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Anna's POV:
The bell rang and everyone got a bit overwhelming. I'm really not used to the energy sometimes. "Class is dismissed" Miss Robinson, said in a raised voice. I started putting my stuff away as people were leaving.

I stood up with, Eva then heard her beautiful voice calling out my name, and no I'm not talking about, Eva. I'm talking about, Miss Robinson. Her voice is so soft and cute which makes my heart flip in my chest.

"I'll wait outside" I nodded my head as I smiled at, Eva. "Okay" she left the class room and so did everyone else as only, Miss Robinson as well as myself was in there.

"Yes, miss" I said walking over to her desk. She looked up to me with a smile. "I just want to welcome you here. It's my first day too and I know how scary it must be for you".

I smiled to the thought that she understands me in some way. "Thank you. I had a lot of anxiety coming into this class but I calmed down after about ten minutes".

"I'm glad to hear" I nodded my head and looked down to the ground, feeling my cheeks get warm from the eye contact that we are currently making. Miss Robinson, grabbed my hand which took me by surprise.

"If you ever need anything, I'm always here for you" I looked back up to her as she was deeply looking into my eyes. please stop being so fucking beautiful right now.

"Okay. Thank you again, Miss Robinson" she let go of my hand. "Of course, Anna. You better go or you'll be late for your next class". why did this have to be so short.

I took a deep breath. "Alright, I guess I better" I walked over to the desk then picked up my bag and swung it over my shoulder. "Don't worry, It's going to be fine" I heard her say as I got to the door.

"Thank you, Miss" I turned my head to look at her before saying that. She chuckled. "No problem, Anna.. now go, you don't want to be late".


Eva and I was sat in the cafeteria as it is now lunch.
"So how has today been so far?" Eva said as she put some food into her mouth. "It's been okay" I started thinking about how nice, Miss Robinson was to me.

"That's good" I nodded my head. "Yeah, I like Miss Robinson, she's nice" Eva, agreed with what I said. "She is" she chuckled.

"What's funny?" she shrugged her shoulder, put her fork down and turned slightly on her chair to look at me. "You seem to really like her. You've been zoned out since meeting her" I raised my eyebrows in shock.

"I have!" Eva, nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, you almost drooled in the last class" I felt myself get embarrassed after hearing her say that.

"But don't worry that you have a crush on her.." I cut, Eva off from what she was saying. "I don't have a crush on her" she chuckled. ".. Yeah okay. What I was saying was that you don't have to worry about liking her, if you keep your feelings under control.. nothing will happen".

"Okay, are you sure though?". "I haven't been any more sure than what I am right now" I took a deep breath that I must've been holding without realizing it.

"I just don't know what I'm gonna do about these feelings, I haven't liked someone for a couple years now. This feels all so new to me" Eva, smiled slyly out of no where.

"How about we pretend that we're dating so you can get used to it? we don't have to kiss or have sex, just be more closer to each other and make it look like we're more than friends".

I thought for a minute about this. I don't know if this would be the right thing to do, I guess it would give me more of an understanding of it. But also, why should we when I'm not going to have, Miss Robinson as my girlfriend.

i'm already picturing the things i could do to her. "I don't know if that would help" Eva, swallowed some food that she had in her mouth. "Okay, we won't have to do it. But the offer is there".

"Alright.." I sighed thinking about, Miss Robinson. ".. I really want to get closer to her. Know everything about her that no one else does" Eva, put her hand onto my arm rubbing it up and down as she saw my facial expression turn, looking like I'm disappointed.

"Don't worry, you'll get there".


It was finally the end of the day, I'm feeling so exhausted right now. I haven't been this busy in one day for way too long.

I was walking up to the bed entrance with, Eva as we was talking. We got to know each other quite quickly but I'm learning some more about her right now.

As we was making our way, I could see, Miss Robinson in the crowd of people that are heading towards us, to the door.

It was like as if I was in a movie. I feel so drawn into her as the air made her hair fly backwards and her eyes look so bright under the light taking my breath be taken away each second.

fucking hell, i'm turning into a poet.

"So there's a party on Friday at Katie's house, are you coming?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, I'm not really into parties" she tapped my shoulder with hers. "There won't be any drugs there".

I took a deep sigh and gave in. "Okay, maybe I will".

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