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Anna's POV:
"Michelle, look" I said pointing to the sky. We're having a 1v1 match together without a goalie. "Stop trying to cheat, Anna" she said out of breath while running.

"But miss, there's something in the sky" she chuckled. "No there isn't" I went up behind her and tackled as I couldn't get her attention off the ball.

"Anna" she shouted. "This is payback for not looking" I kicked the ball into the goal and scored a point.

Michelle, ran over to me making us fall on the floor as she was on top of me. I could stop staring into her eyes as she couldn't with mine.

I took a glance at her lips making her smile as I looked at her eyes again. "You're so beautiful" I said in a soft voice. "Really?" she said as her cheeks went red.

"Yeah-" before I could say anything else she placed her lips onto mine, gently connecting them together for a passionate kiss. "You're beautiful too" she said as our lips detached.

"You think so?" she asked still on top of me. "Yeah, but if we're gonna carry this convo on you better get off me" she chuckled. "Why's that?".

"Because you're hard to resist". "Am I now?" i swear she's tryna tease me. "Very much so" I put my hands onto her waist and pulled her down towards me as I connected our lips together for a passionate kiss.

I slowly started to deepen it making us both get out of breath while my tongue was going into her mouth. "I don't want this to ever stop" she said slightly out of breath.

"Me too" Michelle, bit her bottom lip. "But it's getting late and I promised my boyfriend that we'd go on a date tonight" I furrowed my eyebrows as we sat up.

Michelle's, now sitting next to me. "Boyfriend?" I questioned. "Yeah" I looked down to the ground and stood up. why didn't she tell me that she had a boyfriend.

"Sorry I didn't mention it before" I shook my head. "No, it's okay. What's he like?" by the facial expression she pulled while thinking of what to say, didn't look like as if he was a good person for her.

"Well he's not that great but I've gotten used to it now" I swear I probably had puppy dog eyes. I installed wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry".


"Whats up, curious Cudmore?" I asked as I was on the phone to, Eva, while laying down on my bed after taking a shower.

"How's things going with miss?" she said a slightly perky voice and making words a bit prolonged. "Good" I had such an obvious smile on my face that she'd probably be able to tell through the phone.

"How good though?" I chuckled and moved my phone a bit as it was getting uncomfortable on my ear. "Really fucking good..".

There was an awkward silence, like as if she wanted me to carry on... so I did. ".. We umm... we actually kissed a bit today".

I heard her sit up quickly in excitement. "Was it good?" I nodded my head although she can't see me. "To be honest it was fucking amazing but..".

"But what?" Eva asked as she cut me off. ".. I found out that she has a boyfriend. "Oh shit" she said making me laugh. "But he's not a nice person towards her" she gasps.

"How could some prick with a tiny dick fucking be like that to her?" I sighed. "All I know is that I'm gonna treat her better than him" I said with confidence.

"You certainly will be" I smiled. "I don't want her to be hurt, I just want her to be happy all the time" I could feel tears in my eyes just thinking about anything that he might have done to her.

"You'll be the reason she smiles. Just please make sure she's okay and that nothing ever happens to her" like as if i won't be doing that already. "I will".

"You fucking better be, simping Shumate". "Trust me, I will be.." I sat up on my bed. ".. I've got to go" I continued as I was standing up.

"Alright, see you tomorrow" she said hanging up, not allowing me to say goodbye or anything. "Fuck you, Cudmore" I whispered to myself.


"I just don't know if this would go far or if she is the one" I said to my brother, Tommy as we were playing, fortnite together. "Well, do you think of her when you wake up and before you go to sleep?".

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I do. But what's that got to do with it?". "Because you love her" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Like as if you know" I said under my breath.

"I do know.." shit he heard me. "I have been dating people you know" I paused the game and looked at him. "Really?" I said with an excited tone on my voice.

"Yeah. I pull all the ladies at college. I just never talk about it" I chuckled. "Fuck bro. How many times did you get your heartbroken?" Tommy chuckled. "Way too many times..".

I unpaused the game. ".. But it doesn't mean that I've stopped having feelings for people". I nodded my head understanding what he meant.

"I just really like her and I don't want to mess it up" he took his attention off of the game and looked at me. "You won't boon. I know you wont".

A/N: this is short but i wanted to finish it here to start the next chapter.

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