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(TW: Mentioning of Abuse)

Michelle's POV:
It's the next day, after the match and... well kissing, Anna. My mind hasn't stopped thinking about it, like as if it was a drug.

Honestly, I can't wait to see her on Monday so we can talk about it because everything happened so quickly.

I've got a boyfriend so today is feeling so awkward with him because I literally can't stop thinking about her even though he doesn't treat me well.

Jonathan, my boyfriend, he had a brain injury during college from being a football player that he forces his anger onto me, giving me bruises.

I've gotten used to it now but it still hurts. Like there was this time before I started working at the school, he grabbed ahold of my arm, tightly with a whole lot of pressure which cause a bruise to form there.

Luckily it faded away, but it's still something that I hate the most. Every night I get flashbacks from the times that he's done shit like that to me and I just end up crying myself to sleep without him even noticing.

i really wish i wasn't with him.

"I'm going out" I said as I got to the front door. "Where to?" Jonathan asked. Oh, and I haven't mentioned yet that he's really controlling over me even though he fucks other bitches all the time.

"Out" I opened the door and got out as quick as I could. I didn't want to spend a lot of time with him. i just want to spend time with anna.

I don't know why I didn't notice it before, but i've liked her since the day I laid my eyes on her.

Honestly, I think that's why I want to help her so much just so I can spend time with her.

I went to the normal place I go when I don't feel like being around him. It's only at a spot that has a basketball area and soccer goals. It's all just metal fencing but it's still really nice a peaceful when no one's around.

"Miss Robinson?" I turned my head to look at the person. It was her... it's anna. "Hey, Anna" I said trying not to show my excitement of seeing her.

"What are you doing here?" I shrugged my shoulders to her question. "Just wanted some time alone" she sat down next to me.

"Sorry if I'm intruding" I shook my head. "No you're not, I actually really wanted to see you" she raised her eyebrows twice at me, making me laugh.

"Oh really" she said cunningly. I bit my lip trying to make it not obvious. "About yesterday.." she nodded her head while she gave me her full attention.

".. I just wanted to say that, I really enjoyed the kiss that we had but I'm your teacher and there's boundaries that I have to take.." she nodded her head again.

".. But I've been thinking-" Anna, cut me off from what I was about to say. "Please don't break my heart" I grabbed ahold of her hand and held it gently as I looked into her eyes.

"I'm not going to break your precious little heart" she smiled at me then I carried on with what I was going to say.

".. That maybe we could just keep whatever we'll be outside of school" she nodded her head.

"How did you know that I like you?" she asked in a sweet voice. "After that kiss, I could tell" she smiled and bit her lip. "It was pretty good, wasn't it?".

"Yeah.." I looked down as my cheeks started to turn red. ".. Anyway, what are you doing here?" she stood up. "I come here everyday to practice".

Anna, got her soccer ball and kicked it over to the goal, making it go into the goal. I clapped my hands, praising her.

"Wanna join?" I shook my head and chuckled. "Oh come on, Miss Robinson" I sighed and stood up going towards, Anna as she took my hand into hers.

"Show me what you can do" I took the ball and placed it where I wanted it to be as she ran over to the goal to be the keeper.

"Kick, miss" I laughed then kicked the ball. It was obvious that she didn't try and save it as it went straight in without her doing anything.

"I wasn't ready" she said kicking the ball back to me. I put it back into the spot that I wanted it to be in then kicked as she tried to save. "Well, I guess we can all agree on the fact that I'm definitely not a goalkeeper".

"You're right on that one, Anna" she ran over to me. "My turn" I went over to the goal and stood in it as she was getting herself ready.

Anna, kicked the ball and I stopped it from going into the goal. "Oh, come on. How couldn't I have done that" she said chuckling in between her words.

"And I've only played soccer a few times" she raised her eyebrows. "Really?" I nodded my head and kicked the ball back to her. "Yeah, it's just not something that I've wanted to do".

Anna, nodded her head, understanding what I was saying. "Have you ever played a sport?" she kicked the ball without me noticing, which made it go in the goal.

"Good goal.." she smiled. ".. And I've only done cheerleading. That's what my parents wanted me to do".

Anna, furrowed her eyebrows and came over to me. "But did you want to be a cheerleader?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, it wasn't really my choice so I never knew what I wanted to do".

"Well soccer is definitely your thing". this woman is something else. "Maybe I should start playing it more" she nodded her head, agreeing with me.

"You should because you're really good at it.. you're even better than our goalkeeper to be honest" I chuckled at what, Anna said. "You really think so".

She smiled. "Yes, our matches would be so much better with you in the goal" I looked down to the ground feeling so happy with this. she's amazing.

"Then I'll be here more often".

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