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# I know, I know .... you'll ask how can he be alive. Well, if you watch  episode 4 - Devil Judge - technically both Elijah and Yohan  weren't suppose to be alive. I mean a burning beam  fell down on them . And Yohan woke up  with the whole fire extinguish and no firefighter was inside :) I don't know how long he was unconscious and why no firefighter was in the building ( except for that one stealing the watch) but there were a few outside  ( Did everyone think that ohh all those inside are dead we'll tend the people outside , it's safer). Poor Yohan miraculously survive the fire , and solely carried  Elijah out. So since nobody actually tended  to the bodies inside, nobody can proclaimed anybody dead on the spot  or the body switched hehehe :P

Yohan took a step back. He couldn't believe his eyes. There looking at him , with a smirk on his face , was an older version of KIm Gaon . His hair was grey, cut short in a military style,  , there was a worn burned scar on the left side of his face below the eye, covering most of his cheek to the upper lip. He wasn't wearing any glasses. Isaac was never a sport person , he was more of a  nerd studying  his father's law book , aiming to be the lawyer that would champion the misfortunate, lower income  people from the  corrupted  politician and business.

 Isaac was medium built , he wasn't tone or muscular , more scrawny than brawny. But here , was someone that was well built , his shoulder were broad , the suit that he was wearing fit snuggly  around his well toned body.  His eyes  were hazel and warm and kind. But Yohan looked  into the eyes that were , hard , dark and cold.  

"Hello , brother, " the person smirked and got up from his chair.  

It took Yohan a minute to compose himself. Then all he felt was rage, Who was this person ? How dare he wear the face of someone so dear to him!

 and he swung his left hook to Ísaac's' face.  Without flinching  Ísaac' manage to block the blow and the next thing Yohan knew , he was face down on the oak study table with  his left arm behind his back and an iron grip behind his neck. 

"Is that how you greet family? You must be losing your touch brother ,"hissed  Ísaac behind his ear. 

"You're an imposter !Isaac is dead!!Who are you!!!

Angrily,  Yohan pushed  himself up with the other arm and the two  of them exchanged blows. For someone who had never  fought before in his life ,this Isaac was strong, fast and well trained. With a swift kick to the stomach, Yohan staggered back and he was pushed to the wall with a hand grasping his neck, tightening pressure at his windpipe, threatening . Yohan snarled at Ísaac' not backing down. 

"How does it feel being pin to the wall Judge Kang? " The person  stared down at his right hand and pulled up Yohan's sleeves. 

"You're not wearing  the cross chain that I gave you ? Is that 's  why you are out of control ?Killing people.  Or you gave it to Elijah....

Yohan's face changed  when he heard the words come out of Ísaac's' mouth. His  face changed to confusion. 

"Who told you that ?"He hissed . 

"You promise me you won't harm the innocent !" Ignoring the hand grasping his neck, "Yohan pushed the bulky person back. 

His vision was getting blurry...It can't be possible ! He was dead ! Nobody new about that promise. Yohan shook his head....It can't be possible! 

"Who are you , "he hissed again. "You can't be him, Isaac is dead!"

The two of them were circling each waiting who would make the next move. Yohan noticed that the person in front of him  walked with a limp on his right leg. 

Ïsaac' gave a fake laugh. 

"I don't know whether  it was sheer luck or bad luck that nobody  checked the body. If not I would have been saved and Elijah would not be left without a father !"

Yohan  shouted him to stop calling Elijah's name. Yohan took a deep breath , he need to stay focus. This was a trick ... another doppelganger Gaon. 

The person ignored Yohan's shout. He seemed to be in a daze , trying to remember the past with a gentle smile on his lips. 

"Does Elijah still loves cakes and candies ? She always have a sweet tooth when she was a little girl. She must have out grown her teddy bears, she always bring it around with her when she was small that cream colored teddy bear we bought for Christmas. She was alone  and sometimes  played by herself with Teddy  and sometimes with you and Madame Ji. She would talk and dance with tedsy.   She didn't have any other cousins , it was just us. She didn't understand why we were staying in comfortable rooms when you had to stay at the basement. Remember , there was one time father was away  and  she suddenly  disappeared. Her mother , Madame Ji and I searched the whole house , terrified she might have gotten kidnapped  and there she was cuddled beside you in your little room at the basement both of you fast a sleep. She loved stars, we would sit outside star gazing ... One of the lullabies that her mother sang was ......"

"Twinkle ..... Twinkle litte star " Yohan continued. Tears were running down his face. He wanted to move to his brother , but his whole  body couldn't do it . He wanted to run and hug him , but  couldn't do . How ... How was this possible ? He saw the body .... He saw the body..... 

Yohan looked at the person in front of him , so different from the person that he knew. Nothing indicated the older brother that he loved  dearly , his protector. 

Ïsaaac?"he asked tearly, gently  looking at his brother  just a few meters from him . 

Yohan struggle to closed the gap between  them. With a few strides , he was in front of his brother , he put both  hands on the man's shoulder and searched his eyes. 

Ïsaac?"he repeated again.  Isaac face soften a bit , the hard line on his lips disappeared and he gave a gentle smile.  Yohan peered into his brother eyes , searching for the old warm , kind eyes that he knew. As Isaac smiled , his feature relax, his eyes which were cold and hard , warm up and as Yohan looked , he saw the familiar  hazel brown eyes looking back. 

Yohan laughed and held tighter to the shoulder. 

Ïsaac ,"he kept saying repeatedly as if not believing it. 

Suddenly , the door to the study room was flung open and three people rushed into the room . 

Öh my god!!"

# yup yup I know , it doesn't make sense , hehehehe but it is my fiction.  I'm trying to figure out where to go after this. There's going to be a flashback hopefully soon  if I have time. Sunah might be involve ( I think but no promises there ) . Don't know when the continuation will be ... Again apologies for all the errors. 

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