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# In this scene Isaac  is having flashback triggered by his meeting with Elijah.Sorry  if you get confuse with the flow as I was trying to overlap his flashback with the scenario his team infiltrating the warehouse where those that attck Yohan and Elijah were. 

Isaac drove the car at neck speed. The computerize tracking system on his dashbaord  was blinking  red. Not far now. He harden his grip on his steering wheel and exhilerated. He knew John and his loyal men were right behind. 

 He was trying to focus on the road , but his mind was  somewhere else. His heart, was beating so hard. Isaac,  it wasn't because of the adrenaline rush on what he was going to do. No, it was not  excitement, it was not anger ....it was .......fear.

He tried to be stoic , cold and heartless, he had imagined it so many times through the years. Seeing his baby girl again, he thought that years of pain had taught him to easily walk away..... He was a ruthless criminal , he killed  without mercy and now his running away with fear. 

There was an incoming call from John. 

"Sir , our scouters  reported  four heavily guards outside the perimeters .  The rest are inside."

"Noted. Approaching in ten. We stick to our plan. " Isaac hang up and sigh.  He switched offthe engine a few meters from the designated place which was an abandon warehouse. He took out automatic, making sure  the cartridge. Isaac  head was throbbing. He closed his eyes trying to shake it off. He was having flashback. 

"Not right now ,"mumbled Isaac trying to shake it off. This was an important time. No slip up. They had detected the group  that was after Yohan and Elijah. They were hired assassins', someone had put a bounty on Yohan's head of USD 10 million. 

Isaac was feeling dizzy , he had not gotten flashbacks for a long time, long time. Isaac leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes. Images  of him in a building ,  with  the the  ceiling collapsing around him.  There were charred remains of furniture  , he was pinned to the floor , underneath a fallen beam. 

His vision was blurry. He tried to move  his fingers. 

"H....ee....l...p, " he whispered slowly. But there were silence.  He saw a man got up from among the rumbles. His back was turned against him. The man picked up a small girl and left  the room that they were in. Isaac called out a s loud as he can , but no sounds came out of his mouth. He could only  watch helplessly as the man disappared from his sight .  Isaac layed his head down... he felt so cold .So cold...he knew his end was soon. He closed his eyes. He heard.......

Tap tap tap.... John tapped on his window. Isaac  looked at him and got out of the car. There were ten of his men with John. The men moved silently in the night. 

The images in Isaac head didn't disappear. It seemed to layer with his current surroundings.Isaac tried  to shake his head hoping the image to disappear. 

The bolder  ontop of Isaac was was raised. Two unknown men, grab both his arms and carried him.

Isaac held his gun with both hands. The four heavily guards men had been immobilized. They had inspected , any surveillance camera or trap. Isaac , assign his men to surround the warehouse.  John noticed his boss seemed distracted but Isaac signed to him tht bhe was ok.

The images came  back. Isaac was kept in a dark room. There were bandages on his wound, and he was on an oxygen mask  to clear his lungs and there were wires on him connected to a machine to check his vitals.  Isaac remove the oxygen mask, and looked up the ceiling he could feel  his whole body in pain. His lower abdominal was bandage tightly with braces to support his  back. He hissed as he tried to get up slowly. 

" I wouldn't do that if I were you, " said a young lady sitting  on  a chair , accross  from his bed, hidden in the shadows. She moved closer to him.She looked pretty , fashionably dress with short straight hair that was cut above her shoulder. He did not recognize her, as she moved closer, but he felt uneasy looking at her eyes. Cold .. heartless eyes. 

There  a loud shout,  to warn others that intruders were in the grounds. 

Alert , Isaac and his men scattered. Isaac hid behind a big boiler, moving  from one boiler to another quietly.

"Good morning , young master. You were unconscience for a long time. I was afraid we would have lost you." Isaac looked confuse ....

" Master?" The young lady looked at him surprise then switch her face to a fake concern expression.

" Do you remember who you are?" Isaac looked at her helplessly, he did not like her, he wanted to say yes he knew who he was and wiped the expression off  her face. He tried to remember, but he could not remember anything...The young lady raised her eyebrow and touched  his cheek , slowly moving her finger down, tracing his jawline, to his chin  and gently push his chin up, so that he was looking at her. 

"Well....well...well..You would be perfect for my plan," she smiled.

#I'll stop here and see whether I can add on a few tomorrw

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