Unexpected disclosure

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Yohan opened his eyes. He was greeted by the view of the ceiling. Underneath  him was something  comfortable and soft. He tried to get up and groaned. His ribs were in pain. 

Yohan looked at his surroundings. He was on a bed , in a dark room , he wasn't wearing his shirt and his torso were bandaged. 

"Gaon..... Elijah? "he croaked, trying to find his niece and Gaon. 

Ëasy now, you just recovered from an accident, "said a male voice from out of the darkness.

 There was a dim light that stream from out side of the room , through the close window. It gives Yohan a little view of the room, and a figure  sitting on a chair across his bed. 

"Where are my family ?"growled Yohan feeling protective. The figure leaned forward on the sofa . 

"You mean the beautiful young lady and the young man?Hmmmm...." The figure talked as if thinking. 

Yohan growled and again tried to stand up. 

"Take it easy, you've just been in an accident. You're lucky you made out with a broken rib

"What about the other two?" asked Yohan.

The figure sighed.

" Elijah and Gaon are fine. Due to their previous medical record we didn't dare to bring them here. Their at the hospital fully taken off and I have a few of my men guarding outside their rooms." 

Yohan sat straight up the bed. He glared at the figure.

"Who are you? How did you know their condition? How do I know you are telling the truth?" The figure didn't say anything . He got up  and went to the door.  Yohan attempted to follow him , but he felt dizzy and sat back on the bed.

"We gave you sedatives  Judge Kang . Just get some rest . I cannot  say anything much just that you have no choice but to trust us. We are not the ones that crashed your car . Your family are safe for now. In the meantime , we are investigating on the people behind this . "The figure open the door  and just before  closing the door he whispered  "Get some rest , Yohan."

The door closed. Leaving Yohan , sitting there on the bed feeling dizzy.  There was a small night table beside his bed and there was a plate of sandwich on it. Yohan did not feel hungry , he lay back on bed and closed his eyes. 

He should  get some rest ........He felt so.....so......tired .......

Whatever , they had given him , it was strong ....he fell asleep once his head hit the pillow. 


Gaon opened the door and  was hit on the face with a pillow. 

"Ouch!"cried  Gaon laughing , picking up the pillow and  looked at the assailant. Elijah squealed and rushed to hug Gaon, thankful that he was alive. 

Ï thought you were the men guarding outside! What happen? When I woke up , I was in the hospital and those two men outside the room. They didn't say anything !" Gaon looked at Elijah . He asked how she was feeling. Elijah mentioned that she was fine , only a few scratches and stitches on her temple. The doctor  said she had minor injuries and there was no  impact on her spine and leg. She was lucky  to survive with minor injuries considering the major operation that she had before. Gaon  nodded his head , he was also lucky that he got out the accident with bruises  and no broken bones. 

Gaon had woken up in the hospital , dazed and confused. It was daytime , he was in the hospital gown and a drip connected to his hand. He was alone. Stumbling and still dizzy , he walked out the room , wanting to search for Yohan and Elijah , but was stopped by two burly man in suits out side his room. He insisted to see his friends , but one of the man pushed him gently into the room and called for the doctor to talk to him. 

A pleasant middle age man in he's 50's , wearing a white coat and a stethoscope wrap around his neck. In clear english , he explained to Gaon about the accident and when he was brought in. And the doctor was inform that they were involved in a hit and run accident and Gaon as well as Elijah were witness in an attempted murder. For both their  safety, guards were stationed outside their rooms. The ones that had caused  the accident  had disappear and   the local police were searching for them. 

The doctor checked Gaon's condition and his x-ray , satisfied there were internal bleedings. But for their own good were to kept under observation for one or two days. 

"Where's Elijah and Yohan?" asked Gaon .  The doctor looked at his chart  and informed him that the young lady was safe and in the room beside him.  But there was no Mr. Yohan. The people that brought them in  only brought  two people there was no a third person.

Gaon looked confused  and insisted that there was a third person, a male man , who was driving the car. The doctor , shrugged his shoulder  and mentioned that he should talk to the police. 

Elijah listened to Gaon's story. 

"Do you think it was an attempted kidnapping ?"asked Elijah. Gaon shook his head. 

"Who ever that were in the cars, knew what they were doing . They wanted to kill them question was why didn't they . All three of us were immobilized . I think  I was unconscious when  the car crashed  the ground ." Elijah grabbed  hard to his arm.

"Ouch , ouch, you're breaking my arm!" Elijah  released  his arm and slap his arm. 

"What was that for?!"

"You weren't the one that pulled me out ?!" Startled Gaon shook his head. 

The door  open , and the two of them looked at the approaching figure surprised ........

#I definitely won't be able to finish this before going back to office :P

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