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Anna's POV:
I went into maths class before anyone else was her, mostly just to be with, Miss Robinson.

"Anna, what are you doing here so early?" she said as she noticed that I was here a few seconds after I sat down at my desk.

"I just wanted to come here" she smiled at me then put her pen down. "Well I'm glad you're here" I could feel my cheeks start to get red, making me look down so she didn't see.

I stood up and walked over to her. "I've entered myself onto the soccer team and we've got a match tonight" she nodded her head. "I know, I saw your name on one of the flyers".

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Of course I did, especially as they're close to my class". I scratched the back of my neck, nervously. "Would you be there? I'd love to have to rooting for me".

Miss Robinson, nodded her head while she chuckled. "I'll be there".


I was on the pitch with my team mates as our coach was telling us the rules. We had a team from another school up against us and apparently their really good.

"Now get your arses in position" couch (N/A: i can't think of a name to call her) said as we all got into our places.

I'm where they always make me be, defender on the right side of the pitch. Coach, blew the whistle and the match started. i knew this was going to be hard.

My team mate passed me the ball and I tried running up to our goal while dodging everyone that got in my way.

I was so close to it, so I looked up to figure out where to score and kicked the ball making it go into the goal.

I could hear people cheering for me, causing me to look up to the stands where, Miss Robinson was. "I'm so proud of you" I lip read from her as she had a huge smile on her face.

Coach, blew the whistle and we started the match again. This time the other team got it before us. We couldn't even tackle them as they'd make us trip up. is this really what you call "an outstanding team".

Lilly, one of our team mates, got the ball and passed to me as we got further down the pitch, getting close to the goal, I passed it back to her, then she passed it back to me.

I was in the most perfect spot to just kick the ball and get it into the goal. SO, I took my shot. I lined up where I wanted to get it into the goal, and kicked it, making it go into the goal, straight past the keeper.

"YES ANNA, LET'S GO" I heard, Miss Robinson shout out making me look up to her with a smile on my face as I was running to go get back into my position after celebrating with my team.


It's now the second round and so far we've gotten 2-2, making it a draw with this asshole of a team. I swear they just wanna kill us.

Coach, blew the whistle then I ran up to go get the ball as the other team got it and started running our way, but the person who had gotten it has been making me trip over her foot each time she got anywhere near me.

I decided that it's time to spice things up as she's not getting a red or yellow card.

I got as close as I could to "tackle" the ball and make her trip over, which was successful but she landed right on her face.

She sat up holding her nose as it was pouring with blood. "Fuck you" she shouted at me. "You deserved it, you kept tripping me up" she raised her eyebrows and didn't say another word to me.

A few seconds later, a nurse can out and took her to the side so we could carry on with the game.

I look up at, Michelle as I was going back to my position, she gave me a thumbs up so I smiled at her and then the coach blew her whistle.


We won.

Our team scored, 5-3. I got most of the goals obviously.

Once we had gotten done with saying "good game" to each of the other team mates. I went into the changing room and got into the shower.

Lucky they've got singular stalls for them so no one will find out about me having a dick. PLUS, they can't get in here as its a door rather than a curtain.

By the time I was done, everyone had left. Most of the girls didn't have a shower, but it's just easier for me to have one now rather than when I get home.

"You did great out there, Anna" I heard, Michelle say as I was drying my hair in front of the mirror. "Oh really?" she came behind me and smiled.

"You did. I'm so proud of you" I raised my eyebrows thinking of what my dad would say. "My dad wouldn't say the same".

Michelle put her hands onto my shoulder and massaged them. "I'm telling the truth though. You really did do amazing. And for that prick that kept on tripping you up, she had that coming to her".

I chuckled. "Yeah, I hope she broke her nose". Michelle, ran her hands down my arms after I put the towel on the sink. "Me too".

I turned around looking into her eyes. "I wish I could kiss you right now" I whispered. "Then kiss me" she said as she bit her lip. "But what if-".

Michelle, connected our lips for a soft, passionate kiss, making my heart pound on how much I like her.

"Wow" I said as we pulled back. "I think we need to do that again" I nodded my head, agreeing with her then kissed her lips again for a few more seconds than before".

I just realized that this is our first kiss. HOLY SHIT. "I'm sorry, my brain took over. I forgot.." she furrowed her eyebrows. "..This shouldn't be happening".

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