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Anna's POV:
Today I start my new school and I am not looking forward to it. I liked the one that I was at but they expelled me for... well doing drugs on the campus.

Let's just say that I was a bit of a rebel last school year and didn't give a fuck about what things could happen. I don't know if I feel sorry for what I did or if I'm glad about it.

Anyways, I'm going to miss seeing my friends everyday. I had a solid group and now I'm gonna have to make friendships again, which isn't easy.


I got myself ready to leave after having a shower and getting dressed. I put on a pair of sweatpants that say, 'Stop Looking At My Dick', with my favorite hoodie that has, baby Yoda on it.

I'm really not ready to go to school... not yet at least. I can't stop my nerves from making my body shake, and my breathing heavy. I don't know why I'm having these feelings but I do know that this will give me confidence.

Throughout the summer, I lost all the confidence that I had in me. Drugs were what made me feel assured with everything, now that I've been to rehab, and stayed clean, I just don't feel the same as I used to.

I looked at the time on my phone and noticed that it was half seven. I picked my bag up and swung it over my shoulder as I left my bedroom, going downstairs to say goodbye to my family.

I saw them all in the kitchen having breakfast, I'll probably just get something to eat on the way. "Morning" I said as I walked into the room.

"Morning, Anna" my parents said at the same time. My eldest brother, Tommy, stood up off the chair and came over to me then wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he had his hand on my head messing up my hair.

"Stop, I need to go to school" I whined and he took his hand off. "My big sisters gonna steal so many hearts this year" he said poking my stomach, making me laugh. "Leave her alone" my youngest brother, Brandon said.

I turned my head around and looked at him, mouthing. "Thank you" Brandon, nodded his head. "I've got to go" I walked over to the door to get away from Tommy.

"Bye, boon" Brandon, shouted. "Have a good day" my dad said. "Don't go causing mayhem" Tommy said, running over to me. "I won't". "See you later, Anna. Have a good day at school" my mom said.


I got my schedule for each class that I'm having and the principal got me a student so they can show me around. I stayed in the office as I was waiting for the person to come.

I don't know their name but I really can't wait to meet them. maybe they could be a new friend. Someone opened the door and I moved away so I didn't get hit.

"Hey" I said to the girl who walked in. She has light brown hair, dark brown eyes, a freckle on her nose and a really beautiful smile. i already like her.

"Hi, I'm Eva, nice to meet you" I nodded my head and gave her a friendly smile back. "I'm Anna" I put my hand out for her to shake, which she gladly did. "Ready for your first day".

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the day ahead of me because it's gonna be so nerve racking. I nodded my head even though I don't feel ready still. "Yeah, I can't wait".


Eva, showed me around the school then helped me get to my first class which we both had together. "Would you like to be sitting next to me?" she said as we was making our way there. "Yes, please" she smiled.

"Right, we're here" I stopped and took a deep breath again. Eva, put her hand onto my shoulder. "It's going to be alright. We've got a new maths teacher this year".

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What happened to the other one?" Eva, took her hand off of my shoulder. "He sexually harassed a girl after one of his lessons.." I started twiddling with my fingers as I felt myself get anxious.

".. But he's not here now, thank god" she added. I chuckled at what, Eva said. "I think I'm ready to go in" she nodded her head with a smile on her face as she opened the door.

I slowly walked in and everyone was looking at me. Eva, came in behind me and closed the door, I turned my head and looked at her as she looked at me, noticing that I was anxious.

"Come on" she whispered to me. Eva, sat down at a chair in the back so I sat next to her and put my bag onto the chair so no one would trip over it.

"And who do we have here?" the woman said. She's about 5'9 taller without the heals that she is wearing, has luscious dark brown hair and eyes that sparkle under the lighting. she's really beautiful.

"I'm Anna. I'm, um, new here" I could barely get that out as I was stuttering from how anxious I was feeling. "I'm Miss Robinson, I will be your maths teacher for this year" I smiled as she returned the emotion back to me.

Miss Robinson, turned around and walked back over to her desk. I didn't notice it but I was holding myself tense, I only found out once I put my back onto the chair and relaxed myself to get ready for the lesson.

I was really anxious about this, but now that I've met the teacher, I feel a lot better about the school year. It might actually be good. I've got, Eva already that understands me and we only met like twenty minutes ago.

Miss Robinson, seems really nice and she's very beautiful. I find her attractive but I know that it's wrong to have a crush on a teacher. But how can I resist, when she looks so god damn fine.

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