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Anna's POV:
"Anna, stay after class so we can finish a few equations" Miss Robinson said as her lesson was about to finish. I was too distracted by her to even be able to today work.

I nodded my head. "Okay miss" she smiled at me and a few minutes later the bell rang for the everyone to go to their next class.

Eva, left with everyone else after giving me a smirk. Miss Robinson, walked over to me and sat in the chair next to me as she placed done the piece of paper with the equations on.

"Why did you miss so many today?" she asked me, making my face go red from embarrassment. "I don't know" she chuckled. "Surely you know, Anna" I took a deep sigh.

"I was too distracted by you" I blurted out. "Am I that hot that you could do the simple one?" I nodded my head. "Very.." she smiled.

"That kiss yesterday really messed me up.." she furrowed her eyebrows. ".. I haven't been able to get my mind off it since" she chuckled. "Me too" she said looking deeply into my eyes then down to my lips.

I think she noticed what she was doing because she looked back at the paper. "So with this one..."


We got done with the equations and they literally were the easiest ones. "Can we maybe meet up after school somewhere? I really want to spend more time with you out of school" she nodded her head.

"Of course we can, Anna" I smiled. "Cool, I was thinking maybe we could go to a restaurant like an hour or two away from here so we wouldn't get caught by anyone".

Miss Robinson nodded her head. "I would love to.. here.." she wrote something down onto a piece of paper and then gave it to me. ".. There's my number, I'll send you my address".

"Wouldn't your boyfriend wonder where you're going?" she shook her head and put her hand onto my jaw. "I'll tell him that I'm going to a party with some friends. He wouldn't think anything of it, and to be honest with you, I think he has sneaky links".

I chuckled at what she said. "I want to kiss you so badly right now" I whispered. "Kiss me then" she said out of the blew.

I leaned in and connected our lips slowly turning my head to the side to deepen it as I tapped her bottom lip with my tongue, asking to enter her mouth which she allowed.

The kiss started to get hot and heavy. "We should stop" she said with her lips still on mine. We then disconnected the kiss.

"Yeah, I better get to my next class.. well at least what's left of it" she chuckled and nodded her head agreeing with me. "Okay, bye Anna" she said in somewhat of a seductive tone like as if she didn't want me to leave.

I put my bag over my shoulder and went up to her pecking our lips before leaving the room.


"So what happened with you and Miss Robinson?" my eyes widened at, Eva's question. "Nothing" she cunningly chuckled. "Oh really" she said with a smirk.

"Yes, Eva. Nothing happened she just helped me finish my work. It's not like as if she's gonna fuck me in school" she shrugged her shoulders. "She might.." I slapped the top of her head.

".. I gave you a handjob in school. Why wouldn't she?" I put my fork down as we are at lunch. "Because she fucking works here dipshit".

I stood up and threw my lunch away in the trash then left the cafeteria with, Eva following behind me. "Come on, Anna. You know I'm joking" she shouted out to me.

"Yes, but you don't have to ask me so many personal questions" she nodded her head and came closer to me. "I know I don't but I'm intrigued" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Well don't be. It's none of your business".


I was in the field with my teammates as we was getting ready for our match. Coach got us doing a couple laps around the field to warm us up.

I got done with the second lap with a few others. "Fucking hell" I said out of breath. "Shumate. No swearing" coach shouted to me. I put my hand up to her so she new that I took that into consideration, but couldn't talk.

I had my hands on my knees as I started to get my breath back. "Well done ladies. Go have some water and then we'll start the match.


Time went on and we're almost done with our second half. I passed the ball to one of my team mates and she passed it back to me. I kicked it over to the goal making it go in.

"Ayy" I said a bit loudly. The others came running up to me, congratulating the goal that I made. "Back to your places ladies" our coach shouted out.

I got in front of the ball and kicked it before the other team got it and passed it to my team mate.

She kicked to someone else and then it got back to me while someone went to tackle me. I swerved around them and kicked it to my team mate that was closest to me.

I started running down the field to get closer to our goal but turned my head around and saw that the other team had the ball. I quickly turned around, running into the persons direction.

"Come on, Anna" the coach shouted to me. I gave her a thumbs up and tackled the girl, sneakily passing the ball to my team mate.

She stuck her middle finger up at me but I didn't pay attention to it. I just wanted to keep my head in the game, mostly just to impress, Michelle.

"Pass" I shouted, putting my hand in the air. My team mate passed it to me as I kicked it to the goal, making in, just in time for the coach to blow the whistle.

"Let's go" my whole team and myself yelled. I looked up to, Michelle and she had a big smile on her face. I hope I get to see her after this.

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