How thing's played out

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Note:Sorry for the ending to be abrupt , with all tbe gun ablazing earlier. But due to personal and work commitment I decided to end it in this part .

Yohan looked out the window into the dark emptiness. 

''You should be out there looking for them instead of here with me ! '' cried Elijah indignantly. 

''We have Isaac's men looking for him and Gaon. Someone has to be here to look out after you, "said Yohan stubborn ly walking towards his niece. The attack at the warehouse was intense but Yohan felt that they were holding back. 

If they wanted to kill them they would have gone all out.

Yohan rubbed his forehead and took a deep breath. His mind was recalling what had happen an hour ago. This was all so messed up. 

How was he going to explain this to everyone? 

His men and Isaac's men were searching for Gaon and Isaac. 

He was still in shock at what had happen. He slowly release his breath. He was getting too old for this.....................

Gaon and Isaac barged into the house.

Yohan and lawyer ko was already waiting for them in the living room.

" Yohan! Elijah's in danger!" Cried Gaon. Yo han stepped up to Gaon trying to calm both men down.

"Where's Elijah?" cried Isaac frantically ooking around the room. "Is she safe? Is shd missing, did they get her ? "Why aren't you with her Yohan!" 

"Gentlemen ! " shouted Lawyer Ko. Everyone turned towards him. 

"Elijah , is safe , but it is best that all of  us sit down".Isaac and Gaon looked at each other , wondering what was going on. Yohan was surprisingly calm and  collected. 

" How are you brother? " asked Yohan concerned  , seeing his bloody shirt. Isaac waved his concern and urge Lawyer Ko to continue. 

" Elijah is safe and sound. She is in her room. With  her help we were able to plot tbe assasins where abouts.With your men," gesturing towards Isaac   " We were able to immoblize them and their  now under the government security, some under interpol and FBI." 

The two men looked at Yohan and lawyer Ko unable to digest what they had said. 

It was all  over? Just like that ? Gaon shifted in his seat and lean forward.

"How?" Yohan and Lawyer Ko looked uncomfortable. 

"We just told you," said Yohan sheepishly. Yohan was hiding something, Gaon knew this . Yohan would normally explain step by step of their expedition, especially to take down people that targetted his family. He was  egoistic, he would not miss a chance to boast about it. It would not be this simple. 

"You're covering something,"said Isaac looking carefully at him. "Is this about Elijah?"

Yohan was uncomfortable , he had his share of loosing  his temper when he heard but this was Elijah's father. Lawyer Ko nodded for him to tell. 

" It was a set up." 

Both Isaac and Gaon was surprise. 

"To get us , you mean? Set up by our enemies?" Asked Gaon. Yohan shook his head. 

" A set up to get you , Isaac. We were only the goat ." 

Isaac fell silent, he did not speak. He slowly got up. 

"I thought  I was careful , I thought I was being very careful. I caused this? .....I caused you all to be in danger? I  covered my track, my men made sure we were invisible , " he mummured. The thought that he was the cause his family was in danger...his Elijah was in danger strike fear into his heart. 

It was a mistake for him to show himself!

It was a mistake for wanting to be near his daughter!

He thought he was protecting her. Isaac tried to calm his composure but everyone can see he was shocked.Years with the Russians , and his guard was down once he knew Elijah wss in danger

Yohan was saying something but he could not hear.He only realize that Yohan was talking to him when he felt strong arms touch his shoulder. 

"Isaac we need to check your shoulder , your bleeding again."  He need to get away. 

" I'll have my men clear this building and make sure there are no traces after you . " He pushed   Yohan'arm away not hearing what he was saying. 

Then a female voice was heard in the room , the voice was not that loud, but there was restrain in them, sadness, panick ...fear.

Everyone turned around to see Elijah standing at the living room door, her face pale, her eyes shinny with unshed tears, she was shivering but her eyes  were lookingat Isaac.

 " I'm ...." she did not finish her sentence , like lightning  Isaac  ran across the room and hugged her. 

For once Isaac allowed himself to show his daughter how he feels. What he used to feel before everything went to hell. He held her tight. It was a few minutes when he realised that Elijah ws trembling.

"Sunflower?" He muttered softly and pulled back to see her face clearly.He was holding her shoulder, searching her face trying to understand why she was trembling and simutaneously trying to calm her down..Elijah did not dare to look at his face...

She was mummurring  I'm sorry .....I'm so sorry...

Confused, Isaac asked what was wrong. He noticed that there was another presence,at the doorway. A familiar young man, slightly older than Elijah, tall, scrawny with thick  wavy blond hair. He was wearing a worn down black Metallica T-shirt.  A gift that Isaac himself had given him.

Gaon was standing  beside Yohan, watching everything. He was surprised  and thankful that Elijah was safe . Isaac had ignored his plea to slow down when they realised that Elijah was alone at the house. They had stolen the farmer's truck ro get back to Isaac's  place .He had insist to drive himself but Gaon was firm and took the drivers' seat. The Kang family was always been stubborn and used to their own way but living with Yohan and Elijah, Gaon had learned to be firm and stand his ground. Which did not always go well with both Yohan and Elija  with the occassional death stare and silence treatment but they usually come around....

As Gaon was driving, he slid a glance at the tired Isaac.

He did not know old Isaac, the one that Yohan adore, who saved his life multiple times, kind, caring compassionste but, the new Isaac. The one sitting beside him was so much like Yohan. Events had changed him, made him hard, rough but out of all that exterior there was still some goodness to him.And that was largely because of his love to Elijah. Ironic, before Gaon came into their  life,  what  had pulled Yohan and Elijah to hang on together no matter their bitterness towards each other was Isaac.And it was the same with Isaac.Can Yohan and Elijah helped this version of Isaac.Gaon focused on th road.

Yohan and  Elijah had gone back to get him and gave him a familywhen he has nothing left. No matter what he was determine to help his new family.

Now , in that living room , Gaon felt someone was at the doorway. Both he and  Isaac glance and the young man entered into the room. 


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