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*Sun Ah -if I'm not mistaken she would be thd villain from the original show. 

"You need to think rationally!" Said a voice

 "I 'm being rational, I'm thinking rationally!" Cried Yohan. He was pacing up and down the room. His face showed his anger. Gaon was sitting on the sofa trying to call him down.Yohan was aggitated and angry , he was clenching and unclenching his. Gaon had never seen him this disturbed , even when they were back in Korea,Yohan  had managed to beat all his enemies, with cool, strategic calmness. Nothing  or no one  managed  to ruffle him. Except one person, who has been haunting them till this day from beyond the grave. They knew that she was dead. Yohan had seen with his own eyes her lifeless body as she herself ,pulled the trigger to her head. 

 "Sun Ah," hissed Yohan, with disgust. Whatever twisted obsession she had for Yohan had ruined  so many innocent lives.And she had done her worst on Yohan's beloved brother.The innocent, kind, loving brother that had protected him throughout his young self. The brother that would find good in everyone. Soft spoken, intelligent, whose life mission was to be a lawyer to help poor and unfortunate people from the corrupted legal system.

The brother that is now lying unconscious in the room below them, hands cuffed to the bed. He was now in interpols wanted list and other Russian mobs.

Yohan sat down across from Gaon and rubbed his temple. If he had known back then that his brother was alive, if he had requested the coroner to check on the DNA  of the remains after the church fire. Instead he was blinded by range and wanted to seek revenge on his family.

 " You did not know.How could you? ," soothed  Gaon looking at Yohan .Yohan looked at his hand trying to think.He was silent for a while looking at his hands.



"We have to go...." Gaon looked surprised and questioned . " All of us?" 

Yohan shook his head and stood up. 

" All of us?" Yohan shook his head. 

" Three of us plus Lawyer Kho of course.We need to go...NOW" urged YoHan getting up and was fast towards the door. 

Gaon looked stumped.

" We can't leave Isaac here." Yohan stopped and turned  Gaon with a defeated face. 

"We can't bring him, it is an easy target for his enemies and also mine. He is a loose cannon, anything would trigger him.It's too dangerous.He nearly killed Elijah!"" But he didn't" argued Gaon. 

Angrily Yohan stood up towering over Gaon , glaring down at him. 

"You were in the room with us. If you had not hit him with a chair, he would have broke Elijah's neck. What ever that Sun Ah did to him , is aimed at me.She imprinted him and any stress, any emotion would trigger him and he would have no collection. 

"Don't you see that is the only way to save all of us and him.Imagine what he would feel if he realise that he had hurt Elijah!" Yohan sighed. He knew that Gaon had a good heart. A kind heart just as how Isaac used to be.But he had looked at Isaac's eyes when he attacked him, they were void. Gone were the warm  brown eyes that reflected his goodness. 

Isaac did not even see Yohan infront of him. The little brother that he protected against their father's hatred. 

" He did not see me Gaon. He did not see his daughter." 

Gaon looked up at Yohan and knew his frustration. All these years, thinking that he was dead, Elijah having her parents shrine, realising that they lost him again.

 Worst was that Sun Ah  had got them.It was worst when she manipulated Gaon in betraying Yohan and threaten Yohan  with Elijah ,this was unexplainably cruel , to twart the two of them with the person they love the most.Had that evil women be alive, she would had taken pleasure in this outcome.

After Isaac was knocked cold, they  had handcuffed him on a bed in one of the guestroom. Despite John's objection to his boss treatment , he reluctantly agreed to keep watch outside the room. John mentioned that his boss's flashbacks had been more common ever since he knew Elijah and Yohan were in danger. It always occur with a severe headache which can become unbearable.John showed the bottles of painkillers he took. 

Yohan called on  a friend who was a doctor to check on Isaac. 

The doctor informed that Isaac was suffering severe PTSD  that cause psychosis.But the doctor was concerned on the constant headaches which could also be  swelling or damage to the brain due to past injuries.He advice for an MRI test.

"You heard what the doctor said Yohan," said Gaon calmly" He needs to be checked, leaving him now would mean Sun Ah wins.With proper treatment Isaac, your brother Isaac could be back.You have your resource, with Dimitri  and John at his side, Isaac has his resources. "

Yohan paused, thinking. ..

" What if he cannot be helped. You did not feel his strength  and anger Gaon, it will take years for him to recover. What Elijah and Dimitri did even though  they informed that the  situation was  under control and  John had made sure all the assasins had been caught.That warehouse attacked is not and could not be taken as an isolated case.Impossible any communication afterwords from any individuals that was there from any sides would not be leaked. There are bound to be consequences.Have you forgotten the aftermath that happen to you in Korea. " 

Gaon had not forgotten. He understand  then what  Yohan fear and frustration was. He was not being selfish, he was fearing not only Elijah but also his brother but he had to make a choice.  Both of them have enemies.They could not runaway from the domino effects of their past, but it was better to control one then two enemies that want to destroy you. 

Gaon leaned forward, looking up at Yohan.

" You and  Elijah went back to get me  and healed me.You saw Isaac in me the first time , we met. He's here now.Yohan , He Is Here Now.Physically...." 

There was a sound at their open room door. Both Yohan and Gaon turned to look and manage to see a petite figure running away.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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