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Anna's POV:
I arrived at, Katie's house. I've not met her yet at school so I don't know what she's like but if she's a friend of, Eva's, she must be nice... hopefully.

I got out of my car and locked the door as I met, Eva outside. "Are you ready?" was her first words to me. I nodded my head and took a deep breath, feeling myself get a bit anxious.

"I guess so" Eva, put her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, everything will be fine". We walked up to the door and opened it as there was a sign on it saying that it was already open.

We walked into the house and the music that we could hear outside was even more louder in here. "I don't think I like this" Eva, held onto my hand which took me by surprise. "It's going to be fine, we can be here for however long as you want".

Who I am expecting to be, Katie, walked over to us, already slightly drunk as she wasn't walking in a straight line. "EVA!" she shouted with her arms in the air, spilling the drink she had in her hand.

"Yes, Katie, I'm here" Eva said in a sarcastic tone that I've not heard from her yet. "Okay, Cudmore.." Katie, looked at me which made me feel a bit more anxious. I'm not good at being social yet.

".. Who's this fine women here?" she said right to my face. "I'm Anna" Katie, smiled. "I haven't seen you before, do you go to school with, Eva?" I nodded my head and took a glance at, Eva then back to, Katie.

"Yeah" Katie, tapped my shoulder with her hand then took a few steps closer to me, to whisper into my ear. "She can be a wild one, you might need to tame her later on".

what the fuck. Katie, went back to where she was standing. "Okay, I heard what you said now, fuck off so we can get a drink" Eva said.


Eva and I was outside and there's a lot of dudes out here without a shirt on, trying to show off their muscles to girls. "Which one would you have a one night stand with?" Eva said, then took a sip from her drink.

"None" she raised her eyebrows. "Oh come on, you have to pick one" I sighed because she doesn't know that I'm into girls. "I'm telling the truth, I wouldn't want to fuck any of them.." I looked at her.

".. Which dude would you fuck?" Eva, looked around at each guy near the pool. "That one there" she pointed out which one. He has curly light brown hair and a good style in clothing.

"Really?" she chuckled at what I said. "Of course I would, he's hot" I took a sip from my drink, thinking of, Miss Robinson. i wish she wasn't our teacher.

"I don't know about that but I'm sure he's a great guy" Eva, nodded her head, agreeing with me. "Maybe.." she took another sip from the cup. ".. Why don't you like any of them".

I swear my heart just skipped a beat. I never told anyone that I'm gay when I was at my last school, except from the people that I trusted and was close friends with. But I can trust, Eva, so fuck it.

"I don't know I just don't find anyone attractive-" Eva, cut me off from what I was saying. "But you've been staring at, Miss Robinson all week" I nodded my head as I looked down to the ground.

i didn't think she'd notice that. "Yeah" I looked back up and took a sip from my drink, leaving the cup empty. "Are you? Are you?" Eva, kept on saying. "Yes, I'm fucking gay".

"Good for you" I look at her and she was smiling at me. "Wait I thought you wouldn't like me if I said that" I looked away, not wanting to see her facial expression but then she put her hand under my chin and moved my face towards her.

"Of course not, silly. I'm pan myself" I chuckled. "So you fuck pots and pans" I made her laugh and she hit my shoulder with hers.

"I'm joking" I added. "I know" Eva said then we just stayed there for a minute, staring into each other's eyes. I've not noticed how beautiful her brown eyes look.

"You're eyes are so beau-" I couldn't finish off my sentence as she smashed her lips onto mine, which took me off guard but in that moment, I didn't want to pull back. Her lips felt so soft against mine.

My heart started beating fast as I felt myself start to really enjoy this kiss but then, Eva pulled back and put her forehead onto mine.

I took a glance down to my center area and noticed that she made my dick become erect. i haven't felt this way in ages. I put my hand onto my member and pushed it down so it wasn't noticeable.

"I saw it" I took my head off of hers we made eye contact. "Sorry, that um, kiss really made me feel some things" she nodded her head and smirked. "Me too".


Eva and I, well we just had sex and it was really good, to say the least. "How was that?" I asked while I rested down on the other side of the bed after getting off of her.

"Really good" she said out of breath still. "Umm, it would've been better some where else" she sat up after hearing that. "Wasn't it good for you?" I shook my head.

"I was joking. It was really good" she smiled and connected our lips together for a soft but passionate kiss. "One more" she chucked and kissed me again but longer than the last one.

"Really fucking good" she nodded her head as she bit her lip. "Let's go down to the party" I sat up. "Alright". I got up off the bed and stood beside it before picking up the clothing.

"Do you need any help?" she shook her head as she stood up. I picked up her clothes and gave them to her then I got myself clothed. "You're lucky on this one. My legs aren't shaking" I laughed as I pulled my sweat pants up.

"You're the lucky one that I don't have to carry you" Eva, laughed then we was soon finished with getting dressed. "Ready" I nodded my head and walked over to the door then opened it.

"And we have another one!" some dude shouted. "Shut the fuck up" Eva said to the guy. "Okay, your dirty slut". and that was when i knew, shit is about to go down.

"What the fuck did you just say to her?" I said grabbing the guy by his shirt and pinning him onto the wall. "You don't scare me" I kneed him in the balls and he began to groan in pain.

"Don't you dare, ever call a woman a slut" he nodded his head as his eyes went wide. "I won't" he whined. I put the guy down and let go of his shirt. "Good" I went back to, Eva and grabbed her hand as we went to the stairs and walked down them.

"Wanna dance before we leave?" Eva, nodded her head in agreement. "Of course I do" I fake wiped my forehead. "Thank god, I thought you was going to say no".

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