Lone Mission

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# characters are definitely fictional  and property of Devil Judge. Further notes are waaaaay down below. 

Gaon waited patiently at the drivers' seat watching  the building quietly . Beside him  was Yohan, also looking out at the building . But he was restless , he kept fidgeting in his seat. 

"Will you please stop moving ...... your shaking the car! People will stare!" They were one of many cars in the open parking lot and every minute there were people passing by.  Way to go in the blending in part. 

Yohan looked at him  amused. 

Ït's Switzerland , nobody cares. How long has she been inside ? Should we storm in ?" Gaon didn't bother looking at his watch. 

"It's barely 10 minutes! Give her some time!"

"She's never been on a mission alone !" said Yohan impatiently. Visitors were coming and going out of the building in doves. Gaon could not sense any danger that will befall on Elijah in such a public place. There were so many ways for her to escape. 

Gaon  tried to stifle his laughter but failed miserably , and gave a loud guffaw. It was hysterical watching  Yohan like this, he was like a mother goose , ready to huff , puff and attack to protect the younglings. Where did the cool and dictator exterior go when they were back in Korea?

"10 minutes ! I'm going in , she might be in danger!" said Yohan , unlocking the door and was ready to jump out  and run into the building when Gaon quickly locked it before Yohan can do such a thing.

"Cool down mama goose ! She's not in danger and we both know she can protect herself!"

His boss huffed  and look at the digital clock on the car's dashboard, arm crossed , sulking. After one minute, he took out his phone and before Gaon could stop him, he called Elijah. He waited impatiently tapping his fingers on his laps impatiently. Elijah did not pick up his call. 

"She's in trouble !"He declared lean across Gaon to unlock the door and storm out. 

Gaon cried  for Yohan to stop  and run after him. People stopped in their track to look at the two Korean man. One  was taller , older , muscular built , with  impeccable sense of style, even though  in loose shirt and jeans. His young friend, wore something simpler in loose t shirt and cardigan as well jeans. Calling the older man in distress. Both of them were a handsome sight  and all the ladies turned their head in interest as the two men pass them by. 

Maybe he should call for backup. Who knows  what trouble can happen , there are bystanders. And the rules in Switzerland are way different from Korea. 

With that in mind, Gaon fasten his pace and followed  his boss inside one of Switzerland famous shopping complex,  Fox Town. Once , inside the building, they were face  with four floors of outlets. Where would Elijah be ? Yohan was alert and attentive to his surroundings . Scanning  the area to find Elijah. 

Their source inform them that Elijah's meet up was on the first floor , both of them roam the first floor and separated to check inside each stores.

There were no sign of Elijah. Yohan tried  calling her again. Still she did not answer. 

Gaon pulled Yohan's arm to make him stop and turned towards him to talk . 

"This is crazy Yohan! Elijah will  be angry if  she knows we're here. We promise her independence !" Angrily Yohan pointed a finger at Gaon's shoulder. 

"You have  no idea how many times she was kidnapped. Excuse  me for being protective!" Hissed Yohan angrily. 

"Protective?! What are you two doing here? Were you spying on me ?"asked a voice behind the two of them.  Both man turned towards the voice  

There was Elijah,  standing  a few meters from them , looking beautiful , with makeup  , wearing a  pastel blouse and long skirt and a ribbon tied to her long silky hair. She was  staring coldly at the two of them. Her lips were tight and her nose was flaring , trying to control her anger. 

This was not good. 

Gaon tried to act casual and said that they were there to buy things. But Elijah's stern look stopped him from continuing further . Both uncle and niece were looking at each other with the same cold expression. 

"Were you spying on me?"asked Elijah, gritting her teeth. 

"We thought you were in danger !"said Yohan  stubbornly.  Elijah eyes were gleaming , with angry tears.

Ön a BLIND DATE ?!!!!!"

Which you should be happy cause Dimitry never showed up!" Elijah stormed out of the shopping complex. Yohan's expression soften when he heard his niece words and slowly followed  behind her. Gaon sighed  and wished he was somewhere else. It was going to be a loooong ride back home. 

# I'm hoping  this would be a short story  as I have  a few days not in the office and writing during my free time so here's hoping it doesn't suck. It is not explicit and still of general relationship  but kinda like a sequel or a stand alone. This is I think more than a year after they came back to Switzerland with Gaon and Gaon has fully recovered. Elijah should be close to 18 or 19 by now. Hey , my story so I mess with the timeline :)  Many apologies for grammatical and structural error as I type as the ideas come in . Thank you so much for reading. Thank you for the earlier support on my first Devil Judge fanfiction. I have no idea where this is going so strap in you might enjoy the ride you might not. 

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