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To wake up on his Alpha's arm. Yes His Alpha's safest arm. Where he fears for nothing. Which is his Home. His Alpha's arm..... Is all what Taehyung yearn...

His Alpha, Taehyung could see His Alpha from a far,

Who is now sitting below a cherry blossom tree where the flowers are flowing over his head making a flower crown, And his hairs are flying with the mild blow of the wind making him the most beautiful human creature to be created so far. With a smile Taehyung tries to walk closer but something is holding him back. If feels wrong. So wrong-

He could hear his Alpha is chanting a soothing melody caressing the lying other's head over his lap. A girl. A beautiful girl who too is singing along with him lying on the grass. Her features are equally breath taking as like The Alpha. His Alpha. What is going on? Why his Alpha is with someone other then him? Just WHY!!!

Taehyung is trying to form a sentence but nothing is coming out of his mouth. He wants to shout. He wants to run to the duo. WHY THEY ARE LOOKING SO PEACEFUL TOGETHER!!! WHY HIS KOOKIE IS LOOKING AT THE GIRL So lovingly!!! WHY!!!! No KOOKIE!!! STOP!! I MIGHT FAINT!!! STOP KOOKIE DON'T DO THIS TO ME!!! PLEASE!!! I AM HERE KOOKIE!!! SHE IS NOT ME!!! KOOKIE NOOOO!!! KOOKIEEEE!!!!!


"KOOKIE!!!" Taehyung jerked up from his sleepy state only to collide with a hard surface then again fall down to the bed with a whine.

"Ta-e." Jeongguk mumbled while rubbing his chest out of pain where Taehyung collided, as he was half hovering over his passed out husband's body giving him heat with his weak body. Yes it's been three hours he has gained his consciousness and just patiently waiting for Taehyung, while crying a river.

"KOOKIE!!!!" Taehyung shouted more thrashing all over trying to adjust his blurry vision. Now he could see someone above him, saying something. His hazy state is not letting him to understand nor hear anything nor see what is it, who is it.

He weakly started to protest while throwing his fist to the man angrily.
"You cannot take away my Kookie!!! YOU CAN NOT!!! NOBODY CAN!!!!" He shouted trying to scratch the unknown male's body with his nails making it almost bleed. Jeongguk is doing nothing constantly taking his fists, scratches without any protests. Just randomly uttering sorry. He knows his husband is in this state because of him. Only him.

"Tae... Ta-e please...bub... I am here... Tae... calm pl-ease." Jeongguk said weakly trying to hold the other on his state spreading relaxing pheromones making the omega to lesser his protests. Taehyung weakly layed down trying to understand the surroundings.

"Kookie?" He mumbled looking above him As Jeongguk is sitting beside him and half lying on his chest caressing his Hair.


"Ko-okie." Taehyung again uttered holding his hand against the other's face as his Alpha is crying silently not saying anything and just looking at him.

His Kookie is here that means all that was just a dream? He was just dreaming? Taehyung fixed his gaze around himself. Everything is silent around him. Now he is wondering why he is lying almost paralyzed? What happened to him? All he could remember his dream of that blossom tree. Why he can't remember!!!! Taehyung hold his head trying to remember everything.

"Ta-e?" Jeongguk asked confusingly.

"What happened to me Kookie? Why am I here? Why- why are you crying? Am I sick Kookie? And the dream? The dream-" Taehyung panicked making Jeongguk confused.

"Tae you need to rest baby, everything will be okay. Please- and what dream?"

They both got heavily interrupted by Their sister Jennie.

JEON, THE ALPHA CHIEF (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now