Flashback II

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# I need to apologize I just type , I didn't check and just send out

Isaac took shot and saw one of the henchmen fell down. He leaned back, breathing hard. He could still hear the voices in his head. Gun shots were everywhere. He could hear John shouting in his through his earpiece telling the coordinates of the snipers.

Isaac knew that he had to find the leader of the group, the person that had marked his family for dead. Jong Min.... 

Isaac hit his head on the boiler that he was hiding trying to distract himself from the flashback.

Why was it coming back now?

He move his face from her hand. Feeling disgusted with the women in front of him.

The woman laughed.

" Don't you remember me?"

Isaac looked at her blankly.

"Why am I here?" He asked her angrily.

"Is that how you thank your rescuer?" The women smiled teasingly and sat on the bed getting closer to Isaac.

He tried to move away from her but hissed in pain at the sudden movement.

" Is this how you save someone by chaining them to the bed?"

The woman laughed at him. Looking at him with amusement. She retreated and got off the bed.

"We don't want you wandering off by yourself with your injury. Now that you can't remember a single thing. You never know what danger you could be in?" She smiled fondly at him.

"What do you want from me

"You,  my friend , is the key to getting what I want, " she said petting  his lap. Isaac couldn't do anything but stared at her. He tried to dig deep into his memories but it only caused  an explosion of pain spreading throughout his brain. Isaac double down to ease the pain.  The woman put a hand on his shoulder but he pushed it way . The door open  and two guards entered into the room. 

"Ms Sun Ah......" 

Isaac fell to his knees. John was calling him , telling everyone to fall back. He couldn't move .... What..... Was .... Going ...On ? He tried to get up and was hit on the shoulder , the impact cause him to fall back on the ground. His vision was blurry. All he could hear was gun shot  and John calling his name repetitively, asking where he was. Isaac could not answer, he covered his right shoulder with his left hand where he thought he was shot. He drew back his hand and saw blood on it.  Isaac shook his head hoping to clear his vision and focus. The shooting had stopped. 

Where were they ?

Was his men around?

Do they know where he was ?

On the floor, still hidden behind a boiler , Isaac could make out a pair of boots , just meters from where he was laying down. Alert , he tried to push himself away from the boots, not taking  chances to call out. His earpiece had gone silent, whoever in front of him might not be his men. 

The boots were coming closer. Isaac grasp his gun, ready  to shoot. He might not aim properly due to his injury , at least it could by him time.

Time for what ?

Attack? He was in no condition  to do that with his injury and state of mind. He was going to loose. 

Isaac held the gun , if he was going to die at least he had met his  daughter. Isaac held his breath as the boots came closer.  There was a loud clanging  and shoutings. Isaac could see the boots turned ... And walked away. 

What the............? There was a hand clasping  his mouth and an arm grabbing him from behind.  Before Isaac could do anything , he could feel a prick on his neck and then eveything was dark.

Isaac was running , as fast as he could. His hand was bleeding  as he ripped out the wires on his hand and body . He was out of breath. He did not dare to  stop  and listen if anyone was right behind him. He just ran and ran. He did no know where he was,when he ran out  of the room , it had led him into an endless tunnel. There were no other rooms. He might have gone the wrong way , but he did not care to stop let alone turned back.  

How long was he in that room , hours ? Days ?Weeks ? Month ?  Whenever  he was led out , he was blindfolded.

He did not know what this woman Sun Ah , wanted. Her presence made him uneasy , she told him that she wanted to help him , to get back to his life.... his family. 

But something was not right . She showed  him pictures  which she told him was his family. she pointed to a little girl and a young man. He looked at the pictures with disinterest, not recalling their names nor  their faces.

His instinct told him that something was wrong, there was something wrong with her. 

If she wanted to help him, why was he locked in his room.  He tried to escape , each time  he escaped he was changed to a different room. And Sun Ah gave permission to the guards to hit ... badly. This was not the first time he tried to escape , no...... But this was the most damage  that the two guards had done on him that he lost conscious for days. 

Why was there  no end to this tunnel. Isaac was getting tired, his lungs were giving away  as well as his legs. He  was loosing hope and leaning on the tunnel wall , breathing out of his mouth, too tired to move when he felt a gust of wind. 

Isaac , hope soared. Wind! He was close to the entrance.  Isaac hobbled , feeling  the wind getting stronger and  he could see light in front of him. 

Not caring anymore, he laughed and  hobbled faster , he was getting out of the place. 

It had been so long that he did not see sunlight , that it blinded him for a while as he stepped out of the opening . His eyes adjusted to the light , as quick as his hope soared , it was replaced by despair. 

Waiting for him at the opening was a black SUV . Dismayed , he knew that the people inside were there for him. Were they ,  the two burly  bodyguards ? Was Sun Ah going to be merciful   or was he going to die there in that tunnel. 

The SUV door open and a foreigner stepped out. Blond hair, fair skin , he was muscular built , with big arms , which reminded  Isaac of a boxer .The suit he was wearing seem tight over his big frame.   He was wearing sunglasses . The was a scar running  down from his upper cheek , to the left corner of his lip. 

He  said something and called.  The driver came out .  What did he say ? Was it Russian?

The foreigner walked up to him and smiled.  

"Ms SunAh  said she could not break you . I think she has a change of  plan  and gave you to me ," said the foreigner with a very thick Russian accent.   Isaac was too weak to say anything  and just fell. 


"Hoah... Hoah ! Hold still , I'm trying to bandage you Isaac! " shouted the voice.  Strong  hands were pulling  him down . Isaac panicked , he had been here before and he  fought harder. Reacting , punching , swinging as hard as he could.  Until he was drench with water , that he opened his eyes , and realized that he was in a barn ,lying underneath a stack of hay. From the corner  of his eyes he could see two horses staring in amusement  at him from their stable. He could hear a bleating of a goat not far from him. And there standing above him with an empty bucket , was Gaon. 

"Your harder to handle then that damn GOAT!"

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