The accident

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It was very awkward in the car. Gaon looked at the rear view mirror  and saw Elijah looking out the window. Tears were trickling down her cheeks  and she angrily wipe them away. 

Gaon turned to look at Kang Yohan beside him, he was also looking out the window. But Gaon could see that from time to time Yohan glance at the rearview mirror to see how Elijah was doing . 

Gaon sighed and contemplated to switch on the radio. But decided  against it and let the majestic view of Mendirsio cool down the two stubborn souls in that car. 

They are so much alike , Yohan and Elijah, fiercely independent yet fiercely loyal to one another. If only they could just sit down  without bickering  and have a heart to heart  like civil people , it would solve  a lot of headache. 

Gaon thought that things  would be  better  after his recovery, the two of them seem to be amicable to each other . The two of them had tended to him so gently and patiently , Elijah  had volunteered to be his own personal coach, bringing her  experience  to his treatment. 

"Should we stop for lunch? There's nothing at home," said Gaon attempting   to break the ice. 

"No!"the two of them said in unison and  cross their arms and purse their lips when they accidently saw each others  face in the the rearview mirror. 

Gaon  ignored  them and turned into a a nice looking cafe  and stop the engine .

"Too bad , I'm starved , so unless you want to be sweating in the car , I suggest both of you follow me!" said Gaon getting out  of the car and stalked off to the little cafe without waiting for the two of them to protest. 

Watching Gaon  go  without waiting for them , Elijah and Yohan open there door and got out. 

"When did he get so bossy," muttered Yohan. 

"Must have learned from you! "answered Elijah, without looking at him , walked into the cafe. Yohan grunted and followed behind her. 

The little cafe just off  of Fox town , had coffee and dessert. Seeing the different  type of sweet delicacies seemed to brighten up Elijah's spirit. She was not frowning any more cutting through her second chocolate croissant. They  took the open air table  with the beautiful view  the mountains.  Yohan  was busy devouring his éclair. Gaon smiled and lay back on his chair sipping his cappuccino while looking at his two favorite people . He was happy that  he got them to relax. 

Yohan finished his desert, he cleared his throat and looked at Elijah. 

Ï'm sorry  for not trusting you and I'm sorry that Dimitry did not show up, "said Yohan gently . "Maybe something turned up  that he couldn't make it or even inform you. " Elijah didn't  react at first but then she smiled at Yohan  and shrugged  her shoulder. 

It was his lost that he  did not show up. Maybe he had a reason for it , maybe he turned her down , maybe  he was not even in the country .... She would wait and see if he would contact her  or not. 

#Dimitry  was Elijah's cyber friend from Russia.  Someone that  Yohan had yet  to accept or acknowledge  but Yohan did not seem to disapprove , Dimitry's and Elijah's friendship. He  couldn't figure Dimitry out whether he was a friend or foe  or whether it was a he  as well. 

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