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Anna's POV:
I woke up with a terrible headache and my stomach feeling nauseous. I stood up as I got out of bed, feeling like the room was spinning, as I fell back onto the bed, loosing my balance.

I took a glance at my phone as I heard a buzz and saw a glass of water with a pill next to it, I picked the glass up then the pill and took it.

I really don't like feeling like this, I haven't felt like shit in, well actually I don't fucking know but it's been a really long time.

I put the glass back onto my cabinet and laid down on my bed, waiting to see if it would make me feel a bit more better. I could feel my stomach pumping. shit.

(A/N: okay so i think y'all know what is about to happen. i've got emetophobia so i'm gonna skip it)

I got done with what I had to do and stood up then went over to the mirror, seeing my vision start to come back.

I turned the tap on and filled my hands with water to plash on my face as I got hot during the process, then put some in my mouth to get rid of the disgusting taste.

After that, I went into my bedroom and picked my phone up then heard my door creek open making me look at the person who came through it, seeing Eva, which made me slightly smile.

"Hey" Eva said. "Hey" she sat down next to me. "How are you feeling?" I sighed and looked at her. "Like shit" she furrowed her eyebrows then chuckled.

"Well you did get black out drunk last night" I nodded my head even though I don't remember that happening. "I'm kinda hungry" Eva, stood up and put her hand out for me to hold onto.

"Let's get some food then". I took her hand and we went downstairs into the kitchen. No one was in here but I'm guessing that my parents are at work and the boys are in their bedrooms, probably playing a video game.

"What do you want?" Eva asked as I sat down on the chair that's around the dining table. "Umm, maybe some toast would be best for right now" she nodded her head then put some bread into the toaster.

"How are you feeling now?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess I'm feeling a bit more better" she nodded her head. "Get some food and a drink down ya neck, and you'll feel even more better".

Eva, placed a plate in front of me with the toast on it and made me a cup of coffee to go with it. "Thanks" I said smiling at her as she sat down next to me with her cup in her hand.

I took a bite of the toast. "Anything for my *insert the S word* baby" what she just said made me cringe. I don't like being called baby, or even babe.

"Say that, and I won't sleep with you again" Eva's eyes went wide. "You remember that?" I nodded my head with a smirk on my face while I was chewing my food.

"Every single detail of it.." she raised her eyebrows. ".. Like the way your pussy felt so tight around my dick and your moans were the only thing I could hear-" Eva, cut me off from what I was saying.

"Oh god no" she covered her face with her hands, after putting the cup down. "And the way you was begging for me every second. I can't forget about how my thrusts made you scream out my name".

Eva, put her index fingers into her ears so she couldn't hear me. "Okay, okay, stop" I took the last bite of the toast and brushed the crumbs off my hands.

"Okay, I'll stop" she took a deep sigh in relief. "Thank god". I could hear someone entering the kitchen.

You know when you get so used to the sound of people's footsteps so you know who's coming. Well, I could tell that, Tommy was coming into the kitchen.

I turned around on my chair and looked at him. "Finally got out of that dump" I said chuckling. Tommy, furrowed his eyebrows. "Anna, you know it's not a dump, you go in there everyday" he said defensively.

"Yeah, but it stinks like dog shit" He chuckled. This is our way of having a joke. "You must've stepped in some before going into my room" I stuck my middle finger up at him.

"Whatever, I just came down for a snack" I looked at, Eva then back to, Tommy. "Well hurry up then cause we're having a girls talk". With that, he ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

"That was interesting" I chuckled at what, Eva said. "Yeah, I guess it was". I took a sip of the coffee and then put the cup down.

"You know, last night when we had sex, I actually enjoyed it" Eva, giggled at what I said then furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?".

I scratched the back of my neck, starting to feel nervous because I've never told anyone what I'm about to tell her.

"Well, I guess what I mean is that I haven't had sex that felt so right, like when I fucked my ex it didn't feel the same as what we had.."

".. I just really liked the feeling of someone else's touch on me and the assurance it gave. But when I had sex with her, it was like as if she had somewhere else to be.."

".. I found out that she was cheating on me, and that's the reason why it didn't feel right". Eva, took in every word I said, and I could tell by her facial expression.

"How did you feel when you found out?" I chuckled. "You don't have to be my therapist" she then laughed. "I'm not, I just want to know" I nodded my head and took a deep breath.

"Worthless, unwanted, depressed and alone" she reached over and put her hand onto my arm, slightly rubbing it up and down.

"I'll never leave you".

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