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Anna's POV:
It's now, Monday morning and I'm about to leave to go to school. That hangover was better than what I thought it would be, I thought it would last longer than what it did but that pill must've helped it the most.

I honestly can't wait to get there. I finally get to see the beautiful, Miss Robinson again. I've missed her during the weekend. I mostly had, Eva with me but I couldn't stop thinking about her, even after I had sex.

"Hey" I said to, Eva as I opened the door. She wanted to drive me to school today so I agreed with it. "Hey, simping Shumate. Ready to go?" I nodded my head and closed the door behind me after shouting goodbye to my parents as they haven't gone to work yet.

"Of course, I'm ready to go. I can't fucking wait to see her" I got into, Eva car, then she got into the drivers seat. "Who? oh wait let me guess, who could it be?.." I chuckled at the way she was acting as if she was thinking of a person. ".. I'm guessing you're talking about, Katie"

I laughed and shook my head. "Very wrong" she chuckled then started driving. "Don't tell me its the hot maths teacher". I could feel my cheeks burning up. "Fuck, yes, you're right".


I entered, Miss Robinson's class, noticing that she looked up at me and smiled as I sat down in my seat next to, Eva.

"She totally just admired you" she said quietly. "Shut up. No she didn't" Eva, raised her eyebrows in a way that she doesn't believe me. "You can tell from a mile away that she was. But whatever you say, simping Shumate" she enthusiastically said the nickname.

Everyone was in the room now and, Miss Robinson stood up as she started the lesson. I couldn't focus on what she was saying because I was focusing on every move she made and the way she smiled at some if the things that she said.

she's really beautiful.

"Anna, do you want to come and solve this equation?" I couldn't hear her it was just muffled but I ended up getting out of the gaze that I was in. "Sorry, could you repeat that" Miss Robinson, walked over to me and held out the board's marker pen to me.

"Come and solve the equation" she said with a smile. I could stop looking into her beautiful brown eyes. it's like a daydream... she is a daydream.

I stood up and took the marker that she gave me then walked over to the board. I looked up at the equation that she wants me to do, and instantly did it without hesitation. I'm really good at maths because my dad made me do a lot of it growing as apparently it will help me as I get older but I really doubt that.

Within a minute, I was done with solving the problem. I looked at, Miss Robinson as I noticed that she couldn't take her eyes off of me while her mouth was slightly open. I turned around and walked back to my desk and sat down.

"You got that correct" she said sounding shocked. I nodded my head. "Well, what can I say? I'm not only a pretty face" she chuckled then carried on with the lesson. All the way through, I could tell that she kept on looking at me which made me blush each time.


It was the end of the lesson and I really didn't want it to finish, I was enjoying the amount of times she was looking at me.

"Come on, simping Shumate, lets go" I stood up from my chair and put my bag on my shoulder. "I'm coming" I sarcastically said. "Bro, we're in class" I chuckled at what, Eva said. "I didn't mean it in that way" she rolled her eyes and put her arm around my neck as we walked out the class.

"You really like her, don't you?" I nodded my head as I slightly smiled thinking of the lesson we just had. "Yeah, I do".


I walked into the cafeteria and, Katie was sitting at our table. I went over and sat down making her look up from her phone. "Where's Eva?" I shrugged my shoulders. "She should be on her way. Why?" she shook her head. "It doesn't matter, I just thought you'd both be together after the other night".

My cheeks turned red as I thought of what we did at the party. "Shut up about that" she chuckled. "Y'all fucked and you know it" I shook my head. "If we did.." I felt hands on my shoulders gently squeezing on them.

"It's none of your business, Katie" she put her hands up, surrendering. "Okay, then the person that I fucked at the same time as you two, is none of your business" I looked at, Eva as she looked at me. "That's the only moans you were hearing" Eva said with full confidence.

Eva, sat down next to me and I stood up. "I'm gonna go get my lunch". "Me too" Eva said after me. I slightly smiled at her and walked over to the place where we can buy food.


It was finally the end of the day, and like usual, Eva and I are talking as we walked to the doors. "Wanna come over to my house?" she asked. "When?" she hit our shoulders together, knocking me over a bit.

"Now silly" I chuckled and nodded my head. "Sure" I looked in front of me and saw, Miss Robinson, noticing her looking at me with a smile on her face.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, she looked so... beautiful. Her hair was flying backwards from the wind coming through the doors as we're getting very close to them and her lips looked so soft.

"Hey Anna" Miss Robinson said. i didn't even know that we was close to her. "Hey miss" she smiled. "Could you come to my classroom for a minute?... I need to talk to you".

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