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Anna's POV:
"Michelle, hi" I said with excitement just by seeing her. "Anna, what you doing here? I was just about to come to the court" I nodded my head.

"I thought I'd get a drink and mom wanted some things" she smiled at me when I mentioned my mom. "Thats so sweet of you" we started walking out of the gas station and making our way to the soccer court.

"So how are you?" I can tell that she's been crying but I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable or feel like she needs to tell me her personal shit. "I'm just glad to be with you right now" I chuckled and took a glance at her.

"And why is that?" she shrugged her shoulders and looked at me. "I don't know, I just like being with you" when I tell you my heart was melting, it literally was. "Cute" she laughed at what I said.

"Come on, let's get to the court". We started running and she made it into a race, whoever gets there first gets a kiss from the loser. Obviously I started running till my legs would give out.

"Okay you win" she said breathless as we stopped at the gate. "I know I do, I purposely did it so you can kiss me" I said with a smirk clear on my face.

I took a step closer to, Michelle and looked deeply into her eyes. "Kiss me". we was leaning then our lips touched. I love the feeling of her soft red lips. I turned my head to the side so the kiss went deeper.

We pulled apart and she bit her bottom lip with her teeth. "Let's go play" she tilted her head to the side quickly then back up. I opened the gate as it was closed, then we walked in.

Michelle and I sat down on the chair as I got my ball out of my bag and took a sip of water. "Ready to be beaten?" she asked with full confidence as she took the ball causing me to laugh.

"More ready than ever" I said with a smile on my face.


"So why are you still with your boyfriend?" I probably shouldn't have asked that. fuck. "To be completely honest with you, I have no clue why I'm still with him but I feel like I can't get away from him".

I nodded my head. "Why not?" she looked at me then looked in front on her as we was walking then sighed. "It's because of the way he treats me. I can't even leave the house without him abusing me".

I love how honest she's being with me, it's how I know that she trusts me. "Fucking arsehole" I'm getting angry just thinking about random things that he might do to her. I need to protect, Michelle as much as I can.

"You can say that again" I slightly chuckled. "Fucking arsehole" I repeated making her laugh. "I didn't mean literally" I nodded my head. "I know but he's pissing me off".

We stopped walking and turned to look at each other. "I don't want to go back to him tonight" I held onto her hand. "There's a bed in our basement, you're welcome to stay there if you want".

Michelle's eyes lit up. "But what if your parents find out that I stayed there" I shrugged my shoulders. "Then I'll tell them that I found you drunk last night on my way home and brought you home to sober up" she smiled and looked down at my lips as we slowing moved our faces close to each other.

I tilted my head to the side and placed my lips on hers. My heart stops every time we kiss, it's like as if I'm under her spell.

We pulled back after a while. Michelle, looked at me with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you".


Michelle's fast asleep in bed. I just got her a glass of water, I'll just put it on the table. I very quietly walked into the basement to do what I need to do. She looks so peaceful there, I just wish I was next to her.

I mean I guess it wouldn't hurt if I did join her but if my parents wake up before me they'll notice that I slept with her last night cause I am gonna tell them that lie.

"Anna?" Michelle said with a tired voice, as she opened her eyes slightly then closed them again. "Yes" I sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at her. "Can you stay with me?" I nodded my head. "Of course I can".

Michelle, moved over in the bed and I got in next to her. "Thank you" she said as she put her head onto my shoulder. I ran my fingers through her hair then closed my eyes, feeling myself go to sleep.


"Michelle" I gently shook her to wake up. "What time is it?" she said with a raspy voice, it was so hot. "10:45am". "Shit" Michelle said and got up quickly. "Whats wrong?" I asked while sitting up a bit. "He will kill me if I don't go back home".

"I'm sure he won't-" Michelle, stopped me from talking. "He will. I never get to do things like this, I can't even go stay with my own mother but he does" I clenched my fist and stood up, walking over to her as she was getting her bag.

"Then I'm coming with you" she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thank you, Anna" she said with worry in her tone. Unwrapping her arms around me.

"No problem, I want to keep my teacher safe" Michelle, tilted her head down with these cute ass eyes that I could never describe.

Luckily my parents weren't up yet while we was leaving the house, so the lie was never needed. "They literally never sleep in" Michelle, gasped. "Never sleep in? that's criminal" I chuckled at what she said.

Michelle and I got into my car and I made my way to her house, taking her instructions while focusing on the road ahead of me.

"We're here".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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