prince Mustafa, and the mother of his heir to the throne. The more members of the Divan you have to stand next to you."

"I arranged everything. Mustafa doesn't know about it, but I've talked to a lot of pashas, beggars, and military leaders. They all follow the prince and have sworn to defend him years ago."

A few hours later, Rümeysa and Safiye set out for the Topkapi Palace, where Prince Mustafa had been for some time. The prince was loved all over the capital. Hürrem did not look at Mustafa's presence in the palace with good eyes and was ready to do anything to remove him. After hours, the carriage also arrived from Manisa. The aghas unloaded the crates and took them to the allocated living quarters. Safiye rested for a while. Rumeysa went straight to her husband with the little Prince Murad in her arms.

Destur! Haseki Rumeysa Sultan Hazletreli!

Mustafa gave up everything and greeted his beloved wife. Murad cried immediately after his father. The sultana bowed before the prince.

"Sehzadem! "

"Rumeysa. My darling wife. I would have sent it for you."

"I'd come by myself. My heart knows where to look for who it beats for and who dominates it. Something else happened. I am expecting a child again."

Mustafa smiled at his wife and kissed her.

"Another child."

Prince Murad was taken to sleep by his nurse. Rumeysa went to the terrace to breathe fresh air. The view overlooked the Bosphorus. The prince hugged the sultan at her waist. Hurrem raged from her own balcony in rage.

"To hear of your goodness everywhere, my prince. No doubt. One day you will be a great sultan."

"May Allah give my father a long life."


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