My Little Sunflower

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Isaac immediately  turned away when he heard Elijah's voice. Elijah and Gaon rushed to Yohan's side. The third person in the party was none other then Lawyer Ko.

He was in Singapore when he received a mysterious call that his friends were in danger. He immediately took a flight to Switzerland. When he couldn't find them at their house, through experience he tried to search through hospitals.

Lawyer Ko managed to find where both Gaon and Elijah were .

Notified to which hospital  and which wad, he was suspicious why there were bodyguards outside their rooms. 

With the help of a cleaning lady there , he managed to distract the guards and brought  Gaon and Elijah out. 

They managed to track down Yohan , with the help of Elijah's computer skills. From the  previous  episode  when Gaon went  missing , Elijah had insist that their  watches were install with tracking devices which was modified by Elijah. 

The three of them sped of in Lawyer Ko's rental car , as the two guards  rushed out of the hospital. Lawyer Ko watched  through his rearview mirror the two man  looking at their car . One of them talking on the phone. 

After driving for a mile , and they noticed that no one was chasing after them, Lawyer Ko  stopped at the side of the road to take out  his  computer out of the car boot. He passed it to Elijah , who was sitting at the back seat. Elijah open the tracking app and directed Lawyer Ko where to drive. 

It was almost sun down when they reached an abandon looking mansion. It was out of the main road. Lawyer Ko had to make a sharp tun when they almost miss the turning. It was a small gravel road , with  forest of pine trees on their left  and right. The road was so narrow that shrubs and bushes scrapped the rental car as they drive through. 

" I'll be banned from this rental company , this will look great on their claim report, P " grumbled Lawyer Ko,  he  grimaced as  a branch scrape  along the  side of the car giving out a loud squeaky sound. 

After what seem like ages, they finally came to an opening , and in front of them was mansion, dark , gloomy and from the look of the broken gate..... abandon. 

Lawyer Lo turn off the light ,and silently road up into the Mansions ground.   The  last ray of sunlight fell on the mansion. It didn't  seem the lights were on. 

They stoped in front of the massive house. The three of them looked up. 

"This is where the tracker stopped ," said Elijah. 

"So Yohan's inside there? " asked Gaon. 

"Seems like it ."

"Seems funny that nobody is following us from the hospital  and there is no welcoming committee to greet us ," whispered Gaon. Lawyer Ko and Elijah kept quiet, both of them were thinking the same thing. 

Was all of this a trap? Was Yohan really in this house? 

The three of them finally got  out off the car and approach the entrance door.  There was a door knock. The three of them stood dumbfounded  for a while. 

" Guess we're announcing  ourselves to our capture you guys ," said Elijah as she  used the door knock and knock three times. They could hear  the knocks echoing inside the Mansion and waited. 

But nobody came out. 

Gaon looked at the door , he stepped back  and look above the door and at the wall around it. Lawyer Ko asked what  he was doing ? Gaon mentioned that he was searching for a surveillance camera , and it doesn't seem there was one, which was odd.

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