Chapter 2

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Fatma Hatun, as the mother of Mustafa's child, did not look with good eyes at the harem popping up around the prince

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Fatma Hatun, as the mother of Mustafa's child, did not look with good eyes at the harem popping up around the prince. She took every opportunity to be the only one with the prince. One day the granddaughter of Sultan Safyie had just come out of Mustafa's apartment. Fatma seized the opportunity and held the sultan against the wall by her arm.

"Don't even hope that the prince has a chance. I am his wirst. The mother of his child."

"You forget who you're talking to, hatun. I am Sultan Rümeysa. Guardian daughter of Sultan Suleiman. The daughter of the prosperous Pasha Murad. Granddaughter of Sultan Safyie. You can have 10 more children for the prince, it doesn't matter. As long as I am only in the heart of Mustafa, you cannot follow me."

"But I gave birth to a boy for him. As soon as my son takes the throne one day and I will be Valide."

Rümeysa looked into Fatma's eyes with a laugh. 

"But the prince with a strong mother will be at the top of power. Don't you dare talk to me like that again, because it's going to be a nasty ending."

Rümeysa hurried to the sultan's suite. The aghas let her in. Suleiman sat behind his desk talking to Ibrahim Pasha. The sultan bowed before the majesty. The pasha nodded and greeted her. Leaving his desk, Suleiman greeted Rümeysa with a hug and a forehead kiss. Ibrahim left.

"Rümeysa. You're shining today, child! Allah rests him in peace." Suleiman said.

"My father has always spoken of you with appreciation. I would like to thank you for all the care and attention you have given me, Your Majesty! You're like a second father to me."

"You have nothing to thank, Rümeysa. My promise to your father is still alive today, and as long as I breathe you will be under my protection. You are also a member of the Ottoman ruling family."

"For me, it's an honor. With your permission, I would go to the inner garden. Valide wants to see me."

"Go with the blessing of Allah, child!" Süleiman replied.

Valide was waiting for Rümeysa in the garden under a tent

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Valide was waiting for Rümeysa in the garden under a tent. There were also Hatice and Gulfem and Hurrem. The sultan's mother greeted Rümeysa with a big smile, taking a seat right next to her. Gulfem and Hurrem sat on the pillows.

"Validem! Sultanim! Welcome, Gülfem Hatun! I wish you a blessed morning!"

" Rümeysa! It is a great happiness to see you here again. You left here as a little girl and today a beautiful woman is sitting in front of me. To Allah, how much you look like your parents." Valide said.

"Your mother was a good friend of mine." Hatice replied.

Soon after, Mahidevran and Fatma joined. Rümeysa rolled her eyes. Fatma sat down next to the prince's mother. She smiled mockingly at the sultan.

"Where is Mustafa?" Valide asked.

"Mustafa and Pasha Ibrahim will be here soon." Mahidevran said.

Not much time passed before the pasha and prince joined the Valide. Mustafa sat opposite Rümeysa. They smiled at each other, making Fatma jealous. They were given more cakes and drinks. It was a beautiful spring day. A pleasant wind blew through the trees and the singing of birds filled the silence of the palace.

"I'm proud of you, Mustafa! A sultan must rule an empire with a strong hand. What do you think, Rümeysa?" Valide asked.

"The Sultan of all time must win the love and respect of his people. At the same time, it is perhaps also important that a strong woman stand by the sultan. Someone who loves him with a pure heart and helps him in his daily life. As you did with Validem, the late Sultan Selim." Rümeysa replied.

"Pasha Rüstem is only talking about you, my dear."

"Forgive me, but I'm not feeling well. I better walk a little." Rümeysa stood up and ran away.

"RÜMEYSA!" Mustafa shouted after her.

Rümeysa found refuge in a secluded corner of the inner garden. She let go of her tears and sobbed on herself. Mustafa left his mother and Valide behind and then went after the sultan. He soon found Rümeysa, whose eyes were already red.

"My prince! What are you doing here? I want to be alone."

"Has the wedding grieved you so much? Talk to me. You don't love Rüstem, do you? Are you in love with someone else?"

"It doesn't matter who I love. I have to marry the one my grandmother assigned me to. I learned one when I was a girl. Women like me can never be with the man she loves with all her heart."

Mustafa touched Rümeysa's face and wiped away tears.

"You can't marry Rüstem. I could never stand it if another man touched you and not me. It doesn't take days for me to think of you."

"It doesn't matter what we want, Mustafa! The sultan also agreed to this marriage, which I do not want. Even if my heart breaks into my love for you. I have still loved you in silence, and I will love you as Rüstem's wife."

"My darling, Rümeysa!  I talk to the sultan and tell him we love each other. Maybe my father will be understanding."

"It can't be, prince! Everyone would oppose it. We better not talk about this anymore."

"Don't give up the future of the two of us, my love!"

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