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Michelle's POV:
"Hey" I said to, Anna as I wrapped my arms around her waist in the changing room because nobody is in here. "Hey beautiful girl" I could feel my cheeks start to burn.

"You did so good out there" she looked at me through the mirror. "I know I did" I chuckled at her confidence. "I love how confident you are" she furrowed her eyebrows with a cunningly smirk on her face.

"Oh so you think I'm always confident" she said as she turned around and held onto the counter, behind her. "Yes I do" Anna, shook her head. "Only when I'm with you".

"Oh really" she nodded her head as she couldn't stop staring into my eyes. It's almost like as if we're having sex through eye contact. i like it to be completely honest.

"Yes.." she looked down to my lips then back to my eyes. I then did the same. ".. You're lips look very kissable right now" I looked down as my cheeks got even hotter.

"Then kiss me" Anna, smashed her lips onto mine harshly but passionately. I tilted my head to the side so we could deepen the kiss, at times she'd bite my lip and pull it her way, which I liked.

She tapped her tongue on my bottom lip and asked for permission to enter, which I gladly allowed her to do. i don't want this to ever end.

I want to stay like this forever, but I know that I can't. I pulled away from the heated kiss so it didn't lead into anything else. I'm not ready for that just yet.

"Woah" she said out of breath, a slight bit. "Yeah, umm, I, that was so... good" I couldn't think of the right words to say. My so called boyfriend has never kissed me like that.

"It was" she said with a smile on her face. I pecked her lips quickly. "We better leave. The school will be closed soon, we don't wanna stay here all night" Anna, put her hands onto my waist and pulled me close to her.

"Or do we?" she asked with a smirk on her face, looking deep into my eyes. "I really want this but we're in school, I don't want our first time to be here" she nodded her head, understanding what I meant.

"It's okay.. " she looked down then took her hands off my waist. ".. I'm sorry" Anna, immediately said. I cupped her face with my hands as I was looking into her beautiful blueish/grayish eyes.

"I loved having your hands there".


Anna's POV:
I'm laying on my bed, whilst on my laptop looking for an apartment to rent. I want to be able to have a place of my own so that, Michelle can come over and not worry about us being caught.

I don't really care how big or fancy looking the apartment is, I just need my own place.

It wasn't until I scrolled far enough down the page until I saw this one that wasn't too far from here but like an hour away. I figured if it was a little bit of a journey there, literally no one will know about us.

I really like her, and I'm very willing to carry this relationship on. I wouldn't be taking hours looking for a place that only us will know about if I didn't like her.

I want to spend time with her, I want to wake up next to her on a Saturday and just look into her extraordinary eyes that make me fall for her even more.

I want to make her food everyday so she doesn't have to do it. I want to be the one that takes better care of her than what her "boyfriend" would ever do, imaginary.

Michelle, makes me feel things that no other person has ever made me feel.


Michelle's POV:
"where the fuck are you going?" Jonathan, shouted at me whilst I was putting my bag on my shoulder. "I'm going out, just like you do, every... fucking... night".

He came close to me as he gripped ahold of my arm tightly that I couldn't move out of it. "Don't talk back to me" I furrowed my eyebrows while hiding the pain. "I'll do what ever the fuck I want. Just like you do".

I could tell he was getting even more angry with me as he tugged on my arm, digging his nails into my skin, making me bleed. I look like as if a cat has just clawed me.

"It's not like as if I'm fucking some random whore" Jonathan, shook his head as he sarcastically chuckled. "You know I don't fuck anyone other than you" he shouted. i wish he'd stop shouting at me.

"Yeah right, that's why you come home every night smelling like women's perfume, that isn't my own" he finally let go of my arm. "I'm fucking tired of you accusing me of shit. Just fucking go, I don't even want to see your ugly fucking face".

I opened the door and walked out as quick as I could. I must've been holding my breath because I felt my heart skip a beat as I breathed in the air.

I started walking as I was catching my breath back, tears filling up my eyes. I can't fucking stand living like this. I don't want to be with him anymore but I can't get out of this relationship.

I just want to be with, Anna but it would be impossible.


Anna's POV:
"Mom, I'm going to the gas station, do you need anything?" she nodded her head to my question. "Yes please, could you get some more band-aid's, we're running out" I smiled. "Sure".

After going there, I'm gonna meet up with, Michelle at the soccer court like normal. I love spending time with her even if it's just for an hour or two.

I left the house and made my way to the gas station. I got what mom needed then I got myself a bottle of water so that my mouth doesn't go dry whilst playing.

As I got to the cashier, someone was just about to pay, I swear I never heard someone else in here. I recognize the woman's hair but I don't want to assume who it is. She turned around and looked at me as a smile formed on her face.

"Michelle hi".

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