Blast from the past

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Again Yohan opened his eyes to an unfamiliar room. It was now broad daylight , and the curtain were drawn  apart to let the sunlight come into the room. 

Yohan squinted his eyes from the light. He groaned and attempted to sit up. He was still shirtless but notice his bandages had been changed. There  was a glass of water and some pills on the night table. Mysteriously, there was also a handphone there as well.

Yohan reached for the phone , and saw that it was open at video.Curious, he clicked the play button, and saw it was link to a surveillance video at a hospital.

He watched at the shot of Elijah and Gaon arguing with the guards outside their room. He could not help smiling at Elijah losing her temper with the burly guards.

He still had a throbbing headache, but felt better compared to last night. The room that he was in reminded him of his bedroom back in Korea. Huge , king size bed, comfortable comforter sheets , wooden dressing table , windows  wide stretch in front of  his bed , for him to see outside. 

There were fresh clothing  nicely folded , laid on the sofa , as well as a robe and towels. 

Yohan relinquish in the warm water as it fell on his body. It felt so refreshing , and comfortable , making him forget that he was actually held captive in a strange house , by strange people , who he had no clue what they were after. 

But , he doubted they were  the people  that had ran them over.  If , they were , they wouldnt keep him as a house guest , without restrains and definitely not on a comfortable bed. '

But what about Elijah and Gaon? Were they really safe? That video could have been a recording or it could be tempered with? 

At least they were alive and safe for now. Should this mysterious  person wanted to threathen him,he would not have taken the effort to show him the video. No, this person wanted to tell that he meant no harm.Which comes to the next question , what was it that he wanted?

Yohan freshen up and changed his clothese to a black  long sleeve, turtle neck t-shirt and pants. He admired the robe but put it back on tbe sofa. He went go the door and turned the knob. 

The door opened.

Either this was a trap or whoever lived here did not find him dangerous. 

Yohan quietly went out the room, walked through the hallways, alert  to any sound and the sudden opening of the many doors that he had passed through. 

It was quiet, too quiet.There were no paintings, just an empty hallway , which at  the end of it lead to a stairway downwards. The floors were carpeted , yet the walls were bare , the owner did not seem to be big on decoration, or this place was just use for temporary lodging. 

He walked down the stairs hoping to bump into a maid.

No, there was silence. The stairway brought him to what was suppose to be a living room but most of the furnitures were covered with white sheets. There  was a fireplace which seemed had never been used , as there were no logs , no dirt , just cement. 

"Come in , Judge Kang." Called out a voice from a doorway beside the fireplace. Yohan peaked in the room, it was big  study room, with shelves and shelves of books from each side of the room reaching up to the ceiling. There  was a stair that lead to a platform, giving access to anyone who wants to read the books at the upper level.

There was a big study table near tbe window. The massive chair was turned against him facing tne window. 

Yohan felt a knot in his stomach, somehow the room gave a sense of familiarity, a memory that he was  not fond off. 

" Hope you had a good night sleep , Judge Kang," said the person behind the chair. His voice matched the dark figure voice from last night.

Yohan walked closer to the table.

 "I did , thank you for helping us."

"Don't worry about Elijah and Gaon, their both safe."

Yohan nodded and sat on a sofa chair facing the table.

"Do you know who had ran us off the road?" 

"You have a lot of enemy Judge Kang,we have identified who did it , we need to know why." Yohan leaned on his chair . 

"Tell  me who did it ?" 

Ï will tell you in dues time but not now, knowing that you will run out  there guns blazing and be reckless  especially  when Elijah is concern. "said the person behind the chair sternly. Yohan looked at the  chair , his hands were balled into a fist. 

"And how did you know about us ? How do I know that you are not working together and this is all a game?". The person behind the chair gave a loud laugh finding it funny at what  Yohan just said. If he had wanted to  kill them , he would have done it when they were immobilized strap to their car seats , helpless, in the wreck. The road was empty, no cars, no camera,   nobody would know what happened.  

"I don't think I can do that. Besides , if I take you out now, then that will leave poor Elijah alone. Kim Gaon is not ready , equip nor ruthless to protect her. She  would be the last of the Kang family. Such a dangerous position for someone so young . "Yohan shouted  for him to stop saying Elijah's name , it irritated  and angered him. He, Kang Yohan was suppose to protect her and keep her safe  behind the scene and yet this man called her name  so loosely as if he had been watching them ....HER. Yohan squinted his eyes, getting up from his chair moving slowly to the table. 

"Who are you really ? Have you been watching us as well? Are you.......," Yohan paused as realization  dawn on him and he approached the table slowly. His voice harsh  and his body tense. 

Äre ... you Dimitry ?" The chair didn't move , there was only silence. Then  , it was so soft but Yohan  was sure he heard a snicker. 

Äre  you DIMITRY?!!" He said moving around the table like a lion approaching his victim. Nose flaring , eyes widening , body tense , ready to pounce.... The snicker turned to a guffaw, then to a loud laugh . 

"What is so funny?!!!"Demanded Yohan. 

"This ..... Seeing you ..... Seeing Elijah..... Beautiful ... beautiful  girl, "he said Elijah's name so softly so tenderly. 

"SHUT UP ...!"

"She grew up so nicely , so smart, just like the family....."

"SHUT  UP !!!!! " Yohan cried , grab the head of the chair and forcefully turned it around..... Exposing the person behind it..

"Hello, brother......"


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