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Loud music is booming throughout the hall room of Jeon Mansion, as well as the kitchen where a very certain Someone is dancing his heart out, swaying his hips while making their usual egg paste. The Omega is wearing a bandanna on his hair, and a white loose shirt of Jeongguk, with a red panty under it. That's all!!!

This is his day off. Technically the past three days were too his off days as his rutted Alpha was practically ramming his hard sheft into him mercilessly.

Unfortunately, The rut is over. The after sex glows are visible on the Omega's face. As well as he is being overly energetic to even conquer the mighty North Korea Hyuuaaahhh!!!

Anyways, This has been always like this, after an intercourse with his Alpha nope, The True Blood Alpha, sure gives him a lot of painful experiences with his ass, He gets hard time walking, sometimes he can not even sit properly. But it heals quickly for him, you know the perks of being a true blood Omega!

~~~ 붐바야
Yah yah yah 붐바야
Yah yah yah 붐바야 yah yah yah yah
붐붐바 붐붐바 (오빠!)
Yeah, yeah (오빠!)
Yeah, yeah 붐붐바 붐바야 ~~~~~


The dancing boy got heavily startled by his so called lovely, beautiful, sexy, romantic as hell sister in law Jeon Jenny!!!! The famous Black pink band member of Korea.

The dancing boy got heavily startled by his so called lovely, beautiful, sexy, romantic as hell sister in law Jeon Jenny!!!! The famous Black pink band member of Korea

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Jeon Jennie: The One and only sister of Jeongguk.
- The pack members really love the siblings whole heartedly and taking care of them, ever since their former Alpha and Luna passed away.
-Very possesive over her family. Just like her brother.

Only that much similarity the siblings have. Otherwise Jennie is hopelessly romantic, loves music, loves to go for clubbings, drinks, friends, adventures and what's not!
Jeongguk had never supported Jennie with these all. He wanted to see her in a respected position just like him. He doesn't like this pop culture at all. But anyway, This is just Taehyung his mate, who eventually blackmailed him emotionally and boom the girl is famous now. Well!

Oh by the way Did I tell you? That, If Taehyung was less spoiled before getting to know Jennie, Then congrats after meeting the girl, he is fully spoiled now.

"JENNNY!!! YOU FREAKING MORON!!! HOW COULD YOU? HOW DARE YOU TO SCARE ME LIKE THIS!!!" Taehyung shouted out loud making the girl roll her eyes immediately.

"OPPPA YOUR HIPS!" She shouted.


"YOUR HIPS OPPA, YOUR HIPS, SWAYING LIKE A PROFESSIONAL STRIPPER. YO... GO ON!!!" The girl immediately landed a hard slap over one of his jiggling ass cheek. This is usual for them. No no no Jeongguk doesn't have any idea of this too much, like too very much touching Things going on, behind him.

JEON, THE ALPHA CHIEF (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now