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Michelle's POV:
Anna and I went into my classroom as I closed the door behind us. "So what's do you want?" Anna asked shyly. you. "Um, you skipped some questions on your work" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh" she said sounding sad and embarrassed. I held onto her arm, gently as she looked at me as she was staring at the floor for a second. "Don't worry, Anna. I just wanted you to come and finish them off because I know you can do it".

She nodded her head then we went over to her desk as I put the paper there so that it was ready for her. She sat down on her chair and I sat on the other one next to her because I'm not gonna lie, I love watching solve the equations.

Anna, got her pencil out of her bag and started going the equation as I pointed at it so she knew where it was.

"Ahhh, I see what I've done. I've skipped it then didn't go back when I was going to" she explained. "It's honestly okay, Anna" she nodded her head. "I just don't want to seem like I'm dumb or something".

I furrowed my eyebrows and put my hand onto her thigh but close to her knee cap so that I didn't make her feel uncomfortable. "You're not dumb, Anna. I've seen how good you are at maths. You literally are the top student out of all my classes" she smiled and looked away.

"Thank you miss" I took my hand off her thigh and she carried on with the rest of the questions getting them done really quickly.

Anna's POV:
I couldn't get my mind off the way that she placed her hand onto my lower thigh. My heart skipped a beat and I tried so hard to not make myself look flustered.

"Done" I said as I put my pencil down and turned my head to face, Miss Robinson, instantly making eye contact. She looked at my work after a few seconds, while I was watching her eyes scrolling through the equations, I noticed how her eyes were sparkling.

this woman is so beautiful but she can never be mine. "Well done, Anna" she said smiling at me as we made eye contact again. "Thank you miss" she nodded her head as she chuckled.

"Do you want to go to college?" I shrugged my shoulders because I've never really thought about that yet. "I don't know. I haven't decided yet" she furrowed her eyebrows. "Why not?" she asked so sweetly.

"I just want to get this year done, then figure out what I do afterwards" She nodded her head, understanding what I was saying. "Well if you decide that you want to, I can help getting you transferred after the school year".

I smiled. "Okay, thank you". "You better get going" I nodded my head. "Yeah, Eva's probably waiting for me" I stood up and put my bag onto my shoulder. "Thank you again, Miss Robinson" I added.

"No, thank you, Anna". I smiled and awkwardly waved my hand, goodbye as I started to leave the class room. Going outside and seeing, Eva waiting for me at her car.


It's now about 9pm and, Eva stayed at my house after school, I didn't even invite her in, she invited herself.

She entered my room after going downstairs to get a glass of water. "Anna, I got yo-" Eva, didn't finish her sentence as she noticed that I was staring into space.

I could hardly see her from my blurry eyes. "Anna" I could tell that she was waving her hand in front of my face. Eva, did it again and I felt my eyes about to gather water from the dryness causing me to blink.

"What?" I said chuckling. "I was worried that something happened to you" I shook my head. "I was just thinking".

Eva, smirked at what I said and sat down on my bed as I was sitting on my desk chair, where I mostly just use to do my hair. "What was you thinking about?".

I smiled, cunningly. "I think you know" her eyes lit up and I could tell that she got excited. "Oh my god, you was thinking about, Miss Robinson".

I nodded my head and bit my bottom lip, not knowing that I did. "Yep" I said with a slight sigh. "What the fuck are you sighing for?".

I shrugged my shoulders and sat more back on my chair as I was learning over. "Because I can't have her".

Eva, stood up and kneeled down in front of me, then put her hand onto my lower thigh, just like, Miss Robinson did. i really can't get her off my mind. Eva, replied with. "Yes you can".

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